Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3190: Genius is not just picking!

Although it has been a great harvest in these two months, especially the treasures that Cheng Yu gave them, it can be said that they have more resources than other places.

But even so, these resources are not enough to change a family.

If it is so simple, then Cheng Yu has so many resources on hand, can you easily build a nine-generation family?

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the two of them to rely on that resource to change the status of their family in the nine major families.

"It is really impossible for these resources to change the whole family. However, as long as I change a few people, I think it should still be possible!" Dongfang Feibai thought about it.

He also understands the truth, but he has also worked hard. It is not bad to change a family, and it is not bad to be able to change a few people.

At least in the next Nine-Big ratio, their performance will not be so bad. As long as their family can have one person into the top three.

And in this way, he is also a great contribution to his family.

After all, they have tried their best. If there is no Cheng Yu in this trip to the dead zone, they can't even do this, so he should be satisfied with this result.

"Well, if you just want to train someone, this should really be no big problem!" Cheng Yu nodded.

It is obviously impossible to change the status of a family in the nine worlds, but it is a good result to cultivate a few talents in the family through these resources, as long as they stand out in the nine-nation ratio.

"In any case, this is thanks to the brothers, or else, let's not give us a few talents to come to our family. Even if we are ourselves, our lives may stay here!"

He has figured out that the cave that does not enter the body is actually not important.

What is important is that after this incident, Cheng Yu is also a life-and-death relationship. Everyone has established a profound friendship, so there is nothing to regret.

Although he only had two months, he had a new understanding of Cheng Yu's strength. With such people, he has more expectations for his future, and even some things that he did not dare to think about, now his heart is beginning to boil.

However, he will not tell Cheng Yu about these things. When the time is right, he will talk to Cheng Yu again.

"In fact, as long as this time the other family's people are completely annihilated, this is a major victory for our Chen family and the Eastern family. As for the Nine-Family ratio after 500 years, it is not so easy.

The old-fashioned family of Situ Shijia and Jijia has a profound foundation. Even if this trip of the dead domain is completely annihilated, it may not have any effect on them.

It is not too much of a problem to train a few talents.

In fact, the most important thing is to have a talented seedling. Without such a seedling, even with more resources, it is difficult to pile up. Even if it is really forced to pile up, such a genius is doomed to go not far!

Therefore, resources are only part of a family change, and talent is the top priority! Chen Hongyuan said.

Why are these families more and more unsuccessful? In fact, a big part of the reason is because there are too few talents.

Just like their Chen family, it is very difficult to have a Mahayana period within five hundred years. How can we fight these powerful families?

If it wasn't because he met Cheng Yu, even he might not have the opportunity to participate in the Nine-Family ratio.

But for Ji Jia and Situ Shijia, this is not a difficult thing. He even suspected that all of the people in the family who were eligible to participate in Dabie appeared in the family.

Maybe they still hide a lot of talents, sometimes too high-profile is not necessarily a good thing.

If a family is strong enough to overwhelm a large family, it means that this family poses a great threat to all families.

In this case, they can easily become the opposite of all families.

Both the Ji family and the Situ family do not want to be enemies of the other eight families. Therefore, they will show their strength in the Nine Nationalities, but they will not affect their position in the Nine major families. Therefore, they will hide some strength. It is also very likely.

However, for a family ranked like Chen Jia and Dongfang Shijia, it is a blessing to let all other powers that can be displayed be seen by other families, which is also beneficial to enhance the status of their own family.

Therefore, in the ratio of the Nine Nationalities, the weaker the family, the more reliable they are. And in the top families, who knows if they have hidden strength?

For them, it seems extremely simple to cultivate a few particularly powerful geniuses.

If they say that they are now changing the status of Chen Jia and the Eastern family in the Nine National Family, it is definitely very difficult. If you can find some good seedlings, use the best resources to train them in these five hundred years.

As long as they are able to get the top three in the nine-nation ratio after five hundred years, this is the biggest success of their family.

Although this does not necessarily mean that their family's strength has reached the top three, but at least other families do not dare to underestimate their family, but also reflect the value of their family, not so low.

Otherwise, it will be so obscurity, and it is feared that several families will not take them seriously.

Especially the Eastern family, it can be said that it is the weakest among the nine families.

The Chen family was not bad this time, although only Chen Hongyuan was killed at the end, and he also missed the third place. However, he is also a fourth place, and other families have seen Chen's family still have some talents. This is enough to make those families dare not look down on Chen, this is the influence.

Therefore, their current purpose is not to make the Chen family or the Eastern family become so powerful. Even after five hundred years, it is obviously impossible for these two families to compete with the Ji family or the Situ family.

"Hongyuan brother said yes, resources are hard to obtain, if you want, you will always find a solution. But talent is not what you can find.

The two of your family want to rise among the nine great families, the most important of which is talent. In fact, there are still many talents to look for within the jurisdiction of your family. As long as you have talents, I believe that your family will cultivate a few talents, and it should not be too much! Cheng Yu really agrees with Chen Hongyuan.

The cultivation of immortality is not a resource and can solve the problem. If there is not enough qualification, even if all the resources of a family are used on him, there is no meaning.

Therefore, as long as such a seedling is found, their Chen family and the Eastern family will be weak again. It is not difficult to cultivate a few talents.

"The words are good, but what is the difficulty of finding a talented seedling? Do you know if there are any good ways for Cheng Brothers to let us find some good seedlings quickly?" Chen Hongyuan looked at Cheng Yu and laughed.

Cheng Yu's ability is indeed amazing, especially when he sees Cheng Yu agree with his ideas, he feels that Cheng Yu may have a better way to find talent.

Participants in the Nine-Yuan Daqi can't be more than five hundred years old. Five hundred years may be a very long time for ordinary people.

But for these monks, it is nothing. It is not that simple to reach the Mahayana period before the age of 500.

Otherwise, it is impossible for them to participate in such a few people. It is enough to see that this requirement is not simple.

Now the nine ethnic groups have just finished two or three months, that is to say, the seedlings they are looking for are just the time of birth.

But just born children, it is difficult to judge how talent is.

Besides, the jurisdiction of each family is wide, but they are not likely to bring all the newly born children in the area back to the family.

This does not mean that they can't take care of it, and it will certainly cause public anger among the people.

For them, these people are just mortal, but in fact their family wants to add fresh blood, and ultimately choose from these ordinary people.

Of course, there will naturally be some Xiuxian families in their jurisdictions~www.ltnovel.com~ However, if they rely solely on these Xiuxian families, it is very difficult to satisfy their family's requirements.

Moreover, many geniuses do not necessarily come out of these Xiuxian families. Those ordinary people may also have the genius that is suitable for cultivation.

Therefore, the more people in the jurisdiction, the more favorable for the development of their family.

This can be seen from the Ji family and the Situ family, because the population within the area under their jurisdiction is the largest among the nine families.

This also means they can pick the most talent.

The population of the area under their jurisdiction is not the least, but it is not too much. It can only be said that it is more appropriate.

It’s just that the talents they have absorbed from the secular world these years are very general and there is nothing particularly good.

Of course, this does not rule out that they have missed many outstanding talents.

Therefore, he would like to ask Cheng Yu to see if he has a better way to select the seedlings in the jurisdiction more conveniently and quickly. This is a huge contribution to Chen.

"It is not difficult to pick out who is suitable for cultivation, but according to your point of view, you want to pick out the real genius. This is hard to have a definite answer.

There are two kinds of geniuses, one is innate and can be selected from the beginning, but this one is also the rarest.

The other is the day after tomorrow, as long as his qualifications are not too bad, even if he is not a top-up capital, with the efforts of the day after tomorrow, it is also possible to become a genius.

Moreover, such a genius is a common phenomenon in the realm of comprehension.

More importantly, whether a person can become a genius is too many factors. So you said that it is almost impossible to pick out the genius quickly. Because genius is not just picking it! Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

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