Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3220: Horror!

After receiving the response from Tongtianshu, Cheng Yu’s self-confidence was simply bursting.

What is more reliable than the Tongtian tree?

At this moment, even if the alien beast is horrible, he is not worried. Anyway, in this world, there is no enemy that can't make a difference.

More confident than ever, Cheng Yu simply cares how powerful the beasts in front are, and rushes straight ahead.

"It's so bloody, it seems that those guys won't be very good!" After a while, Cheng Yu soon smelled a strong **** breath.

There is such a heavy **** smell in this place, and it is obvious that there was a big battle in front.

And if there is a big battle, it must be those who came in before. How do you say that they are so many people, even if they are divided into six teams, each team has three or four hundred people, so many people, it is normal to be able to pass such a strong **** taste.

"It seems that it is impossible to let those people do the shields. Fortunately, the Tianshen Tree responded at this time. This time it should be smoother!" Cheng Yu ran and thought.

Since this strange animal is likely to be stronger than the previous two, it is reasonable for those people to be destroyed during these times.

Smell the smell of blood, coupled with the speed of Cheng Yu, and soon came to the end of the passage, but the process did not stop immediately.

The layout is the same as the previous two channels, with a large space at the exit of the channel.

However, in addition to feeling that the smell of the strange animal is getting stronger and stronger, Cheng Yu did not feel any other atmosphere, which made him a bit strange.

Take the situation of the wooden nature of the beast, he can still feel the breath of some corresponding elements.

However, here is no sense of the five elements of the atmosphere.

"Is this the sixth channel?" Cheng Yu frowned.

Because there are six channels in total, he knows that five of them represent the attributes of the five elements, but the extra one does not know what the situation is.

But in the current situation, if the guess is correct, this should be the sixth channel that does not know what the situation is.

"In the current breath, the beast in front may be stronger than the beast of the five elements!" According to the breath he now senses, this is also the result of his.

"Through the **** tree, would you help me?" Cheng Yu couldn't help but look at the Tongtian tree again.

If this time, the **** tree does not shoot, then he may be spiked here, then it is finished, so it is best to make sure.

If Tongtian Shenshu doesn't help, then one person rushes out, isn't that looking for death? At that time, even if you want to escape, you can't escape.

"Then you shot first!" Although Cheng Yu once again got a response from Tongtianshu, but after all, the other party will not speak. Is this response willing to be shot or not willing to take it?

In order not to break the road for himself, Cheng Yu intends to directly let the Tongtian tree first shot.

If it is shot, then you can be sure that this guy is really going to help himself, otherwise he can only retire.

Although he wants to conquer these exotic animals, he still has a degree.

If the beasts here are the same as before, even if he rushes out, there is still a chance to escape. But if the alien beast is much stronger than the five-lined beast, the **** tree does not help him, then he can rush in and there is no chance of escape.


Sure enough, this time the **** tree is really listening to him, just a message passed to it, it really rushed out.

"It seems to have a play!" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu was very happy and quickly followed.

As long as the **** of heaven is willing to take the shot, then the problem will be solved.

Coming to this space, as Cheng Yu thought, these people have already been killed by the beasts. The ground is full of flesh and blood, and even a complete body has not been found.

Cheng Yu glanced around and wanted to find out where the beast was.

Although he had already felt the strong atmosphere of the beasts here, he could not determine their position.

Moreover, the area was dark and the place where he could see it was extremely limited. He didn't know what was inside.

Fortunately, the **** of the sky is constantly emitting a dark green light, which more or less makes him see some places.

“No?” Cheng Yu observed it all around, but did not see any strange animals, which made him a bit strange.

"Don't you go inside?" Although the treasure trove has not yet been discovered, he can be sure that there is definitely a treasure trove.

If there isn't one, then this is only possible.

However, after thinking about it, this stranger is also subject to certain restrictions. If this is the case, it is impossible to go anywhere except this place.

Just like the two five-line beasts before, although they are guarding the treasure house, they are always in the hole and will not enter.

Otherwise, when he first encountered the dragon, he entered the treasure trove, and the dragon had already rushed in.

"Since it won't be inside, it may be hidden in a corner." Cheng Yu nervously observed every dark place, this stranger is likely to attack him!


But when Cheng Yu wanted to communicate with Tong Tian Shen, he only saw the Tongtian tree but took the initiative.

One of the branches directly rushed out in one direction!

"Where?" Cheng Yu had some doubts. There was nothing in it, only a wall.


However, what shocked Cheng Yu was that the wall suddenly moved and rushed toward Cheng Yu.

"This is..." When Cheng Yu saw this guy, the whole person was shocked.

Too big, this guy is just a giant!

Do not! It is a giant python!

It’s just that this giant is not the same as the other giants~www.ltnovel.com~ It has three bodies!

"Is this three-headed and six-armed?" Cheng Yu has never seen such a strange animal. This guy looks terrible. The power that it rushes to drive is also terrible. If it is caught by this guy, it is directly Pinch in the meatloaf.


Cheng Yu took his speed to the limit and quickly retreated.

However, although the body of the three giants is huge, its speed is very fast. It seems to be in front of Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu is trying to block it, but he finds that this guy’s body suddenly slows down. .


Cheng Yu Ding looked at it. It turned out to be the Tongtian tree. The stick that it stretched out tied the waist of the three giant pythons.

However, this only reduces its speed and cannot directly dampen it!

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