Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3279: Chen Tianxing's doubts!

"Yu Shidi, you just was too overbearing, I really appreciate you more and more!" Out of the Yuhua Hall, Xinhai smiled and gave a thumbs up to Cheng Yu.

It was really shocking to him. After all, Cheng Yu was generally very gentle, but he did not expect this time to be so strong.

"Yeah, this time Hongyuan brother, he really is a bit too much. Originally he wanted a line of law to understand, but he actually sat on the ground, even want to marry the Situ family, if not give him some color Really thought that we are bullying?" said the heart.

Just now Cheng Yu’s domineering, she felt that there was no problem at all. At this time, she should be tougher.

Even if the family is gone, it will eventually look down on them and feel that they are high.

This time Cheng Yu suddenly overbearing, so that they can see their own strength, not too high to see themselves.

To be honest, Cheng Yu’s words in the Yuhua Hall just now, in addition to Chen Tianxing, can be said that everyone believes Cheng Yu’s words.

As long as they Chen Jia dare to fight, Cheng Yu is absolutely capable of destroying Chen.

Of course, this may not be possible until it has entered the dead zone. But now Tongtianshu has been able to listen to Cheng Yu's words.

Moreover, Cheng Yu also conquered so many horrible beasts in the dead zone. Although these different beasts can not control them, as long as Cheng Yu puts out one out, it is enough to destroy the entire Chen family.

"Cheng Yu, I am sorry, I did not expect the owner to be like this!" At this time, Chen Xinran came up with an apology.

"This is not your business, rest assured, even Chen, is not qualified to marry you!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

He didn't get angry because of Chen Tianxing's behavior, but it was beyond the scope he could accept, so he would be so strong.

After all, Chen Tianxing did not care about his face.

"Thank you, Cheng Yu!" Chen Xinran said gratefully.

In fact, when Cheng Yu was worried, her heart was worried, but she felt very warm.

Because Cheng Yu pointed out that in the whole Chen family, he only cares about her and her second brother Chen Hongyuan. At this moment, she only feels particularly warm, this is the real brother and sister!

As long as Cheng Yu assured her, she also believed that she could not marry the Situ family.

However, she is also really worried that Cheng Yu and Chen Jia directly fall out, in that case, she is embarrassed.

How can we say that she is also a child of Chen's family, is it necessary to betray Chen? But if she stays at Chen, she will definitely not have any good results!

So she still hopes that everyone can solve this matter peacefully!

"Is it so polite with me? As long as you really like my brother, no one can force you!" Cheng Yu laughed.

If you can't even protect people around you, what road is it to repair?

Chen Tianxing is wrong in being too greedy. He can pay some price for the Xinluo, but the price should be within his acceptance.

If you arrange two arrays for Chen, it will obviously disturb his rhythm, so Chen will easily lose control.

The three arrays work at the same time. Even without him, plus the resources that Chen Hongyuan took out, Chen’s family will definitely rise rapidly in these five hundred years.

He does not want to see the rise of Chen, but does not want Chen to lose his dependence on him when he rises. In this case, Chen’s rise has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to promise to give Chen’s two positions.

Of course, now he will not give Chen a more array of methods and does not mean that he will not give it in the future. At least the time is not yet ripe.

Unless Chen Hongyuan really became the owner of Chen's family in the future, the situation is different. With his relationship with Chen Hongyuan, Chen's family has grown rapidly, and he naturally has not taken much care of it.

Not long after, Chen Hongyuan also followed up!

“Is the explanation clear?” Cheng Yu said faintly.

"Cheng Brothers, I am really sorry, I did not expect this to happen!" Chen Hongyuan said apologetically.

"How is the result?" Cheng Yu shook his head. He has always been wrong with people. This matter has nothing to do with them. It is nothing more than Chen Tianxing’s self-assertion is too greedy.

However, he will not let Chen Tianxing's greed continue.

"Yu Shidi, you can rest assured that I shouldn’t say anything that I shouldn’t say!" Chen Hongyuan was afraid of what happened to Cheng Yu, and said quickly.

"I believe in you!" Cheng Yu nodded. Chen Hongyuan was a smart person. He believed that Chen Hongyuan knew very well what to say and what should not be said.

In particular, Chen Hongyuan is basically a person who understands his full strength. He also believes that he has the ability to destroy Chen, and it is impossible to make such a joke.

"Thank you for your brother, but I haven't given you a reply yet. I may know the result tomorrow!" Chen Hongyuan said.

"Do not worry, I believe that you will not let us down!" Cheng Yu smiled and shook his head.

If Chen Tianxing really wants to be good for Chen, he should know how to do it.

Promise the marriage of Xinluo and Chen Xinran, then they can still get a battle. But if he disagrees, then he should know that if he really handed the formation to another family, what they would become, he should be more clear than anyone else.

As long as he is not stupid, I believe that there is already a bottom in my heart, saying that I have to reply tomorrow, I just want to give myself a step.

I don't care if I don't process it. Since I gave him a day, I don't hurry for such a moment.

I got a lot of things~www.ltnovel.com~ A few people have a lot of moods, because everyone has confidence in Cheng Yu, and stroll around Chen, still feel the world is more secure.

There are always kinds of worries in the dead zone. Although the dead zone is very big, it feels like there is no safe place in the whole world.

Although the aura here is not as good as the dead zone, but the air of the world is breathing, there is a real sense of solidity.

When Cheng Yu returned to Cui Yunfeng, Chen Tianxing called all the elders to the Yuhua Hall.

At this time, Chen Tianxing's face is still not very good-looking, and even the brows are slightly wrinkled, and there seems to be some ambiguity.

Before Chen Hongyuan’s words, he did not wake up. As he suspected, Cheng Yu’s strength has indeed surpassed the scent, but it has not yet reached the robbery period.

However, Chen Hongyuan said that only Cheng Yu can kill Cheng Yu, which made him very shocked.

It’s just that he still has a doubt in his heart. Is Chen Hongyuan really talking? Only Cheng Yu can kill Cheng Yu?

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