Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2739: Missed opportunity!

Guan Zhixin's face changed, this Nangong Temple is really difficult, although the big clock has been split into two halves, but this guy is only difficult to deal with such a ribbon.

Watching his hand holding the artifact was wrapped up by the other party's ribbon, and immediately forced to pull on his side. However, Nangong Temple is also pulling hard, he did not pull the Nangong !!

So, both of them pulled each other hard. However, Nangong’s foot did not move a step, but Guan Zhixin moved two steps forward under the pull of Nangong.

Obviously, the power of Nangong Temple is stronger than that of Guan Zhixin.

With this beginning, I saw that Guan Zhixin was pulled forward by Nangong step by step.

"Damn!" Guan Zhixin calmed his face, slammed the ribbon and tried to retreat, but Nangong did not give him this opportunity.

As I watched myself getting closer to Nangong, Guan Zhixin was still struggling to pull back. However, when the two men still had two feet away, Guan Zhixin suddenly no longer used force. With the force of the pull of Nangong, he flew directly toward Nangong.

Guan Zhixin proudly smiled. Obviously, this was already premeditated. Since Nangong refused to let go, he let go.

Although the right hand was tied by the ribbon, it did not affect the sword he used. He waved his long sword and quickly stabbed him toward the Nangong.

However, Nangong Temple did not panic like Guan Zhixin imagined, but saw his left hand open the folding fan, and then directly fanned over to the flying Guan Zhixin!


A few gas blades are instantly sent, and they are shot towards Guan Zhixin!

Guan Zhixin’s reaction is not slow. Although this Nangong Temple is already prepared, he is not bad.


With a long wave of swords, these air blades were all easily and easily blocked, and then they smashed toward Nangong again!

Nangong saw that the situation was not right. He knew that he could not stop Guan Zhixin at this moment. So the whole person quickly retreated backwards. However, Guan Zhixin's speed is much faster, so he can't completely avoid the other side's attack!

At this point, Nangong sees the ribbon wrapped around Guan Zhixin's hand, and suddenly he has a care in his heart, and his right hand once again exerts a force.

A powerful force swiftly followed the ribbon, and soon passed to Guan Zhixin’s hand. The hand was shaken by the influence of this force. The sword that had been stabbed to Nangong’s sword suddenly changed. The original direction.

At this time, Nangong took the opportunity to face up and jump, and even directly on the chest of Guan Zhixin!


Guan Zhixin flew directly out, but Nangong Temple did not stop, but with the help of the ribbon pull, followed.

Nangong Fei flew to the top of Guan Zhixin, but he saw him open the folding fan, forced a fan, and a huge sword gas smashed toward him.

Guan Zhixin suddenly became amazed, and this Nangong Temple was really unsatisfactory, making it difficult to parry.

However, this time, he has to take this shot anyway, otherwise he will be in danger!

However, what he did not think was that, just as he was preparing for the next Nangong attack, Nangongyi once again used the red ribbon wrapped around him to change his resistance direction. The attack directly hit Guan Zhixin's chest!


Guan Zhixin spurted out another blood, and fell straight on the platform.

Nangong 珏 took advantage of the situation, and when Nangong wanted to directly conquer Guan Zhixin, Guan Zhixin endured the pain, and his wrist turned, and the red ribbon wrapped around him was cut off directly.

Subsequently, a tumbling quickly left the original position.


Nangong’s feet landed, but Guan Zhixin had escaped and let him emptied!


Although Guan Zhixin has escaped this robbery, the whole person seems to have been decadent. Just really dangerous, this Nangong Temple is really strong.

If it wasn’t for his critical moment, he would have been directly confronted by the other party.

However, it was him, and even the people under the stage thought that he would be treated by Nangong. But when I saw Guan Zhixin escape, my heart was relieved.

They even thought that the good show of the show was just beginning, and if it ended, it would be a shame.

At this time, everyone in the Ji family was relieved. The situation was just as critical, and even they thought that Guan Zhixin was finished.

However, now that Guan Zhixin is fine, there is still a hope in their hearts. As long as he is still undefeated, there is hope.

It’s just that the people of the Nangong family feel that it’s a pity. It’s just that Nangong’s continuous attack from the passive attack to the active attack made them very satisfied.

They even thought that this matchup would have ended like this, but never thought that it would be worse after all. If Nangong Temple can still be faster, it may be able to advance to the semi-finals.

"Hey! I have a pity this time, or else, I will succeed in the promotion!" said an elder of the Nangong family.

"This Guanzhi letter is really not simple. Although it has always been passive, it is not so easy for a child to want to take him."

"So I said ~www.ltnovel.com~ wasting this opportunity is likely to cause trouble for myself. If this Guanzhi letter is turned over, then the child may not have such an opportunity!"

"Just missed an opportunity. Although it is not easy to win this Guanxin letter, rest assured that with the strength of the child, his promotion to the semi-finals is certain, just a matter of speed and slowness!" Said the opening.

Although he also felt that it was a pity to miss this opportunity, it is already a fact that there is no way to change it. If you miss it, you can only wait for the next opportunity.

And from the previous situation, it is not easy for Guan Zhixin to want to turn over, because the gap between them seems to be very obvious.

Don't say anything else, at least in the realm, the two will differ by one level. Although it is said that Guan Zhixin's talent is very good, although it is only the middle of the Mahayana, but his strength has been comparable to the strength of some monks in the late Mahayana.

The problem is that the realm of Nangong Temple is not a fake in the late Mahayana, and his strength is not comparable to that of the ordinary monks in the late Mahayana. Even the late Mahayana was in the face of his attack, showing how strong his strength is!

Therefore, in this way, Guan Zhixin is even stronger, and compared with Nangong Temple, the strength is still a long way.

Therefore, in his view, Nangong’s victory over Guan Zhixin’s successful promotion to the semi-finals is without any doubt. It’s just that Guan Zhixin is really persistent. It’s not an easy task to make him completely convinced, so Nangong’s still needs some thought and time!

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