Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3219: Respond?

"I don't know, but I do feel some strong breath!" Cheng Yu frowned.

Judging from the current distance, it seems that the front is almost the same.

But this time the breath he sensed seems to be somewhat different from the exotic smells that he had previously felt.

“Don't you say that the strange animals in front are very powerful?” Xin Luo asked.

They did not feel any dangerous atmosphere, they could only get information through the process.

"There is this possibility, so you'd better enter the mountain river map now!" Cheng Yu said seriously.

In case, just in case, you must be prepared in advance. Perhaps the rest of these strange animals are even worse than they think. If you just rushed up, it is going to be a big deal.

"Yu Shidi, are you sure that the strange animals in front are more terrible than what we have encountered before?" Xinhai asked with some concern.

"From the breath I feel now, the beast in front can be very powerful!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

The specific situation is now uncertain. In terms of these breaths, it should not be simple. The induction is stronger than the previous wood properties.

It is because of this that he dare not let everyone take this risk together.

Everyone said before that it is clear that for everyone's safety, including him, these people enter the mountain river map and are good for everyone.

"If this is the case, then do we still have to withdraw first, go to other channels to see?" Chen Hongyuan proposed.

"There is no need for this. The remaining animals may be so powerful. What should I do?" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

Before he had encountered a fire beast, his breath was very strong, but it was confined to the melt.

Although the sense of breath is strong now, he feels that even if the beasts here are stronger, they are definitely subject to certain restrictions.

Otherwise, how can they always stay at this time with their strength? Didn't you rush out early?

Therefore, even if the former beast is very powerful, he still has a chance, especially in the case of Tongtian Shenshu.

"If this is the case, then we can't delay you. The brothers of the process must be careful. We have already got a lot of resources. If it doesn't work, we will quit. There is no need to get the resources inside. Chen Hongyuan saw that Cheng Yu was so obsessive and could not help but say.

Chen Hongyuan also has a certain understanding of Cheng Yu's character. He knows that since he has decided, there is almost no way for everyone to change.

If the frontal beasts are really stronger than the previous beasts, then if they follow, they are indeed very dangerous.

In this case, they should better listen to Cheng Yu's words, or else there will be problems, and no one can afford this responsibility.

"Cheng Yu, you must be careful, don't be reluctant, you can't escape it!" Seeing other people enter the mountain river map, several women are very reluctant to look at Cheng Yu, eyes full of worry.

Since Cheng Yu has already sensed the strength of the beasts in front, it shows that this time is really dangerous. How can they not worry?

"Don't worry, there is a **** tree, I won't have anything!" Cheng Yu smiled and touched the faces of several women, and said nothing,

Although he is not too sure about himself, he hopes that he can try to reassure a few women.

A few women reluctantly looked at Cheng Yu, after all, they still entered the mountain river map.

Although they hope to have trouble with Cheng Yu, they know that Cheng Yu’s words are not wrong.

If they keep following, it will only harm Cheng Yu.

They hope that Cheng Yu can survive and return to their world safely, so even if he is worried, he will never have to make such a small temper.

As long as Cheng Yu survives, he will do whatever he wants in the future.


Cheng Yu also collected all the people into the mountain river map, Cheng Yu also calmed down the mood. Every time I look at a few women who are worried and worried, his heart is very uncomfortable.

Sometimes he even really wants to give up these dangerous things, but he knows that if he gives up, then all the things in his heart can't be done.

Therefore, he can only succumb to his heart, for himself, but also for a few women, he must become stronger.


No longer wasting time, Cheng Yu will take it out again.

"God tree, **** tree, this time you have to ask for help, you must not let me down!" Cheng Yu looked at the mini-Tianjin tree in the palm of his hand, could not help but send a message to it.


But at this time, he actually felt the spiritual fluctuation of the Tongtian tree.

"Is it in response to me?" Cheng Yu couldn't believe it and looked at the Tongtian tree.

"Are you responding to me?" Seeing no response, Cheng Yu once again sent a message to the Tongtian tree.

Sure enough, as soon as this message was transmitted, it immediately sensed that the Tongtian Tree had once again experienced spiritual fluctuations.

"It seems that it is responding to me, it should not be wrong!" Once again, he sensed the response of Tongtianshu, and Cheng Yu was inexplicably excited.

After all, with his strength, where is the opponent of the beast?

Let's not say that this time the strange animal encountered may be stronger than before, even if it is the same as before, it is not his strength to deal with it!

"That's great. I didn't expect to get a response from the Heavenly Tree at this time. As long as there is it, I believe that there is no problem that can't be solved!" Cheng Yu was excited.

Although the beast here is very powerful, it still belongs to the lower bound. If it is the land of the fairyland, the Tongtian tree may not have such a large capacity, so it is easy to suppress the beast.

However, since it is in the lower bound, there should be no more powerful existence than the Tongtian tree.

After all, even such a terrible beast has no way to get through the **** tree~www.ltnovel.com~ He really can hardly imagine what can hurt the Tongtian tree.

This is also the case, reminding him of the Heavenly Tree in the Holy City.

The current Tiantian tree is still just a young tree, and it is not mature. If it is mature, its power should be horrible.

This is the case, the Holy City is still ruined, I believe that in the lower bound is absolutely no one or which power has such ability.

Therefore, this is not even more certain. Only the masters of the fairy world can destroy the holy city and destroy the **** tree.

In this case, when you return to the realm of comprehension, you can no longer easily use the Tongtian tree, so as not to leak the wind, bring trouble to yourself and the Tongtian tree.

"This time I will see you!" Cheng Yu smashed his head and took away those unhappy things. He ran towards the inside with the Tongtian tree.

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