Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2734: This sword...!

Although Guan Zhixin was not willing to admit defeat, but after the two re-war, he was once again in a passive disadvantage.

On the platform, I saw Nangong’s constant emphasis on the huge clocks of thousands of pounds on the ring. Many people even began to worry that this gentleman’s peak would not be directly collapsed by Nangong.

At this time, the platform was already riddled with holes, and there were large pits that were thrown out by the Nangong. However, Nangong Temple does not seem to intend to stop here.

I saw that Guan Zhixin had just avoided the big clock from Nangong. However, this time the big clock has changed. Nangong Temple did not directly slam the big clock on the ground, but in the moment when Guan Zhixin saw the big bell slamming and escaping, Nangong’s gesture changed, but he saw that the big clock also changed direction.

At this time, the direction of the big clock change is the direction that Guan Zhixin avoids!

Guan Zhixin apparently did not think that Nangong’s guy was so embarrassed that he did not intend to give him any chance. Seeing that the big clock is coming from behind, I will hit myself. Guan Zhixin once again stepped on the ground and ready to change direction again.


However, just as Guan Zhixin just kicked off, the big clock was hitting the position where Guan Zhixin was just stepping on the ground!

A loud noise has touched the hearts of countless people. Many people have seen this dangerous scene and have widened their eyes. Is it true that Guan Zhixin will be knocked down?

However, soon everyone was a false alarm, and the big clock did not hit Guan Zhixin. However, before everyone else let go of their hearts, the powerful spiritual airflow that emerged from the big bell hitting the ground was directly impacted on the back of Guan Zhixin.


This powerful impact instantly made Guan Zhixin feel a severe pain in his back, and then there was a hot blood in his mouth!

The whole person rushed toward the front!

However, Nangong Temple did not stop attacking because of Guan Zhixin’s injury. The big clock was once again picked up and smashed toward Guan Zhixin.

Guan Zhixin saw that Nangong was so hot, which forced him to admit defeat!

"My Guan Zhixin will lose to you!" Guan Zhixin is also angry, and he has not been so humiliated since he cultivated to the present strength!

Since they reopened the war, he has been passive and completely beaten by Nangong, which makes him very angry!

Why can't he change this, he won't give in so easily!

"This is what you forced me!" At this moment, Guan Zhixin suddenly straightened up. Everyone did not understand what he was doing.

"He won't want to find his way to death?"

"No? Even if you don't beat Nangong, you don't need to end yourself in this way?"

"So why did he make this move?"

Everyone is very confused. At such a critical moment, Guan Zhixin did not want to avoid the big clock that Nangong had come over. Did he really want to commit suicide?

Even the family of Ji thought that he had to do this at this moment. Several elders stood up and their expressions were urgent.

Ji Xian said before, no matter what happens, Guan Zhixin must not be allowed to die.

So, they have already started to hold some buttons.

"Home! What should we do? Do we want to take it?" One of the elders seemed to be unable to wait. His hands were tightly clutched in the chair and said urgently.

Ji Xian did not speak, and his right hand was tightly held together. He was not sure what Guan Zhixin’s move meant.

He really can't figure it out. If he believes that he really does not defeat Nangong, then he can directly admit defeat. But why is he doing this? Is it really going to die?

Seeing that the big clock is coming to Guan Zhixin, Ji Xian finally couldn’t help it!

"Uncle Shi, please, please!" Ji Xian said to the old man who was close by.

I saw Ji Xian’s voice falling, the old man around him stretched out with one hand, and a **** hand went to the No. 4 platform!

"Hime family is abominable, what do they want to do?" At this time, the people of the Nangong family also noticed this scene and suddenly became shocked.

However, the Ji family has already shot, and they have calculated that the hand is too late. At this time, all of them are full of anger, and this Ji family has openly challenged the rules of the Nine-Big than!

What is even more hateful is that they have already had the intention of destroying the rules. Even the scattered fairy has long been looking for it. This is really awful.

Because the array outside the ring is only able to break open, other people simply have no way. Therefore, even if a family wants to shoot, there is no way to intervene without a master.

However, the Ji family is carrying the scattered fairy, and it is obviously prepared. The situation is not good for Ji's family. They are openly letting the masters of the immortals take the shots. It is really awful.


However, at this time, there was another loud noise on the ring, and at this time, the black hand of Ji’s family was instantly taken back!

"Uncle Shi, what's the matter?" Ji Xian saw that the uncle had recovered the attack and suddenly asked.

"Let's see for yourself!" The old man continued to close his eyes and rested. He seemed to have no interest in the Nine.

The parents of Ji Xian and Yi Qian looked old on the ring, but suddenly they were surprised.

I saw Guan Zhixin still standing there, but he was holding a golden sword in his hand. What is even more surprising is that at this time in front of him, the big clock has turned into two halves, lying in front of him.

"What happened just now? The big clock of Nangong was actually opened by Guan Zhixin~www.ltnovel.com~ How did he do it?"

"It’s too fast, I just didn’t have time to see it!”

"I just saw that I saw a hand in the sky. I didn't even notice the stage. I didn't even think of missing an important scene!"

"It’s useless. I’ve been staring at the stage just now, but I just saw a dazzling golden light shot. I didn’t see anything, it became what it is now!”

"You look at the sword in Guan Zhixin's hand, it seems to have changed?"

"Yes, the sword before him seems not to be golden! Could it be that because of this sword, saved Guan Zhixin?"

"It is very possible, otherwise, how can Guan Zhixin be able to squat in this big clock? If he has this ability, wouldn’t he have already opened the big clock? Why wait until now?"

Everyone thought that Guan Zhixin was dead this time. Some people even closed their eyes when they saw the big clock of Nangong, and could not bear to see this scene.

However, they did not think that when they opened their eyes, they saw such a scene. Guan Zhixin is still standing there, but the terrible big clock has turned into two halves!

"This...this sword...is it..." However, unlike the people who watched the crowd, Ji Xian was the first to see this scene. Time has put his eyes on the sword, the incredible color of his face!

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