Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3148: Can't afford it!

Old iron ^ one second ^ remember 3^3^ small ^ said ^ net ω`ω`ω.З`З`x`s.c`o`м text update ^ speed most

The speed of these ice is very fast, but its icing distance seems to be limited. Once the ice reaches the place where it was before, it stops again.

"It didn't take long for us to go in and found that the ice had rushed over again. We would have been attacked by ice, but Cheng Yu wanted me to escape, but I was..." Xinyao is already a tear. Flowing more than that.

Cheng Yu's reaction was too fast. At that time, he found that the situation was wrong. He pushed her out with his own strength in the first time.

Looking back now, her heart is really too painful.

She didn't know what happened to Cheng Yu, but the power of the ice was not tried. They couldn't break the ice.

And now Cheng Yu was iced by the ice in the middle of the road. Even if he could rush out at the time, there is no chance now, because the entire passage is iced to the ice at the moment, there is no gap to Cheng Yuchong. Out.

"Then we hurry to save him!" At this time, a few women seem to have some regrets.

Before Cheng Yu said that some people will only let his heart care, but they always feel that they are for Cheng Yu, there is a helper around, if they are in danger, they will always help him.

But I didn't think that things would turn out like this. They actually had an accident when they didn't encounter the enemy.

And listening to the heart of Yao Yao just now, if it is not for the heart Yao to escape, only Cheng Yu alone, he can certainly escape easily.

Thinking of this, a few women really regret it.

However, when such a thing happened, they did not blame Xinyao because they knew the character of Cheng Yu. No matter who is next to him this time, he will do it.

Therefore, this is not the responsibility of Xinyao.

Only the most important thing is to save Cheng Yu first, and I don’t know what kind of damage this ice will cause to Cheng Yu. Can Cheng Yu persist until they rescue him?


Several women rushed forward and rushed toward the ice that had stopped to block the entire passage.

However, in addition to leaving some traces, these ices have not been subjected to unnecessary destruction, which has saved the hearts of the eager people.

"Let me try it!" Han Xue said, standing up.

Ice is water, water can extinguish fire, but fire can also get water. Han Xue has the mirror of the fire attribute, so she may be the most suitable to deal with these ice.

In addition to Chen Hongyuan and the Oriental Flying White, everyone knows the secrets of the Five Elements. The two of them saw the heart of Xian Xue in the hands of Han Xue very curious.

Especially Chen Hongyuan, because at the beginning he also entered the mirror in the relics of the fairy to find the open mirror.

And the people of the original dynasty were suspected of opening the mirror in the hands of Cheng Yu, and Chen Hongyuan was sometimes with them.

Han Xue’s fairy mirror is not the first time he saw it. However, every time he saw the mirrors on these women’s hands, he would be very strange.

He naturally does not know that the open mirror is not a fairy mirror, but a multi-faceted mirror.

Therefore, he once suspected that these celestial mirrors were open mirrors, but when Cheng Yu took a handful of women, he became doubtful about his own suspicion, even if it was negative.

Even if some of them have someone holding a mirror on their hands, what does it mean to have so many?

It is impossible to have so many mirrors, so in the end he still thinks that these mirrors are not open mirrors, but other magic weapons.

However, for such a magic weapon, Chen Hongyuan is still somewhat curious.

Han Xue’s fairy mirror is a fire attribute. For the manipulation of fire, Han Xue is the most powerful.

However, Han Xue released the flame in the mirror, and when it was covered on the ice, the reaction of the ice was very small.

Under the fire, the ice did melt, but the speed was too slow. Think about how long this passage is from the pool to here.

Such a long distance, and Cheng Yu is trapped in the middle. Although the distance has been shortened by half, the speed of melting the snow by Han Xue is not enough to melt the ice for a month.

"Can't even Han Xue deal with these ices?" After seeing the fire, the ice was not directly broken, and everyone was both surprised and disappointed.

Even the fire can't break the ice, and Cheng Yu can be dangerous.

Can they still have a better way than this?

"What should I do? These ices can't be broken!" Several women were in a hurry.

Because every time they fight for a second, Cheng Yu can survive for a second.

If they can't think of the right way, Cheng Yu's situation may become very dangerous.

"It is useless to separate attacks like this. Let's try to attack together!" I thought about it.

Everyone just made their own skills, but the damage to these ice is very limited.

Now they can only try to make everyone go all out to see if there is any effect.

"Good! Everyone concentrates on attacking the middle of the ice." Xinhe screamed and the strength of his body surged.


All kinds of attacks from all the people rushed toward the middle of the ice!


I have to say that so many people attacked at the same time, and it did have some effect. I saw that after the attack, there was not only a crack, but also a large piece of ice was crushed.

"There is effect, let's work harder!" Xinhe saw this situation, and suddenly excited.

Although it is possible that this effect is not directly removed as they imagined, this is at least the most effective way they think of.

As long as they can work together, they will be able to break all of this ice.


The attack continued to release ~www.ltnovel.com~ The entire channel was also a loud noise, and many ice were crushed into pieces.

"Stop!" But after everyone insisted for some time, the rhyme was stopped loudly.

"Sister, what's wrong? Why stop?" Xinluo said.

"It is not a way to go on like this. Although it does have some effects, I want to use this method to save Cheng Yu. I am afraid that he can't wait for so long!" said the heart rhyme.

Although everyone did work hard and did have some effects, the effect was really too slow.

They just tried their best to attack these ices, but the ice they cleared was only one foot.

And now they are far from Cheng Yu's place, and there are more than a few miles away. If this is going on, not only will they try their best, but even Cheng Yu can't wait for such a long time!

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