Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3005: Flying to the disaster!

"There is really poison inside!" Cheng Yu said with a dignified face.

Although the Shimen only just opened a gap, Cheng Yu’s sharpness suddenly found a problem, so he directly rushed out with Han Xue.

"Be careful!" Cheng Yu spoke to the entrance to the secret room, so when Cheng Yu spoke, Xin Yao suddenly pushed Cheng Yu away.


At this moment, the tragedy happened again, only to see Xinyao save Cheng Yu, but she was directly shot!

"Xinyao!" Cheng Yu did not come and figured out what was going on, but he was completely panicked when he saw Xin Yao being hit.

Xinyao was directly spurted out by the heavy blood, but Cheng Yu did not care about directly holding Xinyao in his arms.

At this time, a black shadow rushed toward Cheng Yu!

Cheng Yu has already been angered by Xin Yao’s injury, and no matter what the black shadow is, he turned back and kicked out, just hitting the black shadow.


However, he was too underestimated this shadow, Cheng Yu was also directly shot and flew out, and the blood surged in the body, and instantly sprayed out.

However, all this was just the beginning of Cheng Yu’s dream, because the shadow was actually rushing toward his other women.

"Don't!" Seeing this moment, Cheng Yu felt like he was going crazy.

"Fire phoenix is ​​coming out!" Cheng Yu has already taken care of everything. At this moment, all his thoughts are on several women. He must not let a few women have an accident.

So without thinking, a fiery figure flew out of Cheng Yu's body.

Puff puff!

However, although Cheng Yu’s reaction has been very keen, it is still too slow. The shadow has already rushed toward Yang Ruo Xue and Lan Ya.

Among them, the most powerful ones are Cheng Yu and Xin Yao. But even the two of them could not catch a trick under this shadow, how do other women live?

The black shadow hit the two women, two different colors of light flashed a bit, the two women are also like Cheng Yu and Xin Yao, directly spurting out the big mouth of blood flew out.

"If snow! Xiaoya!" Cheng Yu feels that he really wants to go crazy, but at this moment he can't do anything at all.

Everything happened too fast, and he was directly shot down. He even had nothing to see and see, and he had already been shot.

However, fortunately, the fire phoenix came out in time, just when the black shadow was preparing to start with several other women, the fire phoenix had already appeared in front of him.

How to say how the fire and the phoenix is ​​equivalent to the strength of the human robbery period, this black shadow can no longer be like the unscrupulous assault.

"If snow! Xiaoya, you are all right!" Cheng Yu hugged the heart Yao to the front of the two women, seeing the two faces as paper, suddenly the whole person panicked, tearing heartbreaking pain!

However, Yang Ruoxue and Lan Ya’s mouth are constantly pouring out blood, and they can’t speak at all!

Cheng Yu quickly took out the Tiandan, which was refining the Oriental Flying White, and swallowed it for three women, and then sent the **** water into the mouth of the three people!

Although his own injury is also very heavy, but he has not considered so much, at this moment, nothing is more important than the life of his three women!

Compared with him and Xin Yao, Yang Ruo Xue and Lan Ya are obviously more serious, after all, the strength of the two is even weaker!

"Not good! We are poisoned!" But when Cheng Yu gave the three women a remedy, they found that their right hand turned black, which was poisoned.

Then gently dialed the three women's chest neck and looked at it, suddenly his face changed greatly, and the three women were poisoned without exception.

"Keep it up! You must hold on!" Cheng Yu felt that after he came to this world, he never panicked like now.

Seeing that the fire phoenix was in a group with the black shadow, the fire phoenix did not seem to retreat, which made his heart relax a little.

I can't take care of it any more, just draw a hole in my left hand directly, because this hand is still intact and not poisoned.

The red blood flowed directly from the palm of his hand, and Cheng Yu quickly dripped into the mouths of three women!

However, the situation is far worse than Cheng Yu imagined. The three women were hurt too much, and a lot of blood poured out from their mouths. Not only did the medicinal herbs that Cheng Yu fed them all spit out, even his Blood can't enter the body of three people at all.

"How could this be! How could this be!" Cheng Yu roared, he wanted to kill, this moment, there is only one word in his heart, then kill!

"You insist on it! Be sure to hold on!" But seeing the three women look like this, Cheng Yu cried, pressing the heart's killing force on the chest, and then rowing several holes in his left hand, only to see him. The left hand has been wrapped in blood.

Blood dripped into the mouths of three women, but there was blood flowing out of their mouths. The faces of the three women in Cheng Yu’s blood mouth couldn’t enter their mouths, even if they went in, they were immediately Their own blood was pushed out.

"Cheng Yu! You don't want this! You will die like this!" Several women did not expect that so many things happened just in such a time.

When they saw Cheng Yu’s madness, they were scared.

Because Cheng Yu at this time is like a madman, constantly making a hole in his hand, blood constantly flowing from his hand.

But these blood is simply white, because it can't enter the mouth of three women!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Cheng Yu's body has been completely filled with killings. At this moment, he only wants to kill the shadow.

A handful of hands, opened a few women, the **** of awakening in the hand, regardless of the three seven twenty-one will rush toward the shadow!

"Cheng Yu! Don't!" Several women were frightened by Cheng Yu's crazy behavior, and all cried.

The three sisters are now life and death unfortunately ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu is like a madman, this moment feels that their world has collapsed!

boom! boom! boom!

Cheng Yu’s face was full of anger, and the anger in his eyes had completely lost his reason.

revenge! Kill this guy to take revenge! This is his only thought!

However, the strength of this black shadow is too horrible, even the fire and phoenix can not hurt him, it is conceivable that his strength is at least during the robbery period.

Even if Cheng Yu’s strength is strong, it’s just a scent, but it’s really nothing in the face of the sin.

This disparity in strength, the result is naturally Cheng Yu suffered.


Cheng Yu was repeatedly knocked down to the ground, and the blood had wrapped up his whole person, but he did not want to stop. Even if he lost his life, he would kill the other party!

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