Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2978: what is this?

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Cheng Yu’s affairs made several women sad, and many forces have already left with people.

However, there are still many forces left behind, hoping to find some feasible ways to take out the things inside.

However, it was so sad to see Cheng Yu’s woman crying, and everyone began to hesitate.

Many people don't know how strong Cheng Yu's strength is, because with Shi Linhe and Zhao Xueyi, everyone really doesn't really believe that Cheng Yu has the strength compared with Sanxian.

Just seeing the appearance of Cheng Yu’s companions, they can’t help but worry again.

After all, just after their various forces sent more than 40 Mahayana to go in, but only half of them came back, and these people were still released by others.

Therefore, if you want to send someone in, it is obviously not appropriate.

But if you don’t send someone in, how can you get the baby inside?


However, what everyone did not expect was that a few women suddenly rushed into the palace at this time!

"Rain! If snow! Don't!" The heart was just a few women's actions, suddenly changed his face, and quickly rushed to pull a few people.

But everything was late, and several women seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and all of them rushed into the palace.

"What should I do next?" They are all anxious.

These women are all people who Cheng Yu cares most. Now he has just had an accident. His women have all followed him. How do they tell Cheng Yu how to deal with them?

"What are you waiting for, go in and save people!" Xinhe did not think that these women were so extreme.

But in this case, where is he still managing so much? In any case, he must go in and save the talent.

Maybe the situation is not so bad. If it is fast enough, it may be able to save people back.

They all know that the situation is urgent, and they don’t think so much at all, because for them, Cheng Yu is their own relatives.

Now Cheng Yu has no way to save them, but these women are different. They just ran in, maybe there is still a chance.

So in this case, they all care about their own safety, they just want to save their own kind.

However, Chen Hongyuan is different from Oriental Feibai. Although their relationship with Cheng Yu is good, they may not have reached the same level as his brother and sister.

However, even so, Chen Hongyuan still did not think much, just like a few people will be rushing inside, but the white flying behind him suddenly pulled.

"Hongyuan brother, are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of your entry?" said the Oriental Flying White.

"I naturally understand what the consequences are, but I have reasons to have to go, fly white brother, you will stay, I hope you can go back alive, and then I will confess with my father, take care!" Chen Hongyuan said with a serious face Also followed the crowd into the palace.

For Chen Hongyuan, he owes too much to Cheng Yu.

He was not able to return the owed to Cheng Yu, and he was able to live alone?

Now Cheng Yu’s woman has an accident. Even if she knows that this is a no return, he will return his life to Cheng Yu.

Looking at the back of Chen Hongyuan, the oriental flying white sly, the whole person is paralyzed.

He did not think that things would turn out like this, because Cheng Yu’s accident occurred alone, but it caused a chain reaction.

Thinking of Chen Hongyuan’s decisive expression just now, he did not know why Chen Hongyuan wanted to do this.

But at this moment, he did not know what to do!

Can he really go back alive?

Looking at the surrounding forces, there are hundreds of forces, and any force wants his life. He has only one dead end.

Think about what you have experienced in this dead zone. If you didn't encounter Cheng Yu at the beginning, you might have died.

After all, his life was saved by Cheng Yu.

In this case, he does not know if he should do it. If you don't do this, can he go back alive?

He doesn't know it himself!

In short, it is very difficult to go back alive!

"Ma's, forget it, just give it back to him!" The East fluttered and thought again and again, feeling that if he stayed, he would have difficulty getting out of the dead zone.

Moreover, he saw that these forces were not very friendly. If everyone knew that his companions would not be alive again, he was afraid that there would be only one dead end.

In this case, it would be better to be a derogatory person and return this life to Cheng Yu.

Thinking of this, although the Oriental Flying White was somewhat afraid of this palace, but in the heart, it also followed.

When he thought about it, the palace must be terrifying. The people who went out before said it, there are bones everywhere, and there is a very terrible mysterious person.

But when he entered the palace, the whole white man was stunned.

"You..." The oriental white smacked his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes.

He thought that these people would have come in a lot of fierceness, but when he stood in the palace, he saw everyone standing quietly, even including Cheng Yu.

Oriental Feibai feels that he is dreaming, isn't he saying that Cheng Yu has an accident? Why is he not doing anything here?

However, at this time he has refused to ask this.

Because, now the entire palace is full of green, a huge and lush tree is floating in front of their eyes, and its branches and leaves are stretched, the top of the entire palace has been covered, and its roots are constantly Floating among the palaces.

"What is this?" Oriental Feibai unconsciously walked behind everyone~www.ltnovel.com~ asked.

"Hey!" But the other people didn't return, just snorted and continued to look at everything that was incredible.

The energy of the throne is still constantly being transported to this huge, the tree grows very slowly, but its branches and leaves continue to grow around and become denser and denser.

Among the halls, the trees are constantly exuding vitality, as if anything can be restored in front of it, powerful vitality flows through the hall, green light fills the entire hall, and everyone feels Was reflected in green.

In this way, everyone looked at it quietly, and slowly, all of this began to return to normal.

In the end, the throne disappeared, and even the hall disappeared.

There is only one huge tree left in front of them!

"What is this?" This time it was not the Oriental Flying White, not even any of them, but those who were originally in the palace!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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