Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3257: The civil war of the dynasty!

"Do you say that the two boys of the Chen family and the Eastern family will really get back a lot of precious resources?" Shangguan Shijia looked at the Chen family and the people of the East family who were walking in front of him. My heart was very upset.

This time, Chen Jia and the Oriental family really did their best. I didn't think that this trip to the dead domain would have given them great benefits. It would be difficult to accept them.

But this is the case, even if they don't want to accept it again, the facts are still like this.

"Hey! Just the two boys, I want to see them, they are just looking for a safe place to hide for three months, what resources can be brought back!" Jiang Wuya is the most visible of these two families. But the two families are alive and returning.

"That is, where is the dead zone, everyone does not know. But you look at the two of them, where is like a person who has entered the dead zone." The wind is also unhappy.

Judging from the outside, Chen Hongyuan and the Oriental Flying White really can't see what danger they have experienced in the dead zone.

But to say that they have been hiding in it for three months, it is a bit like it.

"Although there are a lot of treasures in the dead domain, you have to have this ability to get it. The strength of both of them has also been seen in the Nine-Family, even though Chen’s kid won the fourth place, but that’s also Because a few powerful ones were eliminated in advance.

Therefore, depending on the two of them, in the place of the dead, where is the treasure for them? "Jiang Wuya seems to be not addicted, continue to ridicule.

"It can't be said that the dangers in the dead zone are not fake. But it is also possible that they are really lucky. Not only do they not meet the people of the outside world, but they may also encounter some treasures that can be easily obtained.

After all, dead domain is also a magical place, and sometimes luck is also very important! "Gong Sun Mingde said openly.

Although the Gongsun family is strong, it is even stronger than the Eastern family. For the Eastern family, he did not have much rejection, and he was even more envious.

Why can someone else come back safely, why is his person dead inside? Think about it, maybe this is really a fate. Can it be said that Chen and the Eastern family really want to rise in these five hundred years?

If this is the case, maybe you have to go with them to get angry.

However, he is impossible to say to these people.

Sometimes when you are with everyone, you can't stand the team easily. Once you get it wrong, it will be very bad for you.

He naturally won this truth, so he is not biased towards anyone, who does not raise him, nor who will devalue him, but who will offend him.

"Do you think they will have that life? The treasure that can be obtained easily. How can there be such a good thing under the sun?"

If it is true, then this treasure has no value at all. The more precious the treasure, the more rare it is and the more dangerous it is. This is the eternal truth! "Gan no endless disdain."

"Oh! In the end, there are still too few of us. If you can enter hundreds of thousands of people like the outside world, how could it not be rewarded?" Shangguan said very envious.

Since ancient times, the Nine Worlds have been fighting for these sixty places.

But who would have thought that in another world or a few worlds, people are sending people in droves to die, is there still contention?

Hundreds of places, even if they are given to the nine major families, a family can also send dozens of people, then they will not be as degraded as they are now.

"Isn't that the dynasty has an entrance to enter? I don't know how many people they can enter. If we can get such an entrance, then we don't have to compete with the three great families for this place!" Remind, the wind seems to think of something, said the opening.

"When listening to the elders of the Stuart family, it is certain that the dynasty has an entrance into the dead zone. But we want to get the entrance of the dynasty, which is simply impossible.

However, now I have some understanding of why the strength of the dynasty is so strong. At the beginning they occupied the entire realm of comprehension, maybe it was to occupy the entrance to these dead zones! Jiang said nowhere.

For the dynasty, he is still very taboo.

Although any family in the nine major families took it out, it was much stronger than the sects outside. But compared with the dynasty, it is nothing.

After all, people seem to exist earlier than the Nine major families, and they almost occupy most of the resources of the comprehension.

The roots of people can be said to never fall down. How can they get the entrance to the dead zone?

"We don't know if they want to occupy the entrance to the dead zone, but now we can't get these entrances, let alone we don't know where these entrances are." Shangguan said.

"That may not be, if the dynasty is willing to cooperate with us, maybe we have this opportunity!" said the wind.

"The dynasty cooperated with us? The strength of the dynasty is so strong. In this world, there is no power that can threaten them. Even if our nine families are united, they are not opponents at all.

Why do people want to cooperate with us? And also share their resources with us? Shangguan Yan shook his head and said.

"That's not necessarily, I heard that more than a year ago, the dynasty had a big event!" said the wind.

"What big thing?" Several owners looked at each other curiously.

"Everyone knows that ~www.ltnovel.com~ The current site of the dynasty is under the management of the foreign dynasty. The whole dynasty is divided into countless external dynasties. And more than a year ago, several foreign pilates of the East Sea appeared inside. Fighting, the civil wars of several major foreign dynasties lasted for nearly a year.

This time, the civil war directly changed the situation of the major foreign dynasties on the East Sea. However, I heard that this civil war was not just a simple civil war, but the participation of foreign forces, which caused such a civil war. ! Said the wind.

"Is there a foreign power involved in the civil war of the dynasty? How is this possible? Where is there such a powerful force in the realm of the repairing world, dare to fight against the dynasty?" The people were taken aback, apparently did not know that such a big happening outside thing.

"Then I don't know, but the realm of comprehension is not only our forces, is there any resilience? If they do, I think there is still this possibility!" said the wind.

"Where did you hear this news?"

"I also learned this news a while ago, but I think it should be true. After all, who dares to pick up the dynasty?" Wind said!

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