Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2733: Wolverine!

Guan Zhixin's face was blue and green. Looking at Nangong Temple, and then looking at the big clock spinning on his head, his heart began to show some hesitation.

But seeing so many eyes in the ring, even many people seem to look at him with a mocking smile, which makes his inner heart unwilling to come to the heart again.

This time, he was able to walk step by step with his own strength. Moreover, for this time, he made a lot of preparations, no matter how hard the road ahead, he eventually came over.

Although being able to enter the quarter-finals has been a very good result for many families, but for him, this does not satisfy him, because only the top three of the ratio is his ultimate goal.

Now let him stop at the quarter-finals, this is what he can't accept, he should go forward again.

Although this Nangong Temple is not easy to deal with, it does not mean that he has no chance to win the other side.

I saw Guan Zhixin taking out a blue medicinal medicine and swallowing it. He looked at Nangong 郑 seriously and said: "If you want to persuade, then forget it, unless I lose my fighting power, or I am dead, otherwise I will never admit defeat!"

Guan Zhixin was full of war at this time, even if he had suffered internal injuries before, but when he had just swallowed the medicinal medicine, his mental state seemed to return to normal again!


Many people saw that Guan Zhixin was so persistent. Everyone cheered again and again, and many people were touched by his spirit!

"Guan Zhixin, come on! We believe in you!"

"we support you!"

"Stay on, we support you!"

"Guan Zhixin, we believe in you, the final victory must belong to you!"

Many people in the audience began to cheer for Guan Zhixin and cheered loudly.

However, this does not mean that everyone is supporting Shan Zhixin on one side. Similarly, some people are optimistic about Guan Zhixin. Naturally, some people are optimistic about Nangong Temple. Moreover, Nangong Temple has already prevailed.

Again, there is a more important point, that is, this is the home of the Nangong family. It can be said that all the other eight families of the Gentlemans are together, and there are not many people in the Nangong family.

Moreover, other family members also support Nangong Temple. Now that the supporters of Guan Zhixin are so arrogant, they have also shouted.

"Nan Gong Temple, come on, just knock him down!"

"Hey, he must give him some lessons and hit him!"

"Nan Gong, you can't lose, but I put all my life on you. If you lose, can I finish with you?"

"Nan Gongyi, he refused to admit defeat and killed him!"

Under the stage, the people who supported Nangong Temple were even more screaming, especially those who shouted to kill Guan Zhixin. When they shouted out, they could scare those around him and dare not approach him.

With such a shout, the other person who supported Guan Zhixin shouted again. As a result, Nangong and Guan Zhixin have not yet started to fight. The supporters on both sides of the stage have to fight each other first, and the support voice is louder!

However, despite the constant voices in the ring, there is support for Nangong, and there is support for Guan Zhixin. But the two of them did not seem to hear the general, at this time they both had only the other side.

"It seems that you still have illusions, this matchup is doomed to be just a loser!" Although Guan Zhixin did not admit defeat, but Nangong Yu did not have any dissatisfaction.

The reason why he gave Guan Zhixin a reminder was that he hoped that the other party could see the facts. It is impossible for him to win his own promotion. It does not make sense for him to stick to it.

If Guan Zhixin admits to himself, then he is also easy to save. However, since he is not willing to do so now, he has nothing to say.

When his words came out, he did not wait for Guan Zhixin to give him a reply. On the Nangong, the hand of the big clock was loose, and the big clock flew directly toward Guan Zhixin.

Guan Zhixin saw the big clock from Nangong, his face changed, and he quickly jumped off with a flash, but at the moment of landing, he then rushed straight toward Nangong with a long sword. .


On the ground of the ring, the big bell slammed out a large pit, and even those who stood around the ring felt the ground vibrate, not to mention the two people in the ring.

When I saw this big pit, many people took a breath of cold. When they saw that the big clock that Guan Zhixin had hit was picked up by Nangong, they knew that the power carried by this big clock was already very strong. .

Now, at first glance, as they have guessed, if such a big bell just hit Guan Zhixin, he fears that he will lose his fighting power even if he is not dead.

However, at this time, Guan Zhixin in the ring stage did not have time to pay attention to this. He is now rushing to Nangong.

He wants to use Nangong to attack the Nangong Temple in the time slot where the big clock is taken out. However, Nan Gongyi’s reaction was not slow. His right hand was wrapped around the ribbon that tied the big clock. At this time, only the left hand could be used.

Guan Zhixin’s long sword stabbed, Nangong’s left hand folded the fan, and the folding fan opened the forward one. The sword of Guan Zhixin was difficult to advance half a point!

Guan Zhixin's eyes were condensed, and he took the sword and pushed forward again, but he was still blocked by the folding fan of Nangong.

However, at this time, Nangong’s right hand slammed hard, and the big clock was pulled back directly by him!


Guan Zhixin heard the whistling sound from behind~www.ltnovel.com~ instantly turned to the side, and the whole person swung away quickly. The big clock went directly back to Nangong’s hand, but he once again picked up the big clock!

Looking at the big clock that Nangong’s head once again picked up, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and this time the attack did not succeed!

In addition, Nan Gongyi's reaction is very fast, and he wants to fight time, he is almost very difficult to succeed.

Only now, it is not that he can decide everything, because Nangong Temple has already shot him again!


I saw that the Nangong Temple picked up the speed of the big clock and then smashed the big clock toward Guan Zhixin.


However, this time is not the same as before, Nangong is no longer a simple attack. I saw that when Nangong was not hitting Guan Zhixin once, he immediately mentioned the big clock and once again went to Guan Zhixin after he escaped.


Every time a big bell hits the ring, the whole ring is shaking, and with that huge sound, this scene is really scary.

In particular, watching Guan Zhixin can only avoid the embarrassment in the ring, everyone is worried about the safety of Guan Zhixin.

Many times, Guan Zhixin was almost hit by the big clock that Nangong took out. Fortunately, Guan Zhixin’s luck was good, and he was still hiding behind him.

If you are dragged down by such a big clock, I don't know if it will become meat!

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