Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3218: Appeared?

Since everything is clearly stated, the purpose of everyone is very clear.

Just don't know what kind of beast they will encounter this time?

Also, one of the four channels is really safe, and their hearts are still very curious.

A group of people is very fast, even if they are not dead now, but those people are definitely not going back now.

In this case, they may still be fighting the beasts now.

Therefore, they must be faster, try to arrive when they have not died, in this case, those people can at least help Cheng Yu to transfer the attention of the alien.

"I hope that those people can persist and wait for us to arrive!" Xinhai quickly rushed forward, only wishing he could be faster.

Since they know that those people have not yet come out, they don't have to worry about the dangers in front of them.

Moreover, even if they meet those people here, they can also rush those people as before.

"The time has passed so long, they should almost meet those strange animals. Just do not know how these people's strength, whether they can persist until we reach!" Xinhe shook his head and said.

"That depends on the situation. If they are unprepared and encounter the strange animals in front, the situation may be worse. If they are prepared, or if they find something, they may still be alive!" Said.

They don't know how the previous squares met the strange beast.

If the person in this channel knows something in advance, or finds something that has not yet arrived at the location of the alien, they will certainly not be so rash.

If they don’t even know what to do, they will go straight to the beasts. The chances of these people living will not be great.

After all, their strength is still too weak compared to the beasts inside.

These people can't even fight Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu seems so weak in front of these beasts. It can be said that these people are no different from the ants in front of the beasts.

If the strange animal wants to, it is just a matter of blinking to kill those people.

"If they find that there are different animals in front, then they may run back." Chen Hongyuan said.

"If they really found it in advance, and they ran back, it would be a good thing. At least we can drive them back and let them be a shield! I am afraid that these people are not so big, and they are Even we may not be able to sense the smell of these exotic animals in advance.

The people here are afraid that only the youngest brothers will be the most powerful, and they may find them.

The strength of those people is similar to ours. Even those who are powerful are not so powerful. They are afraid that it is difficult to sense the smell of exotic animals! Xin Luo shook his head and said.

They were so miserable before, because the other person is too much.

As the saying goes, ants can also kill elephants.

What's more, those people are even worse, it is also the master of the late Mahayana, and they are not much weaker than they are.

In addition, they have dozens of masters who are comparable to the immortals, and some of them are stronger than they are. In this case, they will have such a terrible situation.

However, it is not useful to be in front of a stranger.

Think about it, Cheng Yu's white bone warriors have more than 20,000, and each one is comparable to the strong robbery period, not to fight those strange animals?

Now they want to discover the strange animals in advance, and that is what they need. When it comes to sensory, although there are some reasons for strength, but strong strength may not be strong.

This is related to the individual's mental strength.

Some people's mental strength is inherently stronger, so even if the strength is stronger, but the mental strength may not be stronger than the strength of their own weak people.

Therefore, those people are even stronger than them, but they may not be as good as them.

Moreover, it is useless to have stronger mental strength than them. These alien beasts are so powerful and want to sense them. Perhaps only by reaching the level of Cheng Yu can they feel the existence of the aliens so far.

Under such circumstances, the chances that these people are still alive can be said to be quite small.

"No matter what, as long as the Tongtian Tree is useful, there is no big significance in the presence of the shields for the dead ghosts!" Cheng Yu said.

In fact, whether you can conquer the beast, the most important thing is to look at his Tongtian tree.

If Tong Tian Shen can communicate with him, even if there are no those who are dead, he has no fear, and he can accept the beast at any time.

If the **** of the gods really does not care about him, then there are no more shields for the devil to use.

Like the strange animal he had met before, he blocked his way of life. Even if there is a dragon, but the strength of the strange animal is so strong, there is no tree, and he has only one dead end.

Therefore, the most important thing is to look at the gods of the heavens and give them no strength. He does not give strength, then everyone will die together.

"Tong Tian Shen Shu, this time you can not let me down again!" Cheng Yu heart once again communicated with the Tong Tian Shen tree.

Although it once again helped him to get a different animal, the situation at the time was still critical.

If the Tongtian tree is slower, maybe the situation will be very different.

However, after the shot, the Tongtian tree was as quiet as ever, and there was no communication with Cheng Yu.

Therefore, Cheng Yu’s mood is still very tense.

Moreover, he does not know what it will be like this time.

Now there are four passages, three of which are definitely the ones that lead to the five elements of the beasts. The rest are the three attributes of earth, fire and gold.

Two of these three attributes are very powerful for attribute attacks, and the remaining ones, they can't guess what it is.

Is there really nothing? Is there still a more terrible existence?

So at the thought of these ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Cheng Yu's heart is also very nervous, I am afraid that this time the situation is even worse than he thought.

If you can connect to the Tenjin tree at that time, you can be in trouble.

However, now they have made a decision. So no matter what they will encounter before, they have only one way, and that is to go forward.

Everyone's heart jumps very fast, and the more they go forward, the more silent everyone is.

"Everyone stopped, there is breath!" After everyone ran for a while, Cheng Yu finally broke the silence again!

"What's wrong? Yu Shidi, did you sense the breath of the strange animal?" asked the crowd.

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