Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3041: Can only save yourself!

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"The way? I am afraid that we do not have so much time. According to the current situation, this stone room is afraid that it will not last long." Xin Luo said with a weak voice.

This is not the case, nor is it OK. He is really desperate.

"I don't know if the brothers know that we are trapped here. If we know, with his wisdom, there may be ways to save us." At this moment, the Oriental Flying White remembered that when he was chased by the three people, Cheng Yu took people to save him.

He hopes that this time is also the case, I hope that Cheng Yu can bring people to save them.

Although he knows that this opportunity may be small!

"Forget it! I don't think they should harm them. So many people, my brother is not an undead body. How can we save us?" The heart is not at all hopeful.

He feels that since he is going to die, he can't harm other people.

What's more, Cheng Yu has always been very good to him. No matter what kind of cultivation resources he needs, as long as Cheng Yu owns it, he will use it for him.

This kindness has always been recorded in his heart, although sometimes he seems to speak very well, but it does not mean that he does not know how to be kind.

He feels that he has already owed a lot of Cheng Yu in these years. Now that he has reached this situation, how can he let Cheng Yu go early?

"That may not be!" said the rhyme.

"Sister, you don't comfort us. Yu's strength is really powerful, but he can't deal with so many people even better." Xinhai said.

"I am not comforting you. Cheng Yu has a lot of cards on hand. Have you forgotten the **** alliance that once was in Dongzhou overseas?" Xin Yun continued.

She just thought of it, Cheng Yu has never been alone. In his magic weapon, there are still too many secrets hidden.

However, because the East is flying here, she is not good at saying things too well.

But Xinluo and Xinhai have experienced all of this. As a reminder, I believe they understand everything.

"What do you mean..." Sure enough, after a reminder of the heart rhyme, Xinluo and Xinhai suddenly shined.

It may have been really scared by the people outside, they have forgotten such an important thing.

If Cheng Yu is alone, he may not have the strength to save them.

However, Cheng Yu has never been a person. He has 20,000 bones in his hand, even if he left with some white bone warriors, but this does not affect.

At least in the hands of Cheng Yu, there are more than 19,000 white bone warriors.

If Cheng Yu knows that they are trapped here by these people, then he will definitely find a way to save them. There are so many white bone warriors in hand, can he not let them save people?

"What are you talking about?" The three people knew it well, but the Oriental Flying White saw that they were so excited, but they were very curious.

After all, he didn't know much about Cheng Yu. He didn't understand what he had and what cards he had.

If it wasn't for this time to meet Cheng Yu here, he didn't even know that Cheng Yu's strength had been so crazy, and his strength was at least the level of the scattered fairy.

However, in the face of thousands of times of the Mahayana, it seems that a scattered fairy does not work.

"Now I can't tell, but what I can tell you is that if I know that we are trapped here, then he must be able to save us and even kill all the people outside!" Said.

"Really? But how does he know that we will be trapped here? And it has been three days. If the underground city is bigger, they can't possibly know what happened here in three days."

Whether they are still here is hard to say, even if he has a great ability, he may not be able to save us. And even if he will come to save us, we are afraid that it will not last too long. You see that this prohibition is already very loose. I am afraid that we will be destroyed here! "The oriental flying white naturally sees that these three people have something to do with themselves.

But he also knows that he is always an outsider. Some things are not willing to say, and he is not easy to ask.

However, their ideas are good, but Cheng Yu is afraid that they may not know that they are trapped here.

And surrounded by so many Mahayana periods, Cheng Yu couldn't see them again. How could he know that the four of them were trapped here?

"He is so smart, should there be a way to know?" It was said by the Oriental Flying White that the heart was suddenly unable to get excited.

Yes, Cheng Yu’s hands are really a lot of cards, but they are now trapped here, and no one knows.

Even if those outside do not know their identity, how can Cheng Yu know?

Maybe even Cheng Yu passed by here and found that there are so many people trapped here, even if they know that some people are trapped inside, they are afraid that they will not think of them four people?

Moreover, Cheng Yu has always liked nosy, and if he does not care about their affairs, he is never willing to take it.

If this is the case, Cheng Yu will come if he comes, and it is very likely that he will just pass by.

When I think of it, there is nothing in his heart!

"Over the years, Yu Shidi has never let us down, I think this time he will certainly not let us down!" Xin Luo said.

At this time, he felt that there was nothing terrible about his death.

However, he still wants to see Chen Xinran again, at least with her.

However, there seems to be no such opportunity now!

The heart rhyme sat on the side and didn't talk anymore. She did think that Cheng Yu had the ability to save them, but many things are not that simple.

As they say ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu can save them from being fake, but if he doesn't know all about it, then does it have no meaning?

"If we can let them kill each other, we may still be able to save ourselves!" Suddenly said.

"Let them kill each other? This is impossible. You can see how much they are together now. It is like a force!" Xin Luo shook his head and said.

"Yeah! They don't see the rabbits don't scatter the lords. If they are not because of conflicts of interests, how can they kill each other? Unless there are a bunch of treasures in front of them, then they may kill each other." !" Xinhai said.

"You are right, so we have to put the treasure in front of them and let them kill each other!" Xin Yun laughed.

"Put the treasure in front of them? Sister, are you sure they will give us this opportunity? I am afraid that when we take the lead, they will directly smash us into slag!" Xinhai shook his head and said.

"No, even if they want to kill us, at least they must first treasure the treasure!" The heart rhyme said affirmatively!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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