Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2738: I won't win it!

At this moment, not only Ji Jia and Cheng Yu are talking about Guan Zhixin's sword, but even other families and spectators are curious about Guan Zhixin's golden sword. This is an artifact.

Of course, the appearance of artifacts really shocked them, but what they care most about is who is the final winner in this matchup.

At this time, Nangong was also surprised to see the long sword in Guan Zhixin's hand. This guy turned his big clock into two halves. He felt very unbelievable.

The big clock was drawn from the Bailing fan. Although there is no grade, it does not mean that the big clock is a thing. At least the average person can never destroy this big clock.

"It turned out to be an artifact!" When Nangong saw that this was an artifact, he finally understood it.

It’s just that he didn’t think that Guan Zhixin’s guy was still quite hidden. In his confrontation with him, he almost had to be kicked out by himself several times.

But this guy has never exposed this artifact, maybe he is too confident about himself, or maybe he does not want to expose this artifact.

Now, it is clear that Guan Zhixin has been forced to a dead end by himself, or else it is absolutely impossible to come up with this artifact.

In this way, Nangong should feel happy when it is down. Because this seems to be the last chance for Guan Zhixin. If even the artifacts are out, and they are not able to pull back the situation, he can only be eliminated by himself.

"Do you still think that I should admit defeat?" Guan Zhixin sneered and looked at Nangong.

In this world, artifacts are extremely tempting for anyone. However, the reason why he has never come up with this artifact is not to worry about being embarrassed by anyone else, but because the origin of the sword is too complicated and involved with the Ji family, so he does not want to put this The sword is taken out.

Only now, he was forced to be forced by Nangong, so he had to show this artifact.

He didn't know if the Ji family would know the sword. If they knew, they would think what they thought. He didn't know.

However, one thing he knows very well is that this sword has already recognized him as the main sword, so no matter what kind of relationship this sword has with Ji family, he can not hand this sword to Ji family.

At this moment, he can't manage that much, because he is not willing to lose to Nangong. As a militant, defeating every powerful enemy is his dream.

Although the artifact is not invincible, but there is an artifact in hand, this Nangong can not be able to suppress himself as before.

As long as Nangong can't suppress him, will he still be so embarrassed? It’s not impossible to win the Nangong at that time!

"Do you think that an artifact can help win me?" However, although Nangong was surprised by the artifacts in Guan Zhixin's hand, he was not afraid of it.

Although the artifact is powerful, it does not mean that it is invincible. If this is the case, then is it possible to walk across the sky with an artifact?

In fact, if the person with the artifact is not strong enough, the emergence of artifacts will become the source of their death.

Therefore, many people who lack strength but accidentally got artifacts simply did not dare to show the artifacts. It can be seen that the artifact is not a panacea. Even if you have an artifact, the strength is not enough, you are still only a weak person.

"Hey! Can you win it, you will know it when you try it! But now your clock has been smashed by me, what do you fight with me?" "Guan Zhixin saw that the ground has become the big clock of the two halves, sneer."

In his view, today's Nangong Temple has no way to take advantage of it as before.

"Yes? You thought that without a bell, I lost?" However, Nangong珏 did not care, and the right hand was pulled, and the red ribbon flew to the hands of Nangong.

Although the big clock was smashed into two halves by Guan Zhixin, the ribbon was not affected at all.

"It seems... you want to use it to fight with me!" Guan Zhixin saw the move of Nangong, and his heart was even more determined. He felt that Nangong had lost at least from this point. .

"Do not talk nonsense, wait until you really win me!" Nangong珏 did not care, holding the ribbon on his hand, and then rushed toward Guan Zhixin.

Don't look at just a ribbon, but under the control of Nangong, this red ribbon is as flexible as a long eye.

However, Guan Zhixin did not put this ribbon on his heart. He had an artifact in hand. If even such a ribbon could not be solved, it would be too failed.

The sorcerer's sword is in the hand, and even the devil can smash it, not to mention a ribbon.


Originally, Guan Zhixin imagined that the ribbon was cut off like the big clock before, but the ribbon was particularly flexible, like a hand.

When he shot, the ribbon was directly shrunk back, but when he took back the attack, the ribbon took the initiative to attack him. He wanted to cut it and cut it, which made him very angry.


What did Guan Zhixin never think of was that when he was under his sword and did not pick up the ribbon, the ribbon exited and suddenly came forward.

Guan Zhixin did not think that Nangong’s reaction was so fast. The ribbon hit him directly on his chest and he knocked him back with a single blow.

But ~www.ltnovel.com~ When Guan Zhixin once again lifted his sword, the ribbon has returned to the hands of Nangong.

"It seems that your artifact does not seem to be useful?" Nangong said with a ribbon and smiled.

"Hey! The worm is a little skill, you won't say it for a while!" Guan Zhixin's face is not clear, the other party's words are deliberately to humiliate him.

"Yes? Then take the move!" Nangong said that Guan Zhixin really had this ability to cover himself, and the ribbon on his hand once again rushed to Guan Zhixin and rushed over!

"This time I will let you come back!" Guan Zhixin saw the direction of the ribbon and then smashed it.

However, when Nangong’s hand trembled, the ribbon was directly offset a bit, and Guan Zhixin’s sword fell again. However, Guan Zhixin did not directly recover the long sword, but turned his wrist and wrapped the red ribbon around the sword.

In this way, the ribbon could not continue to attack himself, and he could cut the ribbon with a sword.

However, Nangong saw the situation is not right, a lot of spiritual power passed to the ribbon, the original soft ribbon suddenly became hard, and then forcefully put it.


Guan Zhixin cut the ribbon but did not cut the ribbon. Instead, the force from the swaying ribbon bounced off, so that Guan Zhixin was directly bounced back a few steps.

At this time, Nangong Temple once again controlled the ribbon and flew away to Guan Zhixin’s hand holding the artifact. It was suddenly entangled in Guan Zhixin’s hand!

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