Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2953: Do you want to go?

"To count their lives, if they change other times, they are not so lucky!" Although Yu Hongyi feels a little pity, but also knows the priority.

If you kill Cheng Yu, you may get something, but it seems to have little value compared to the magnificent place they are chasing.

"Let's go! It's important to hurry!" Zhao Xueyi finally looked at Cheng Yu and they took a hundred people to the mysterious land.

"They are gone!" The tension of the original swordsmanship, with the departure of more than 100 people, suddenly became easier.

Everyone is also relieved. Although they have Cheng Yu, but it is really easy to fight with more than 100 people, it is not an easy task.

Now that they have taken the initiative, it is naturally the best thing.

"They are also going to that place!" Xin Yao said.

"Whether they are, let us hurry, or else the day has passed!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

The scene in front is so grand, if it is not because it will move, and the people in Tianyuan also go in, they really want to think that it is just a scene.

Therefore, as long as you enter this desert, there are certainly not many people who can see this scene.

Now they can meet a team of people here, not a strange thing.

"Brothers, those people follow us!" After Yu Hongyi had just left, he found that those people had just followed them.

"They are not following us, but like us, they are going to that place!" Zhao Xueyi looked back and looked at Cheng Yu and shook his head.

If they are so few people who dare to follow them, isn't that looking for death?

Now there is such a big treasure in front of them, they are not jealous, how can they follow them?

"Don't they dare to grab the treasure with us?" Yu Hongyi said with a look of killing.

"When the interests exceed the rationality of one person, what else is not dare?" Zhao Xueyi did not care too much, because he knew that such a big treasure can be seen in the world, and they can never see them.

Now Cheng Yu, they appear here, he does not think it is a strange thing.

But those who have already entered the treasure land, that is what they should be most worried about.

Because yesterday he saw clearly, there are many people who enter the treasure land, and several teams have more people than they do.

In terms of the number of people, this is definitely someone from other foreign dynasties.

However, although all the foreign dynasties belong to the dynasty, these foreign dynasties are basically separate politics, and they will not let each other because everyone is a dynasty.

Therefore, even if they enter the treasure, it will inevitably have a bad field.

"Senior brother, do we want to get rid of these people first, anyway, sooner or later!" said Tong Tianhao on the side.

"Don't worry, if we really enter the treasure, we will inevitably have a big battle. It is better to save the strength now!" Zhao Xueyi once again shook his head and rejected the two men's proposals.

Originally they had nearly three hundred people, but after entering the desert, they were repeatedly attacked by fearful sandstorms, which caused them to lose more than 100 people. This loss was too great.

Although there are still more than one hundred people, the situation they will encounter next may be even worse.

Although Cheng Yu has not many people, only a dozen people, but killing them will ultimately pay a price.

It is obviously not appropriate at this time, so he must have the power to deal with the unexpected situation encountered in the treasure.

"Okay!" Although Yu Hongyi and Tong Tianhao were somewhat dissatisfied, they did not insist on anything.

Because they did see yesterday that many people have entered the treasure, and they have a large number of teams, they also hope that they can maintain a better state.

Cheng Yu followed them behind Zhao Xueyi and found that these guys seemed to realize that the mysterious land would move. Therefore, they are chasing the same direction at the moment, and they are offset in advance.

"Yu Shidi, they have so many people, if we go in there together, I am afraid that we will become our enemy!" Xinluo said with concern.

There are more than one hundred people, but if you really find something in it, people have a big advantage.

"Do not worry, they may be our strong enemy, but we can have more than one strong enemy. Yesterday there are not several teams," Cheng Yu said.

"So should we remove them first?" Xinluo said.

"Do you have this grasp to kill so many masters of the Mahayana?" Cheng Yu said.

"Isn't there you? Isn't that the last time with Ronaldo that you killed most of it?" Xinluo said with a smile.

Every time I think of Cheng Yuru’s state of killing God, although Cheng Yu may not be able to kill a sword, but after a few rounds, there will be several Mahayana deaths under his sword.

Although there were only more than 80 people at that time, almost half of them were killed by Cheng Yu alone, and the most killed were Xinyao and Shi Ji.

Even so, it is enough to set off the great achievements of Cheng Yu.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I am afraid that even they themselves can hardly believe that Cheng Yu's strength has been so horrible, even if it is to kill the Mahayana period, it does not bother.

Now more than one hundred people may be more ~www.ltnovel.com~ No process is so strong, more than 80 people and more than 100 people should not be much different.

Because the strength of the Mahayana period and Cheng Yu's strength gap is really too big, when the gap is large enough, in fact, there are not many people with too many people.

Of course, this number must still be in a range of tolerance. If there are thousands of tens of thousands of Mahayana late, I am afraid that Cheng Yu is useless even if it is a fairy.

As the saying goes, ants can kill elephants when they are too many. If this number does not exceed the range of process, there is basically no big problem.

However, if this quantity is beyond the scope of Cheng Yu, it is naturally not easy.

However, in his view, it seems that there are not much differences between more than one hundred Mahayana and more than eighty, so Cheng Yu should still be able to cope.

"I don't have this skill, or do you want to resist?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

Did he regard himself as a god, and it seems that he was killed by the killing of more than 80 Mahayana in the late stage, but in fact, how easy is it?

It must be that it is not a real scent, although it can exert the power of the scent. However, compared with the real scattered fairy, they release the same power, whether he consumes energy or spiritual power, it is far more than the real scattered fairy.

Therefore, in the face of so many masters, he can not persist for too long, even if he has nine branches of Lingshu quickly transform his spiritual power, he can not afford.

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