Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3191: Let them die!

If the genius can be quickly selected, then the genius of the real world is everywhere.

In fact, even if they can pick out the people who are suitable for cultivation, they will not be able to find all the people in the world who are suitable for cultivation.

Therefore, there are still many good seedlings that have not been introduced to Xianmen by them.

And among these people, is there no genius seedling? Obviously there is this possibility.

Because of this, in this endless years, how many talents who could have become geniuses to cultivate the immortals have been buried?

This is really hard to say clearly.

Chen and the Eastern family want to become strong and want to find talents. This is indeed a time-consuming and laborious task. Even if he knows a lot about Xiu Xian, he can't do anything about it.

They can only find it on their own. If they really want to get more talents, then it is a troublesome thing, they must also do it. There is no shortcut to this.

"There is no way to say that Cheng brothers?" Chen Hongyuan and Oriental Feibai were somewhat disappointed.

They know the process of the process, knowing that he has extraordinary insights into many of the cultivating things. If he can help them get this done, then this time it is really rich.

Even if you only get these resources, it is enough to train one or two true geniuses for the family, so that at least five hundred years later, the two families can also shine.

It is a pity that even if Cheng Yu did not find a way to quickly find a talented seed, they could only rely on their own methods to find it.

It’s just such a thing. They have been doing it all the time. They are doing it, the family of the East is doing it, and even the sects of the world are doing it.

However, such a method is obviously not so ideal.

In their jurisdiction, even if so many children are born every year, not every child is suitable for cultivation.

Moreover, some children seem to be unsuitable for cultivation when they are young, but when they reach a certain age, they can cultivate their immortals. Such things exist in any place.

This also means that their current method of selecting suitable monks is not perfect, because many excellent children may be missed by them.

"This can only rely on you to find a way, if the genius is so good to find, then I am not all genius Chengjia?" Cheng Yu shook his head and said with a smile.

Even when he was in the fairy world, it was imperfect for the major sects to select talents. No one, no power can be completely missed.

As he said earlier, as long as a person's qualifications are not too bad, or even a little better, in various ways in life, he can actually become a genius.

On the contrary, it can be said that everyone is optimistic about the superiority, but because of the influence of the personality environment, it is possible that there is no obscurity on the road to Xiuxian, and there is no achievement. Such things are everywhere in the Xiuxian world.

Therefore, it is difficult to find a real genius with a fixed method, only to see how they cultivated themselves.

Just like when he was in the world, many children want to be admitted to their ideal university, and even most of them want to be admitted to Kyoto University.

In this process, some children's talent qualifications are better than others, they only need to spend very little time to master the knowledge they have learned.

They may succeed easily, but if they are not here, or if they are not strong enough to indulge in other things, even if they are smart, they will eventually be a loser.

Some children are poorly qualified, and even if they don’t understand it many times, such people are more difficult to succeed.

But there are also some children, although they are not as good as those who are very talented, but they are not stupid. Through their hard work, they continue to explore, but after all, they still find their own way to success.

Therefore, whether a person is a genius or not, only by the time of birth, is very unscientific.

"No matter how much, we just need to do a good job of our own abilities, it is worthy of the family!" Chen Hongyuan thought about it.

If Cheng Yu has a way, if he brings such a way back, perhaps his father will look at him differently, and he will naturally have a chance for the position of the owner.

However, Cheng Yu does not have such a solution. Then he does not think much about it.

This time, he chose to enter the dead zone. Chen did not know how many people thought that he could not go back alive. But this time, not only must I go back alive, but also give the family a lot of precious resources, which is a great credit for him.

As long as he has the opportunity to inherit the position of the owner, it is not too late for him to consider these things later.

If you can't be the owner of this family, even if he has a better way, it will be useless.

"Yes, there are some things that you can't resist alone. If you have the opportunity to be the home of your own family, you may find your own way. This is where it is, and it is in its position!

For you now, you can bring back so many precious resources, which is more useful than anything else! Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Inheriting the position of the owner, it is easy!" Chen Hongyuan shook his head and smiled.

"I haven't tried it, how do you know that you can't do it? There is nothing in this world that can't be done, only you want and don't want it!" Cheng Yu said.

He used to think that he was over, but who would have thought that he would still be alive in this world?

Therefore, in his view, nothing is impossible. Is there something more outrageous than him in this world?

I am afraid that there is no more!

I have been in Chen’s family for so long, and I know more about Chen’s affairs.

Although Chen Tianxing wants to leave the position of his homeowner to his eldest son, Chen Hongxing, he has never officially announced this matter in Chen.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Chen Hongyuan still has a chance.

Moreover, he is now a partner with Chen. For his strength, Chen Tianxing also knows something.

He is also very clear about the value of Chen. Therefore, there is a relationship between him and Chen Tianxing may not consider Chen Hongyuan as a heir to the Chen family.

At least Chen Hongxing and his relationship, as long as Chen Tianxing is not in his position, will he still cooperate with Chen? Will they arrange a practice array for them?

This is obviously not possible. He does not believe that Chen Tianxing will not consider this.

The effect of Da Yan's inheritance and practice is even more effective than any of Chen Jiazhen's resources. How many masters can they train?

Chen Tianxing is not a fool. He knows the value of the practice. Therefore, the closer Chen Hongyuan goes with him, the greater the chance for Chen Hongyuan.

He did not know whether Chen Hongyuan considered this point, and he did not know whether he had known this for a long time, so he would be so close to himself.

He does not care about the process, and the closer Chen Hongyuan is to him, the worse is not for him.

Therefore, he does not want to think about so many things, no matter what Chen Hongyuan thinks, as long as everyone is beneficial, that is enough.

"I will, not at the last moment, I will not give up easily!" Chen Hongyuan said with a deep sigh.

Although his father really valued his older brother, even if his talent was obviously better than his older brother, his father did not seem to have changed this idea.

But he did not give up on it, just want to make himself better.

Isn't the best proof of entering the dead zone?

Knowing that the dead zone is dangerous, and even possibly throwing his life here, he still chose to come in without hesitation. Of course, there are still reasons for Cheng Yu.

If Cheng Yu is not there, he did not mention himself in his father. At that time, his father was afraid that he would not talk to him about it.

However, anyway, this time he survived, this is his success.

Whether or not his father will change his mind after going back, he will still work toward this goal.

As long as Chen’s homeowner’s position is less than his older brother’s hand~www.ltnovel.com~ then he still has a chance.

"Don't worry, I hope that you can become the owner of Chen's family. I also believe that you will have such an opportunity! However, we are better off now!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What do you mean? Does the Cheng brother want to go back to the ground now?" Chen Hongyuan asked some inexplicably.

"No, those guys have been staring at us for a long time, but they have left in the near future, but now they are coming back to us. I think we are still hiding, see if these guys are What kind of ghost!" Cheng Yu explained with a smile.

With his ability to detect, even if those guys are sneaking back and forth, but he does not understand the true intentions of these guys, it is better to avoid it.

"Hidden? Since it is the group of guys, why should we hide? Those guys almost killed us all at the beginning. Now that you are here, why don't we kill them directly? Why not hide? "Hearing the heart is the former group of arrogant guys, he is not calm at once."

Because of those guys, they will be in a coma for so long. If Cheng Yu appeared in time, they would have become a dead body.

Before Cheng Yu was there, they couldn't handle so many masters. However, Cheng Yu is now, he feels that it is a good opportunity for revenge.

Since the opportunity has come, they still have a way to avoid it.

"Heart brothers are so anxious to do something. We don't know what these people want to do now. What if they are interested in the cave behind us?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Is interested in this cave? If so, then we can't even give way to them. Let's make them die at the intersection of this treasure, let them die!" Xinhai said, he hates these guys!

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