Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3004: Rewind!

"What should I do? We can't just go in here anymore?" Han Xue said.

"This is naturally impossible! Let me think about it first!" Cheng Yu shook his head.

It’s hard to find such a place, he naturally stopped here. Advance is sure to enter, but he must first think about how to get in!

If you rush into this way, you might be like these bones, and all died here.

So the most important thing now is to figure out what is going on in this place and how they are trapped here.

"Cheng Yu, can your blood not solve the poison? Even if we are poisoned, there should be no problem?" Han Xue said.

"I can't say that, my blood can be detoxified. But we don't know what this poison is, so whether my blood can solve this poison or another."

Moreover, even if I can detoxify, if we are trapped inside, it will be useless. Cheng Yu said.

"How did your mysterious tree pass?" asked Lanya.

"How can I know this?" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"You said that this place has been going on for so many years, will these institutions have expired?" Lin Yuxi said.

These skeletons are obviously not known here for many years, and this one has been buried under the yellow sand. I believe that no one has found it for so many years.

So these people have been dead for so long, and it may not be useful for any institution in this place.

"I think it makes sense, so the mysterious tree can easily enter!" Han Xue nodded and said.

"It is not impossible for you to say, but the question is how do we know whether the organs inside have failed?

We can't always try it ourselves. Who will bear the consequences? Cheng Yu said.

"This is simple, look at me!" Han Xue said with a smile.

In the past, these women were scared to death, but now they are different, even if they die in their hands, they don’t know how much.

I saw Han Xue’s right hand waving, and the bones near the stone gate all flew toward the middle of the ramp!


A pile of cheekbones fell in the middle of the ramp, but what disappointed Han Xue was that everything was still the same, nothing happened.

"You think too simple, this is definitely not enough!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Such opportunities are generally very powerful. If you only break this organ with Han Xue’s little trick, then these people are afraid that they will not die here.

"What about that?" Han Xue said disappointedly.

"At least someone has to go in and try to know!" Cheng Yu said.

"Would you like me to try?" Han Xue said.

"Then you might as well let me go? My Cheng Yu is not ruthless, and will not do this kind of thing!" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

"Hey, I didn't plan to go really!" Han Xue said with a smile.

She is not stupid, knowing that there is danger here, is it still going to take this risk?

"Cheng Yu, I have a way, maybe effective!" Xin Yao said.

"any solution?"

"Do you have a lot of white bone warriors in your hand? Why don't you send one to try?" Xin Yao said.

In addition to Cheng Yu, others do not know that the white bones of these white bone warriors are actually fairy bones. Therefore, in their eyes, these fairy bone warriors are only the white bone warriors whose strength has reached the robbery period.

"Well? This is a solution! Just can't you have the flesh?" Cheng Yu thought about it.

This is indeed a solution, but the bone-bone warrior has no flesh. He does not know whether the incarnation of the physical body will open the organ.

"Do not try to know?" Xinyao said uncertainly.

"Okay! Then let's try first, what if it succeeds?" Cheng Yu nodded and released a fairy bone soldier directly.

Although Bai Li is not at the side of Cheng Yu, these fairy bone warriors are almost the same as the white, and the strength is almost the same.

Plus they have a fairy on their hands, these fighters are really the best killer.

However, now Cheng Yu does not want him to kill, just let him go to an experiment!

After Cheng Yu gave him an order with his thoughts, he walked honestly toward the ramp!

Everyone looked at him step by step through the ramp, and he was very nervous. Although I know that this fairy bone warrior is just a skeleton, but watching him so obedient, in everyone's heart, he is like a real person.

So when I saw him entering the danger zone, I was naturally worried.

Especially Cheng Yu, although these fairy bone warriors were the enemies of the Holy City before their death, even their hands have the life of the Holy City people, but now these bone warriors are his subordinates.

If it is so bad that it is a master of the human robbery period, it is still very sad.

What's more, even if there is really any baby in this secret room, it is impossible to change back to a master of the robbery period!

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to lose a master of the robbery period here.

However, Cheng Yu also thought that if there is only a poison or a closed institution, then he should not have an accident.

After all, humans will be poisoned, but the cheekbones should not be poisoned again!


Sure enough, just as the fairy bone warrior walked to the middle of the martyrdom, the stone door in front of them suddenly moved, and it was all of a sudden shut down the martyrdom!

"Sure enough! What can I do? This stone door is closed again!" Han Xue's heart is tight, but it is really like Cheng Yu said, this place is really a heavy institution.

"Fortunately, just let the Bone Warrior go into the experiment. If we go in, then we can really have an accident!" Yang Ruoxue said that he was worried.

"The bone warrior will not have an accident?" Han Xue asked.

"If there is only some poison inside, there should be no problem, anyway, he will not be poisoned!" Cheng Yu said ~www.ltnovel.com~ That's fine, but how do we open this stone door now? ”

"This should not be difficult!" Cheng Yu saw that after the stone door was closed, there was a ghost in the middle, obviously an organ, so he screwed it directly on it.


Shimen actually turned on again.

"You are quite smart, so you can do it!" Han Xue saw the stone door turning again, and suddenly smiled.

"Close the air, retreat!" But Cheng Yu took her directly back!

Several women heard Cheng Yu’s reminder that regardless of the three seven twenty-one, all went back and went back to the ground directly!

"Cheng Yu, what happened?" Several women returned to the ground, and they were somewhat confused.

Because the time is too fast, they did not figure out what happened and followed Cheng Yu out!

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