Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2954: It seems to be awkward!

"Yu Shidi, this is not my fear of death, but I really don't have this ability. If I have your strength, I will definitely do it!" Xinluo said.

"Forget it! Do you think this is so good? Actually, there is such a mysterious place now, and it is definitely more than us."

So why do we take such a big risk to kill them? When we come from different forces in all directions, even if we don't shoot, they will fight themselves. What are you worried about? Cheng Yu said.

Now they are more than one enemy?

If these enemies are friends, then maybe he will be very worried. However, these enemies come from different forces. Even those who are dynasties, if they are different from each other, they are all enemies. What is he worried about?

"You mean let them kill each other?" The East was excited.

"They are not their own people, they can't say that they are killing each other, but it really is such a meaning. You also know that those in the Tianyuan world have advanced, and those who come in later are not the people of Tianyuan or the dynasty.

No matter where they are, if there is any discovery in it, or if there is any baby, they will definitely fight for you to live and die! Cheng Yu continued.

"It makes sense. I only hope that when they can really fight for the blood, then we can come to the oriole!" said the Oriental Feibai.

"Well, but the most important thing for us now is to hurry into that place. Otherwise, this thing will drift away again, we may never find it!" This is what Cheng Yu is most worried about.

After all, I have been chasing it for a day yesterday. Although I came up with the way to catch up in the evening, the distance is still far away. As long as I have not entered it, it is always unreliable.

In this way, they have been chasing the afternoon from the morning, but seeing that they are getting closer to the mysterious land, but there are two teams, and the number is two or three hundred.

Seeing this scene, the mood of Cheng Yu and others is somewhat complicated.

Although Cheng Yu said everything is very good, but now the enemy is more and stronger, not all people will be shopping together.

If some people are like them at the time, would you like to make a oriole? Then, do they still need to face strong enemies?

However, when the two teams saw other teams, they almost directly played.

After all, every time a team appears, it may become a hindrance to their treasure, so many people hope to remove those who have hindered themselves before the baby appears.

However, at this time, the mysterious treasure land is already in sight, and everyone's goal is the same. I hope that I can enter the treasure land first.

In the unlikely event that there is nothing precious in the room, everyone will fight for you at the door, and obviously it will not be able to get anywhere.

Therefore, everyone is restraining themselves.

However, even so, everyone can clearly feel the other side's murderous.

"Yu Shidi, the situation is not very good, I did not think that a treasure land has led to so many people. And the number of people is quite a lot, our pressure is not small!" Xinhe also began to get nervous.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at the situation first!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

It’s still too early to say anything. After all, everyone hasn’t started a war. Although they are hostile, everything is only known after waiting inside.

"In the next Ziyang Foreign Minister Zhao Xueyi, I don't know where the friends from all the powers come from. Maybe everyone is still a friend. If there are some accidental injuries due to accidents, it will hurt you!" In this case, Zhao Xueyi was the first to open. silence.

Cheng Yu looked at this person and thought that this guy was clever, but he actually played the abacus of the vertical and horizontal.

This time, there were too many forces to enter the dead zone. Cheng Yu just figured out the nine great families, but the power of the dynasty was complicated. So many foreign dynasties, they have not yet figured out how many foreign lords the dynasty governed.

Moreover, in addition to the dynasty, there are even outside forces in this dead zone, such as the feng shui gate of the Tianyuan world.

However, he knows that since there is a gusts in the Tianyuan world, there may be other sects coming in.

In addition, besides the Tianyuan world, are there any other aliens that can come in? If so, then the forces that appear in the dead zone are even more powerful.

In this way, how many forces are there in the dead zone?

No one is sure!

Cheng Yu didn't know if Zhao Xueyi knew about the situation in Tianyuanjie, but he had to say that this guy is very smart.

The power of the dynasty was divided into countless foreign dynasties, so to speak of it, even if the foreign dynasty is no stranger, it still belongs to a dynasty.

Now add these people here, and there are four teams at once. But apart from them, the remaining three teams are likely to come from the dynasty.

And in the mysterious treasure, at least the people who have the Tianyuan world have entered, and the other team is not the dynasty, he does not know.

Although Cheng Yu once learned that the dynasties of the dynasty may not be united, if they encounter foreign enemies, they may be huddled. After all, they are essentially foreigners.

Zhao Xueyi obviously sees this through. If they are all dynasty, then if there are foreign forces, they may be killed together.

Therefore, in addition to discovering what baby is inside, I am afraid that no force will be the opponent of the dynasty.

However, let Zhao Xueyi and others even Cheng Yu their accident is that when Zhao Xueyi reported his name, the leaders of the other two teams looked at each other and had some doubts.

"Tiandao Weihong!" The leader of the left team said faintly, even the words were full of hostility.

"Fei Hongguan cold flying dust!" The leader of the right team seems to be dull.

"Senior brother, what is the power of Tiandao and Feihongguan? Why haven’t I heard of it?" Xiao Tian’s face was confused by Tong Tianhao’s face.

"I have never heard of it. It seems that it is not a dynasty!" Zhao Xueyi was a little embarrassed after hearing the identity of the two teams on the opposite side.

"Does there be other forces besides the nine major families and our dynasty?" Yu Hongyi wondered.

"Not right, even if there are other forces that can come in, but these two forces have never heard of it?" Zhao Xueyi said with a look.

Obviously, the current situation seems completely different from what he thinks.

He originally thought that these people were dynasty people, but only from different foreign dynasties.

But some of the relations between the foreign and the DPRK are better, even alliances.

Then you may not have to die, you can win the treasure together, at least you don't have to kill each other. After all, there are more and more people now!

But now that everyone has self-reported, he has turned his mind a little bit!

However, at this time, it is obvious that the circle is not only the people of their Ziyang dynasty, but even the two teams on the opposite side seem to have already circled!

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