Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3216: We have 1 fight!

"Yu Shidi, are we going to see a few other channels now?" Walking in the channel of return, the heart of the sea asked excitedly.

Cheng Yu gave them so many resources at once, it was really soft.

Although these resources are enough for them to cultivate, they are a little excited when they think that there are still many huge treasures hidden in their passages next door.

Since they have already taken the treasures in the two passages, why not take all the treasures together, and it is not without this ability.

"In the current situation, you can really try it!" Cheng Yu nodded.

He now also believes that the Heavenly Tree will indeed be shot when he is in danger.

However, he still hasn't figured out that when he is in danger, the Tongtian tree is only heard when he hears his words, or is the Tongtian tree taking the initiative when he is in danger!

So, he still wants to try again.

After all, this is really too important for him.

If it is the Tongtian Tree that appears to help him, then it will prove that he will not be worried if he encounters life danger in the future. Anyway, Tongtianshu will take the initiative to solve the problem.

But if he is required to actively communicate with the **** tree, then he at least knows how to deal with the situation where he can't save himself, or else he will die, but he is still waiting for the **** tree to shoot, isn't that looking for death?

"Great, I know that Yu Shidi has this guts. As long as we solve a few strange beasts, the treasures inside will be ours!" Hearing Cheng Yu finally no longer hesitated and opposed, Xinhai was very excited. Said.

According to the current situation, they are really going to get rich this time.

I did not expect that there are so many treasures in this water city, this is really an unexpected wealth.

Anyway, they will soon leave the dead domain, just now that they have encountered such a big treasure, after taking all the treasures, it is almost just the time to leave the dead zone, this is simply the best chance given by God.

"Cheng Yu, do you really have to go to other places?" Lanya asked with some concern.

Although they have been hiding in the mountain river map, they don't know anything outside, but they know that the whole process is absolutely not as simple as Cheng Yu said.

At least from the flesh and blood blurring that the previous Cheng Yu broke the two branches, it can be seen that the beast is also very powerful.

However, Cheng Yu simply skipped it, and I don’t know how many dangerous things happened.

Even if Cheng Yu is really fine, she is still worried about Cheng Yu.

"Do not worry, I have some understanding of the gods tree now, so I believe that we will succeed this time!" Cheng Yu naturally understands the meaning of these women.

They feel their care and love for themselves, but there are things he has to do.

Because he is very clear, if they don't work hard now, they will be very passive.

Moreover, the Heavenly Tree is constantly growing up. One day, he must let the Heavenly Tree and the Holy City return to the sight of the world.

If you are not ready now, how can you do it?

Is it necessary to hide and hide forever, so that it is no longer available?

This is obviously impossible.

At the same time, only by familiarizing with the use of the Tongtian tree can he better protect himself and everyone.

Therefore, no matter what the purpose, the remaining channels must be tried.

When several women heard this, they all shook their heads helplessly. They knew that they had not persuaded Cheng Yu before. Now that he successfully conquered a different animal and wanted him to quit now, this is basically impossible.

Now what they can do is pray in their hearts, only hope that everything will go well.

When you go out, there is not only no pressure when you go out, but one is like the chicken blood, and the speed is extremely fast.

After all, this time is different from the previous one. Before that, they also said that they also have a group of ghost shields.

But now those people in those passages may have met with the beasts inside, and even have been killed by those strange animals.

So now they have to be as fast as possible. If they can still arrive when they are not dead, at least they can transfer some attention to them.

"Yu Shidi, which road do we take this time?" Soon they returned to the fork.

Now that you have two channels, there are only four channels left.

"Now I have a little bit of control. There is not much difference in choosing which one to choose. The one on the far left!" Cheng Yu looked at the remaining four passages and said.

Anyway, he doesn't know which one is easier and which one is more difficult.

But in any case, he is now planning to conquer all the different beasts, so the remaining four channels will have to go again sooner or later.

So, just start from the left.

"Well, anyway, there is a younger brother, we are not worried at all. It doesn't matter which one you choose!" Xinhai said with a smile.

In fact, in his eyes, whether it is the weakest beast in the five elements, or the strongest attack attribute, he can't beat it anyway.

Moreover, only Cheng Yu and his Tong Tian Shen tree can handle these guys.

So, choosing which channel to say is true is really not that important.

"Of course, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Cheng Yu is fighting with the beasts outside. Even if you encounter the strongest beast, it has nothing to do with you!" Xinmei said with no anger.

"Sister, you can't say that, I really want to help. But the problem is that we can't help with this strength."

Moreover, Yu Shidi has the protection of the Heavenly Tree, no matter what kind of animal he encounters, it will be safe and sound anyway! "The heart of the sea said helplessly.

"Cheng Brothers, you gave us such a big gift. I think you should not put us into the mountain river map, or we really would not want to go to it~www.ltnovel.com~ Chen Hongyuan also said at this time .

Cheng Yu is really good to them, but the more they are, the more they feel sorry for Cheng Yu.

"Yeah, Cheng brothers, although our strength is weaker, and when fighting with the beasts, we can't do the main force. But we can give you a hand, we don't enter the main battlefield, we can stay on the edge of the battlefield. Just do it, at least you need a photo when you need it!

Or will we have your face with your resources next time? "The Oriental Flying White also said.

Cheng Yu is enough for the brothers to know that he is doing this for everyone.

He does need these resources very much, but this does not mean that he is willing to always take Cheng Yu's resources.

People are desperately outside, but they are subdividing resources at the end. This kind of thing says that they are blushing!

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