Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3040: Being trapped!

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Although everyone has the ingredients to comfort Yang Ruoxue, what they said is indeed very reasonable.

At that time, many forces appeared on their side, but many people appeared in other places. Therefore, when she has not let go of those people, perhaps they have the possibility to meet another person.

However, even so, everyone's mood is still very depressed.

Originally, everyone got their own opportunity here is a good thing that everyone is happy, but who would have thought of this problem?

If it wasn't for Yao Na, I was afraid that everyone would still be immersed in the joy of their own treasure.

"With, everyone walks with me!" However, although everyone is depressed, Cheng Yu did not let everyone wait too long, and those fairy bone soldiers did not have a long time to respond.

Although the underground city pool is large, but after all, it is only part of it. Maybe most of the city pool has not appeared.

Under this circumstance, the sacred warriors sent by Cheng Yu went in all directions. With their speed and perceptive ability, it seems that it is not very difficult to find Xinluo.

"Yu Shidi, have they had an accident?" For this, everyone is most worried and most want to know.

"It seems that there is some trouble. We only know when we have passed!" Cheng Yu said with some seriousness.

Even if the bones are so smart, it is just a bone. They are more able to understand Cheng Yu's orders, but it is somewhat difficult for them to pass on the careful message to Cheng Yu like humans.

Just like now, Cheng Yu can pass some messages and commands to them, but Cheng Yu has a hard time knowing the specifics of these guys.

However, Cheng Yu can be sure that it is not bad to be away from them, at least without any sacrifice. As for the other, he didn't know if he wanted to know.

Now Bai Zhong is the same, let them follow the orders of Cheng Yu to find Xin Luo, they are also possible.

Even after finding the clues, they can send out some messages, but it is impossible to know how detailed the message is.

Therefore, Cheng Yu is now able to feel some bad things from them, but what is going on, they only know when they get there.

Fortunately, even if the city is so big, there are only so many, and they have the right direction, so it doesn't take long for them to reach their destination.

In a secret room, three men and women are nervously resisting Shimen, but their looks are very dignified, because they know that if they continue this way, they may really have to be broken.

"Sister, there are too many masters outside, and if we go on like this, we really can't hold on any more!" Xinhe's face was a little pale, and the whole person didn't seem to have any spirit.

"If you still want to live, you must hold on!" said the rhyme.

"But they are going to attack, we still want to find a way to rush out?" Xinluo has even felt desperate.

"There are at least a thousand people outside, you have to rush out, isn't that a death?" The Oriental Flying White felt that his legs were already soft.

Although I was chased by the masters of the three great times, there is no such awkwardness.

But now, just outside this stone gate, there are at least ten forces, and at least thousands of people are attacking outside their secret rooms.

If it weren't for the protection of the stone room itself, it would be protected by these people.

"It is impossible to rush out now. We must hold on now anyway. I hope that before they can break the prohibition and formation of this stone room, others can come to save us." The rhyme is also very helpless.

I was happy to find a treasure, but I did not expect to meet so many people when I came out.

Seeing that these people are going to kill and win the treasure, they have no way to go back to the secret room and open the organs in the secret room.

Fortunately, her response is fast, knowing that the stone room itself has a ban and array protection, otherwise they are afraid that they will have been killed by those people.

"But there are so many people outside, it is useless for other people to come. Even if Yu is coming, I am afraid that it is useless." Xin Luo said with a bitter face.

There are at least a thousand people outside, so many people, Cheng Yu does not have the ability to kill all of them.

Unless there is a mysterious tree, but the mysterious tree is not under the control of Cheng Yu, so that no one is there in this situation, but it will only make everyone like them, that is their Sin!

"Would you still give them the treasures you got here?" said the Oriental Flying White.

This is not the way to go, even if they hold these treasures, it doesn't make any sense. When they are killed by their own treasures, they can't keep it.

"Do you think this is useful? Do you think that you will take those treasures out, will they let us go? You are too naive.

No matter how hard we don't pay, we can't survive. Instead of it, it would be better to stay here.

If they really come in, then let's go with them! "Xin Luo is now angry in anger."

These guys see the treasure, even if all the treasures are handed over, they can't live.

When I think of this, I hate it in my heart.

I knew it was like this. They would either pick up the treasure quickly or simply don’t come out inside.

If they are not seen, they may not make such a big move.

Now that things have grown to this level, they are useless. Because these guys have long been blinded by the treasure.

Although they repeatedly denied that they did not find any treasures ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but these people have long recognized that they found the treasure inside.

Who made them so bad luck, just went out from this secret room?

He hates it!

Now, there seems to be no better way than to go with them. At least he does not want other brothers and sisters to appear here.

Otherwise it will only harm them.

"Together to the end? People are so many people, I am afraid that you have this heart, people will not necessarily let you go to the end?" Oriental Feibai said.

In this case, as long as they show up, they are already smashed, and there are opportunities for them to go with others.

"You should not be anxious first, think about ways we may still be able to survive!" Seeing that both men are desperate, the heart is also very helpless.

However, she feels that there is no way to go, she will always think of a way!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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