Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3214: Let you take it!

"This Tongshen tree is also cultivated by Yu Shidi, and has a **** relationship with him. It can protect Yushi in a dangerous time. I think it is also a matter of reason!" said Xinhe.

"Well, if that's the case, then, are we going to look at other channels?" Xinluo said with some excitement.

Although this time he did not see the true body of this strange animal, but one thing is very certain, that is, this strange animal is absolutely not easy.

Even if they said before that the wood attribute is not the strongest of the five elements, then the unique nature of this wood attribute is certainly not the strongest among the five elements.

However, whether it is the strongest beast or not, they are not able to deal with it.

Even if they are brought back, it is not a martial art, which family can cope with it.

Therefore, even if it is a weak beast, as long as it can be accepted, it is definitely a big boost for Cheng Yu and everyone.

"The Xinluo brothers don't worry, since this beast has been taken over by Cheng Brothers, can we go inside to take the treasure?" The East Flying White has long been waiting for it, pointing to the depths of the space.

Everyone looked at it, although the front was dark, but with their eyes, it was still faint to see a passage in front.

"That is the entrance to the treasure? If this is the case, then what are we waiting for?" Xinhai is also a bit eager to wait.

They are so hard to support Cheng Yu to come here, isn't he just hoping to get the treasure inside?

Now Cheng Yu will conquer the different beasts, and the treasures in it are of course theirs, or else they have to wait for others to take it?

"Cheng Yu, can you still move now?" Yang Ruoxue and several other women looked at Cheng Yu's worried question.

The time in the mountain river map is short, but in their hearts, these times are as long as a century.

They don't ask for much treasure, they only want Cheng Yu to survive.

Now that everything is over, and Cheng Yu is still in good condition, they are finally relieved.

Just seeing that he has been sitting in the place, the spirit is not very good, my heart is still a little worried!

"I'm fine, just a little bit of consumption, now I have a rest for a while, much better. The beast has been solved, we should also go to harvest the fruit!" Cheng Yu's mood is obviously very good.

Once again, I got a different animal. Now there are treasures in front. What else do they have to wait for?

Walking with the crowd toward the mysterious hole, without the treasure of the beast, it all became very simple.

These underground passages and treasure chests were originally made by the same group of people, so the structure inside is similar, which is the same as the passage that Cheng Yu took the treasure.

There is still a distance after entering the hole, but there is no fortification.

Perhaps the people who built this place would not have thought that in such a world someone would be able to drop or kill such a terrible beast.

So, it doesn't make sense to design anything below.

After all, even the strength to kill such a terrible beast is there. Is it afraid that several of them will be the organs?

Facing the huge stone door in front of me, just turning the door on the door, the stone door was easily opened.

“Is this the treasure house we have been waiting for for a long time?” The crowd opened the stone door and watched the treasures of a box and a box drained neatly. Everyone’s eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"As before, there are storage bags in it, all of them are medicinal herbs!" Xinluo opened a box next to him and saw it, just like the box that Cheng Yu gave him, inside. All were storage bags, then picked up a storage bag and looked at the things inside, and suddenly said excited.

"I am a magic weapon here!" said Xin Hai, opening another box.

"The spiritual stone on my side!"

"I am a medicinal material here!" The people opened the boxes of different appearances. Although they were all placed in storage bags, the resources placed inside were different.

"When are so many resources, when will this be used? Even if you use death, you can't use it?" After everyone confirmed the resources, they were excited.

They all think that Cheng Yu has given them enough resources. Although each resource has only one case, there are so many storage bags in the box, and how many resources can be loaded in each bag. Hard to estimate.

Just a few resources, the resources inside are already invaluable.

It’s hard to imagine how many resources there are in this neat box.

"What are you doing, take it quickly!" Cheng Yu knows that these guys think that these treasures are already crazy, so they repeatedly persuaded him to come in and collect treasures.

But now these guys, after opening the box and seeing so many treasures, they are covered again, and they are excited.

"Let's take it? How is this done? This is Yu Shidi, you risked your life, we can take it casually, these are yours, you just have to give us some!" Although the heart is watching these treasures In the eyes are all light ~www.ltnovel.com~ but some things he is very clear.

He can give his life to these brothers and sisters, but these principled things, he does not have that face to do this kind of thing.

Every time they are in danger, they are hiding behind. Cheng Yu is alone to take risks. Cheng Yu can give them some, they are already satisfied.

Although Cheng Yu only gave them a box of resources, but those resources have been enough for them for a long time, at least for many years they can not finish.

If Cheng Yu can get the resources in each channel, every time, as before, each box, at least they can not use these resources in the days of the world, they do not need to be so greedy, after all, The resources inside are not cheap.

They have just watched it. The magic weapon in the magic treasure box is the lowest spirit. The lowest level of the drug is the spirit level. Even those medicines are at least 100 years old.

As for the Lingshi in it, it is even more inexhaustible. Their resources only need to be cultivated by themselves. Where are they used so much?

"Let you take it, take so much to do?" Cheng Yu said loudly.

Although everyone can get these treasures, he is indeed the greatest credit, but he is not so concerned about these resources.

In particular, he also got a different animal. He has too many resources. Even those resources are used to train disciples for Cheng Jia, but it is enough!

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