Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3226: Found a secret!

The giant scorpion slammed into the fairy tower on the top of the head. Although there were so many branches around it, the powerful force penetrated and hit the fairy tower.


The gap between the two is not a star or a half, but several levels, and at this stage, any level is extremely large.

Even if the power of the giant scorpion was removed by half, the power would not be blocked by Cheng Yu.

The fairy tower was directly hit back into Cheng Yu's body, and a blood was sprayed.

"Sure enough, still can't! Through the **** tree, take more energy from this guy!" Cheng Yu was shocked.

Although I have known that it is too reluctant to suppress the giants at this time, but time is tight, he still wants to try.

But the result is obvious, the power of this giant is still too strong, and the energy in it must be sucked away.

And the nature of this ability is only the **** of the heavens.

In the encounter with other beasts, Cheng Yu was always afraid that the Tongtianshen tree could not stop, and unknowingly sucked up the energy of the whole beast, then he would not be able to get his hand.

But this time, he only hopes that the **** tree can **** more.

Otherwise, he has no way to suppress it!

I felt that a lot of energy was sucked back by the Tenjin tree, but Cheng Yu was not satisfied. If you can't conquer this giant, then its power is not only useless for it, but a huge threat.


However, the other two giant pythons seem to be inductive. I feel that the energy in my other body is being sucked away a lot, which is obviously unacceptable.

Under the anger, the power was revived, and the two giant pythons repelled two different beasts and rushed toward the trapped giant.


The two giant pythons left and right, and at the same time attacked the sticks that wrapped the giant python inside, and destroyed a lot of branches at once.

"Through the **** tree, wrap them around me, can't let them put the one out inside!" Cheng Yu yelled.

These two guys are too strong. If you let them do this a few times, then the trapped one will be released again, and it will really be abandoned.


However, at this time, the other two strange animals seem to have been provoked by the giant python.

How to say that he is also a king, even being despised by other beasts, this is an insult and a shame for them.

So, after being repulsed, he screamed and rushed toward the two giants again.

Although these two giant pythons can ignore the attack of Cheng Yu and those fairy bone warriors, they cannot ignore the attacks of these two strange animals. Even if the strength of these two beasts is really weaker than them, then the power is no small feat.

What's more, a different animal is divided into three. The strength of the three giants is even stronger than the other two beasts, but it is not strong enough.

Moreover, these three giants are still a strange animal. Although they have become three separate bodies, there may be some connection between the three animals.

So, after seeing another alien being trapped, or even being sucked away, the other two giant pythons will become so violent.

It’s just that the two beasts are rushing up at the moment, and they want to save another body of their own, it’s not that easy.

In the heart of Cheng Yu, he constantly urged the **** tree, only hope that it can quickly absorb the power of the giant python.


As time goes by, the energy absorbed by the Heavenly Tree from the giant python is also increasing.

However, this time Cheng Yu is no longer so rushed. After an experience, even if the heart is particularly anxious, he does not dare to take it anymore.

After all, this level of master warrior, once there are any mistakes, the damage done to him is great.

Just because I used the Xiande Tower to force the suppression of the giant python, the result was that the chicken was not eroded, not only did not suppress the giant python, but actually hurt myself.

Don't look at the big bang that hits just a magic weapon.

However, these Cheng Yu's magic weapons are all with a soul contract. Once they are injured, they are the same as Cheng Yu's soul.

Therefore, although I have seen so much energy in the sky, I still can't easily shoot it.

Because at this time he has not yet absolutely grasped the success.


Just as Cheng Yu waited for the timing of the shot, he saw that the other two giant pythons were actually abused by the two strange animals.

"The two guys are so strong?" Cheng Yu stunned, apparently did not expect the two guys to be more and more fierce.

Perhaps it was before the two giant pythons hit the injured self-esteem, and now they are burning in anger, to find their dignity.

"No! How do I feel that the two guys are getting weaker?" Cheng Yu looked excitedly at the battle on both sides.

For Cheng Yu, these two guys are crazy, this is definitely good news.

It’s just that he observed it for a while, but he always felt that the two beasts were getting stronger and stronger, but the two giants were getting weaker and weaker.

"Is it..." Seeing that the two beasts have taken the absolute advantage~www.ltnovel.com~The two giant pythons are becoming more and more passive and always knocked down, Cheng Yu looks again Looking at the giant python that was trapped by the **** tree, there was a sudden thought in his heart.

"The three guys were originally one. Now that the Heavenly Tree absorbs the energy of this giant python, then the energy of the other two giant pythons will be averaged, so that their power will weaken. !! Cheng Yu saw that the giant scorpion that was trapped seemed to be similar to the other two.

In a reasonable way, the atmosphere of this giant python should be weaker than the other two.

After all, the Heavenly Tree only absorbs its energy, but now it feels that the three giants have the same breath, which means that the strength of the three giants should be similar.

So he got this idea.

In other words, these three giant pythons are originally a body, so their energy or breath should be equivalent.

Now one of them is weakened, so in order to make the breath of the three bodies still quite the same, then the energy of the other two bodies will be balanced.

Only in this way can we ensure that the strength and breath of the three bodies are similar and maintain a balance.

But in this way, the strength of the other two giant pythons will naturally weaken, so this will happen.

"It’s really helping me, so that the Tongtian tree doesn’t have to be so troublesome. It needs to be solved one by one. As long as this one is trapped and absorbs its energy to a certain extent, then these three guys They will all be conquered together!" Cheng Yu was very excited when he figured this out.

He knows that as long as he **** again, he is getting closer and closer to victory. If he wants to accept them again, it is no longer impossible!

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