Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3215: Take the hand soft!

"Cheng Brothers, I know that you are very angry, but we really don't have so many resources on this face. You just have to give us a few boxes and we are very satisfied.

You really want us to take it casually, we really have no face in front of us! Chen Hongyuan was very excited to see so many precious resources, but he was not so greedy.

After all, there are so many resources in each box. Although these resources are not all cherished, the most common ones are very precious in their world.

Even if there are only one tenth of those very precious resources, such a box is very much.

Just say the treasure chest, although the lowest order is the spirit. However, in the realm of cultivation, the spirit is also very precious.

But this is only the lowest level. There are not only the spirits, but also the Horcruxes. Even they found some fairy tools in the box that Cheng Yu had given them. Although there is no fairy, it is invaluable to take out any one. .

Not to mention other resource boxes.

Therefore, as long as they have such a box of various resources, they are already making a big profit.

"Oh, don't tell me about this. If you come, don't care so much. If I really care about these resources, I can't bring you in."

All the resources here, you take ten boxes one by one, so the head office? Cheng Yu also talked to them nonsense.

Although I know that they don't want to owe themselves too much, he has long since ignored this kind of thing.

To say that owing to humanity, without Chen Hongyuan bringing them in, where did he go to get these things?

Not to mention the original treasure of the Holy City. Here, he did save everyone from knowing how many lives.

In short, it’s already unclear to calculate it. So, don’t worry about it. Everyone is helping each other.

In addition to their own women, there are seven people who need to divide resources, but there are almost a thousand boxes of resources here.

In this way, the seven of them basically took half, and he took the remaining half.

"A resource takes ten boxes, this is too much!" Chen Hongyuan was shocked. Each resource took ten boxes. This person is dozens of boxes.

So many people have a few hundred boxes.

And how many tens of boxes of resources does one person have? How many precious resources are there? Even his heart and blood could not be shaken.

However, this is too precious. Even if he is very excited, he is afraid to do so.

"Yeah, Cheng brothers, I know that you have been taking care of us all the time, but a resource takes ten boxes, we really can't afford it!" Dongfang Feibai was frightened by Cheng Yu's words.

Although he has always supported Cheng Yu to bring them in to collect treasure, but he is still very self-aware. As long as you find the treasure, Cheng Yu can, as before, give him a box for every resource.

After all, this box is not as big as a box, but a big one.

So a box is enough!

I have to say that it is really tempting to take ten boxes of resources, but he feels that he can't afford such kindness.

Although Cheng Yu did not have enough resources to get it, but people really took their lives, but they have been safely staying in the mountain river map, what can't help, take so much, they really No such face.

"Let's talk nonsense, anyway, your resources are here. It's yours to take it. I only take the rest. If you want to leave these resources to others, then you can do it!" Cheng Yuben Not so stingy.

Although each box of resources is mixed with resources of different values, and even there are very cherished resources inside, even the repairing world is very easy to find, but he has obtained a lot of himself.

Being a person, sometimes you can't be too stingy, or else others are willing to follow you?

Anyway, I can't use it anymore, and compared to the holy treasure that he got in the desert city, the things inside are really worth mentioning.

Although there are a lot of precious resources in it, but the holy city is all treasures, even the general goods are not, the treasures here are mixed with a large number of general resources.

Of course, these resources are only general in Cheng Yu's view.

Just like those spirits, if you get the realm of comprehension, it is also a valuable item, especially in those auctions, some people even have to fight for a spirit.

But here, the spirit is really in the eye, because all he got in the holy treasure of the Holy City is a fairy, will he still see the upper spirit?

However, if these things are placed in major sects, even the nine major families are good resources.

After all, even if it is a nine-generation family, it is impossible to have a handful of artifacts. No family is so generous.

More importantly, even if he divides the resources here by half, he takes the other half by himself, and he has not used it.

Especially the last time he got the treasure, he basically took away 90%, and only got one out.

These two resources add up, even if he sends these resources one by one, do not know how many years to send, he will still have these hundreds of boxes of resources?

"This..." When Cheng Yu saw his words, he took his own part and then walked out of the treasure house. It seemed that the remaining resources really didn't matter to him. Everyone was stunned.

"Forget it, this is the intention of Yu Shidi, we all divide it. Can't you really give these resources to others?" Xinhe said first.

"Do not worry, Cheng Yu does not lack this resource, and he took about half of it alone, not too bad. Let's take care of this with him, but it makes him uncomfortable!" Xinmei also said.

In the past few years ~www.ltnovel.com~ they also have a lot of understanding of Cheng Yu's character. For these brothers and sisters, Cheng Yu passed by.

If Cheng Yu really needs these resources, they can return them to him. Do they use so many resources for their cultivation?

"That is, if you can't use it in the future, you will return it to him!" No matter how much the heart is, it is his own younger brother. He doesn't know how many people he owes when he eats him. This time is worse.

"Just because we are different from you, the number of people we owe to him has not been counted. So many resources, I am afraid that it is more than the first half of the family!" Chen Hongyuan looked at so many resources and smiled.

If these resources are his own efforts, he will accept them without saying anything. However, he did not have any strength, but he took so many resources, and his conscience was too much to pass.

"Yeah! Although I really need these resources, but it seems that I am too sorry for the brothers!" Oriental Feibai also said helplessly.

"Do not worry, Yu Shidi does not account for these, or he will not give it to you. You will put it away, let's go to several other channels? If you take the resources there, Yu’s resources are inexhaustible, and there is nothing to worry about!” Xinhai collected his own resources.

"Well, I only hope that we can make a contribution next time. At least our resources will be better when we divide resources!" Oriental Feibai also put away his own, and said with gratitude.

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