Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3225: Forcible suppression!

In fact, Cheng Yu is most worried about the fact that these strange beasts know each other, or else they will not let the Tongtian Tree put this guy on one of the giant clams.

But now it seems that these strange animals do not know each other.

The cockroach was smashed, and it was obviously irritated. It hit the past with the property of the wood.

Compared with this giant python, this wooden property is obviously weaker, and by this collision, it flies directly.

But seeing its branches stick out, it was also wrapped around the giant python, and the legs fell to the ground, and they slammed back and bounced back.


Relying on the branches wrapped around the giant python, the tree beast bombarded the giant python.

The two huge guys just got together, and although the strength of the beast was a little worse, it was obviously not convinced.

It has been easily swayed by the Tongtian tree, and it may have made it very angry, but now this guy wants to bully himself, which is obviously unacceptable.

What's more, no matter where you put this level of beast, it is the king's level. Nowadays, there are even kings of the same level. Even if Cheng Yu does not let them contradict each other, they will attack each other.

"Call! It seems that my method has worked. Next, I should release the dragon!" Cheng Yu was very happy to see the beast playing with the giant python.

Before he succeeded, he was still very nervous, and he was afraid that the tree beast would suddenly turn against water.

However, from the current situation, it should not be backwaters.


When the water dragon appeared, the dragon would scream and scream, and a dragon screamed.

However, this water dragon is very strange. It sees the Tongtian tree in front of it is not as violent as the tree beast, and even seems to be afraid of the **** tree.

Seeing this scene, I can't help but remind Cheng Yu of the scene when I first accepted the dragon.

At the beginning, because of the appearance of the Tongtian tree, this guy seems to be very docile, and even has a sense of surrender, or else even if there is a **** tree, he can not conquer the dragon so easily.

Perhaps, it is because the atmosphere of the Tongtian tree is always a feeling of wanting to worship, and this dragon is also affected by this breath.

But it is obviously impossible to make this giant dragon obedient to help him suppress the giant python outside.

"It seems that I can only use the old method, through the heaven tree, you have to get it done!" Cheng Yu told the Tongtian tree.

However, unexpectedly, this dragon actually flew out.


Moreover, Cheng Yu has not responded. He is worried that this guy is going to flee, but it is actively hitting a giant to fight.

"This... what is going on?" Cheng Yu was puzzled, how this guy became so obedient.

How to say it is also a dragon, as the reason is not so easy to control.

But this guy is actively fighting, which makes people puzzled.

However, although he was puzzled, no one answered him this question.

"Although I don't understand what is going on here, but since it took the initiative to play, it will prevent me from having trouble again!" Cheng Yu shook his head and thought.

Regardless of what happened in this, at least this is definitely a good thing for Cheng Yu.

There is no need to use that means to trick the dragon into helping the three giant pythons. Now that two giant pythons have been blocked, this is definitely the best time for Cheng Yu to take the shot.

The giant scorpion is divided into three, and this strength will definitely be weakened.

Now that the two are blocked by the tree beast and the dragon, then it is no longer a problem to pass the **** tree to deal with the last one.

"Tong Tian Shen Shu, this time I will see you!" Cheng Yu excitedly told the Tongtian Tree.

Such a good opportunity can not be missed.

This three-legged giant is still very fierce. Even if it is divided into three bodies, each body is not weaker than the other beasts. It can be seen how strong the three giants are.

Or else those people ran in and didn't even have a runaway person?

In the face of such a powerful beast, if there is a **** tree, even Cheng Yu is easily squeezed into a meatloaf.


Without the interference of other giant pythons, the branches of the Tenjin tree stretched out like a spider silk in all directions.

Especially the giant python with no opponents, the goal of the **** tree at the moment is it.

It is unlikely that the three giants will be solved at the same time, but now there is only one, which is much easier.

This giant python is very violent, seeing these branches stick out, constantly moving between the gaps, and even breaking the branches in front of them.

For the three-in-one big three-in-one, it is easier to destroy these branches.

But now only one-third of it, after being entangled by this pole, its power is obviously not so strong, although it has been cut off by it.

But the inexhaustible branches are entangled, and it is not so easy to get out again.

However, this family is very fast, the body is also very flexible, and numerous branches have not been able to directly trap it~www.ltnovel.com~ At the same time, these three giants seem to have found their weaknesses. It’s actually getting ready to move closer, and maybe you want to be one.

"Put it up, down, left, and right!" Cheng Yu saw that the giant cockroach was so embarrassed that he couldn't catch it, and they seemed to want to fit again, and suddenly they were anxious.


Tongtian Shenshu is indeed very obedient. According to Cheng Yu’s instructions, all the space around the giant scorpion that has been placed is closed.


This giant cockroach was blocked from going all the way, apparently angry.

However, this time it can't run away, such a stick will block all its roads, even if it is powerful, it can destroy some branches, but in a short time it is absolutely impossible to put so many branches. Ruined.

"Xian Mota! Go!" Cheng Yu knows not to wait, not waiting for this giant to be completely restrained, he will throw out the fairy tower.

There is no way, time is tight, even if there are two different beasts to help, these giants are really strong, they want to beat these two giants, fear is not likely.

Therefore, the two of them can only help Cheng Yu to delay some time.

Therefore, there is not a lot of time for Cheng Yu, and I can never let this guy fit again. Who knows what happens after the fit?

In the unlikely event that these two beasts are turned over by this guy?

The fairy devil tower was accurately placed on top of the head of the giant clam trapped by the branches, and the golden light was scattered, trying to suppress the big guy.


However, this level of aliens, although temporarily trapped by those branches, but has not been subject to any suppression and restrictions, it is obviously very difficult to suppress such a powerful alien beast!

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