Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3280: Oppose!

It’s just who Chen Hongyuan is, he still knows better, especially in front of him, it’s even more impossible to target nothing.

“Is there anyone behind Cheng Yu?” Chen Tianxing recalled those people around Cheng Yu, and those people seemed to have nothing strange.

Therefore, he can only suspect that there may be powerful characters behind Cheng Yu.

Now think about it, Cheng Yu dare to be so arrogant in front of him, to say that he does not have a card, it is certainly impossible.

However, although I thought so in my heart, I was very upset when I thought about the arrogance of Cheng Yu.

How to say that he is also the head of the family, and is Chen Hongyuan's father. He regards Chen Hongyuan as a brother. Shouldn't he be polite to him?

"Homeowner, suddenly called us all, what happened?" Two elders Chen Tianwen saw Chen Tianxing's face not look good, asked doubtfully.

"Big brother, now Hongyuan is also the master of the Chen family. I am qualified to participate in the Chen family. Since something happened, should I also call him?" At this time, the old seven Chen Tianming said.

Chen Hongyuan gave him a box of resources two days ago. After returning, he looked at the resources inside, but it really made him excited and couldn’t sleep.

I only think that Chen Hongyuan is still very good at doing things. He originally intended to give all of these resources to his daughter.

But when he saw the resources inside, he himself was blind, and in the end he only intended to hand half to his daughter.

"Yes! And this is the first thing that happened after the second son became Chen Jiashangqing. I also think it would be more appropriate to find him!" The two elders also said.

The so-called eating mouth is short and the hand is soft.

Like Chen Tianming, he also got a box of resources from Chen Hongyuan. Like the 30 boxes of resources that I saw here, Chen Hongyuan was really a little discount and didn’t play. This made him feel that Chen Hongyuan is really reliable and not He has valued him for so many years.

And now Chen Hongxing is here too. Since Chen Hongyuan is already Shangqing, it is not appropriate to lack him alone.

At this time, several other elders also spoke for Chen Hongyuan. No way, who let them also take advantage of others?

This kind of situation makes the elders and Chen Hongxing and others are not so happy.

These guys all went down to Chen Hongyuan's side, how can they make them happy? This is simply to replace his position.

"No, he already knows about this. Now call you, there is one thing to tell you!" Chen Tianxing said with a hand.

"Homeowner, don't know what it is?" Chen Tian, ​​the elder elder, said with a frown.

What the owner said just now is that there is one thing to tell everyone, not to discuss it with everyone. This makes him somewhat confused. It seems that he has already had a result in this matter, just want to tell everyone the result.

Although the other party is the owner of the family, but Chen’s business is not something that he is the master of. If he does not go through the consent of everyone, he always makes decisions privately. What do you want to do?

This is obviously a disrespect for everyone, so there is some dissatisfaction in my heart and the tone is not so good.

"Juan Yu took his brother Xin Luo and was pleased to come here to discuss the marriage of the two, far away, so there is no need to inform him about this matter." Chen Tianxing explained.

"The marriage of the two of them has been decided before. As long as they can win in the Chen family's test, they can enjoy the happiness. Now they want to get married. I think this is also reasonable!" said the two elders.

Chen Tianming did not speak. His daughter found her sweetheart. He was naturally very happy.

I just didn't think that it was this thing to talk about today, so my daughter also went out.

"That is what I said, but I think this matter has to be reconsidered. At the beginning we only said that the winners can be happy, but we have to say that we must agree to their marriage now!" But the elders are standing up and presenting objection.

"What do you mean by the elders? Is it because we are going to rebel? Then we are not very shameful?" The two elders did not agree with this statement, which is obviously difficult.

However, the things they had to recruit for Chen Xinran were originally spread to major families. Everyone knew about Chen Xinran’s marriage.

Xinluo also won the test in front of the family, and now he has to oppose it. This is obviously reasonable.

"That also depends on who the object is? They are just a disciple of the outside martial art. What is the identity of Chen Xinran? It is the arrogant woman of Chen's family. Can we marry the woman of Chen's family to such a person?" Isn't this demeaning our family?

If this is passed to other families, people should think that we can't marry the Chen family, but they are married to such a martial art! Chen Tian retorted.

"Isn't Xinluo a disciple of the Promise Palace? Although the Promise Palace can't compare with our nine major families, but how to say it is also the four hidden schools, happy to marry him, I think there is nothing shameful! "Do you say it?" said the two elders.

"This... I don't think there is anything, and I see that the talent of the kid is not bad. The young age is already in the late Mahayana. It is not much more than the younger generation of other families. Also the little girl also I like him very much, even with him a little affection, I feel that this matter is not inappropriate, but also ask the older brother to be the master!" Chen Tianming said some embarrassing.

For his daughter's marriage, he did not have the power to do the Lord, but he still hopes to win happiness for his daughter.

If she is going to marry someone she doesn't like now~www.ltnovel.com~ he may not object. However, it is obvious that I like Xinluo. Since they are affectionate, how can he break them up as a father?

It was only the elders who stood up and opposed it, which made him very embarrassed.

The power of the elders is still very big, and he obviously wants to cross the bar.

But for the happiness of his daughter, he can't possibly do nothing.

"Well, but let's listen to the decision of the elders first. Since the elders don't agree with this marriage, what do you say?" Chen Tianxing said to the elders.

"The family owner did not say that the Situ family also sent people to send letters to Xinran to mention relatives? Situ family is one of the three major families, strong.

And every time the Nine-Family ratio has almost a place for the Stuart family, although this time we have gained something in the dead zone, it is obviously not enough to compete with the three major families on these resources.

Perhaps they have the same resources as the Situ family and the Ji family, so that we have no advantage. Chen Tianwei said!

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