Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3147: he......!

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They used to be particularly fast because of the ice chasing in the back, so they also fled desperately.

Going back now, it is still far from finding the distance they have escaped before.

However, there is no ice on the road, which is undoubtedly a good thing for Cheng Yu.


"Cheng Yu, have you heard it?" Suddenly, Xin Yao’s face was condensed and asked.

"Quick withdrawal!" Cheng Yu's strength is still above the heart of Yao, this strange and familiar voice he naturally heard the first time.

Moreover, he not only heard this strange sound, but also knew what it was.

However, at this time, there is no need for Cheng Yu to remind, Xinyao also saw a white light flashing in the front channel.


That's right, it's ice!

That dragon has launched an attack again!

Cheng Yu took the heart and rushed to escape, but this time the speed of freezing in the channel seems to be faster than the previous one.

If the two of them flee like this, it is very likely that they will be caught up by this ice. In that case, things may be more troublesome, and there is still a heart Yao around, even if he has an accident, it is absolutely impossible to let Xinyao have an accident.

"Sister and sister, you must go first!" Cheng Yu suddenly used Yuanli to push Xinyao, and Xinyao quickly rushed toward the front.

"Cheng Yu, what are you doing?" Xinyao was desperately rushing forward, and Cheng Yu was pushed by Yuanli, and the speed was faster.

However, she did not think that Cheng Yu wanted to sacrifice herself at this time and let her survive.

She wants to stop right away, but because Cheng Yu's strength is stronger than her, she is helping her in the situation she doesn't know. She wants to stop where it is so simple.

Xinyao feels that she is going crazy, Cheng Yu is a bastard!

Since she chose to go with Cheng Yu, she had already made plans for sacrifice. But now Cheng Yu has to sacrifice herself to fulfill her, how can she accept it?

"Hurry and take everyone out of here!" Cheng Yu shouted loudly toward the back of Xin Yao.

"No!" Xin Yao looked back and saw it, but just saw that the ice will be shared with Cheng Yu.

Xinyao never felt so helpless, but her body could not stop at all, and she was still rushing forward.

Looking at Cheng Yu's living, he was swallowed up by the ice that came from the attack. Xin Yao heart was followed by Cheng Yu.

"Have you heard it? There seems to be a voice coming in front of you!" Xinhe suddenly said.

Although Cheng Yu asked them to leave here first, how could they be so loyal?

Originally they also wanted to go back with Cheng Yu, but they didn't want to be Cheng Hao's burden, so they didn't insist.

They can promise Cheng Yu to go with him, but they are waiting for them at least here.

Moreover, it didn't take long for Cheng Yu to leave, so the huge noise coming from the front was suddenly heard by the heart river.

"I seem to have heard the voice of Xin Yao's sister!" Xin Luo said with a dignified face.

"They will be an accident!" said Xin Hai.

"Let's look forward!" Xinluo said that he would rush toward the front of the passage.

"Slow, if they really have trouble, we may not be able to help with our strength!" Xinhe said that he said Xin Luo.

"But Yu Shidi and Xinyao Sisters are in danger. Do we want to see death?" Xinluo said with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't mean that. We don't know the situation. If we rushed up blindly, we might bring trouble to Yushidi. If we dragged them because of our impulse, then we wouldn't be sinners. ?

Have you forgotten what the younger brothers reminded us before? "Heart River naturally knows the idea of ​​Xinluo at the moment, and regards himself as a coward."

But are you such a person?

After following Cheng Yu for so many years, how many life and death risks have they encountered, but when is he afraid of death?

Only Cheng Yu reminded them three times before, even if they had an accident in front of them, they should not appear easily.

Because Cheng Yu himself has enough ability to escape, if they rush to the situation without any solution, then Cheng Yu, who is harmed by the time, loses the opportunity to escape, then they still save people?

It is clearly harmful!

"Sister, you said what we want to do now? They are really likely to be in danger!" Xin Luo said to the rhyme.

"Before Cheng Yu confessed to us, if they have an accident, let us go out and look for the agency to save them." Heart rhyme thought about it.

"But now the situation is urgent, I am afraid that they will not insist that we find the agency to save them, we can not miss the opportunity!" Xinluo said.

"No matter how much, we have to save Cheng Yu and my sister!" Han Xueben is an impulsive person. Now that her lover and sister may have encountered the danger of life and death, she can't wait to find any institution.

However, Han Xue moved, and several other women rushed to the past.

"Han Xue! You will hurt them like this!" Xin Yun saw this situation, suddenly shocked.

This is not a joke, Cheng Yu, what they have encountered now, we don’t know. Can they save Cheng Yu even if they rushed up at this time?

You know, Cheng Yu’s strength is even stronger than the people here.

The strength of the dragon is much stronger than the addition of Cheng Yulai. They rushed up blindly, which not only harmed Cheng Yu but also harmed everyone.

"Sister, what should we do next? We can't let them take this risk!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go together. Anyway, we can't let them take risks alone!" After the rhyme was finished, she chased a few women and rushed over.

"I have said that I have to go to save people!" Xinluo said nothing but rushed up.

"Everyone flees!" But ~www.ltnovel.com~ Others have not responded, but the front channel has seen a group of people rushing back.

These people are not others, just a few women, and there is also a heart Yao who went with Cheng Yu.

Just a bunch of women in front, but did not find Cheng Yu's figure at all.

But the situation in front of them made them all doubts in their hearts, because they found that there was ice chasing afterwards.

"Xin Yao Shijie, Cheng Yu? Why is he not?" In the escape, everyone has a bad feeling, especially Cheng Yu's several women, can't wait to ask.

"He..." But Xinyao's eyes are red, but the latter words can no longer be said.

"No! How is this possible? Isn't he with you? How come suddenly..." Although Xinyao only said two words, but a few women have realized what, tears The child is out!

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