Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2977: grown up!

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"Are you my servant? I doubt your identity now?" Cheng Yu couldn't get the response from the old guy. The anger in his heart was even stronger, and he shouted loudly in the hall.

"The old slave is naturally your servant!" The voice suddenly appeared again.

"Even if you are really my servant, certainly not a loyal servant!" Cheng Yu can not easily believe this old guy.

"The loyalty of the old slave to the owner is unquestionable!"

"How do you prove your loyalty?" Cheng Yu asked.

"As long as you are close to the throne, you will soon understand!"

"Fat, if you want to harm me? It's not a word for you!" Cheng Yu angered.

The more he wants to get himself close to the throne, the more he doubts the purpose of this old guy.

Because he knows that this throne is not very friendly to himself, and he is likely to be on the other side again. What if he is trapped on him?

"How can the old slave harm you? With the strength of the master now, if the old slave wants to harm you, you have no ability to resist!" The voice of the vicissitudes of life said again.

This sounds really harsh, and the old guy’s words are like the same sword, tied in Cheng Yu’s heart.

However, I have to say that although the old guy’s words made Cheng Yu’s speech very uncomfortable, it was a fact.

The strength of this old guy is unfathomable. If he wants to harm himself, he really has no ability to resist.

"Then I will believe you once!" Cheng Yu thought about it, and felt that the old guy said it was not entirely unreasonable.

Moreover, if this old guy wants to harm himself, shouldn't it be so troublesome? Isn’t it easy to grab yourself directly?

Looking at the throne above the main hall, Cheng Yu looked very careful, for fear that he would be like the last time.

However, Cheng Yu decided to go up and have a look. As long as he does not sit up, there should be no problem.

So he was very vigilant and walked slowly toward the throne. But the closer to the throne, the faster the heartbeat of Cheng Yu.

"Yes, put your right hand out!" When Cheng Yu was three feet away from the throne, the voice rang again.

Cheng Yu didn't know what the old guy was going to do, but he was relieved to see it so far away from the throne.

If the old guy really let him sit on the throne, he would really doubt the old guy's intentions.

Far from this, there should be nothing.

According to the servant's words, Cheng Yu extended his right hand.


But at this moment, suddenly a magical thing appeared, only to see that the throne suddenly lit up with white light. Then, a white light was shining on Cheng Yu's right hand.

Then, the magical tree suddenly appeared again. White light shines on this green tree, as if the small tree had established some connection with the throne.

Cheng Yu was shocked by the immediate situation. However, the next thing was to shock Cheng Yu, and even began to surprise.

It turned out that this old guy really did not lie to him. After the little tree established a connection with the throne, he actually discovered that the small tree was actually absorbing the power of the throne!

Although all these forces were absorbed by this small tree, Cheng Yu could still feel the power of this power. He wondered why this throne had so much power to pass into the small tree.

It is incredible that this small tree is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

You must know that once Cheng Yu wanted to try the absorption ability of this small tree, he made an experiment with a thread.

But the fact is that this small tree sucked a thread, but did not see how long the tree grew.

But now the energy transmitted by this throne has entered the small tree. It is so long, it is incredible. How much energy does the throne contain?

What makes Cheng Yu even more strange is that this is just a throne. Why does it have so much energy?

"Did these forces absorb the people from the throne?" But when Cheng Yu noticed the bones of the earth, he seemed to understand something.

He saw so many people died here, and the dead people are basically near the throne, which makes people very strange.

So, now I see that this throne has released so much energy for the tree to absorb, and I have to let him wonder if these people were killed by his servants, or were they killed by this throne?

However, no matter who these people killed, at least now his small tree is a great opportunity, so much energy, if he is to find, then do not know when to find it.

Looking at the rapid growth of this small tree, it has changed from the original five feet to the current six or seven feet. Cheng Yu’s heart is relieved.

At least this servant really did not fool him, but really helped him.

Although he didn't know what the little tree was for, but at least he knew that the tree could not only kill the enemy by absorbing energy, but also able to heal and detoxify him. These two points are enough to satisfy him. It is.

Now that it has absorbed so much energy, growing up so much, it will definitely be even more powerful.

I don't know how long it has been, but this throne still has the energy to pass it out, which really shocked Cheng Yu.

How many energy does this throne have in order to have so much energy?

The small tree has now become a big tree. Before the small tree, one third of the arm was thick, but now there are already two arms thick, also called a big tree.

And its height has reached about one foot, which makes Cheng Yu really happy.

How long does it take to grow a large amount of energy?

However, Cheng Yu is happy to see the big tree absorb energy here.

But people outside the palace are anxious.

In particular, a few women of Cheng Yu are simply ignorant.

Those who come out from inside are insanely mad~www.ltnovel.com~ but you can be sure that there are no more people in the palace.

In this way, Cheng Yu is really impossible to survive.

In the face of such a result, they cannot accept it.

"Sister, what can I do?" They are really chaotic.

Cheng Yu was really in trouble this time. They didn't know how to go through the next days. I don't even know how to continue in this dead zone.

"Hey!" The heart sighed and didn't know what to do.

In this dead zone, they can't go back directly. Even if they want to go back, they will have to wait for more than two months.

However, what should they do in the next two months?

They don't have the ability to Cheng Yu, the danger inside the dead domain, they are afraid that it will be difficult to survive in two months!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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