Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3290: Chen Hongning's anger!

The third 290 chapter Chen Hongning's anger

The power of the Faerie is the representative of the robbery period. Because there is no immortal existence in the real world, the emergence of the power of the Faerie means that the power of the Faerie is a period of robbery.

But now these bones are all wrapped in the power of the Faerie, which means that these white bone warriors are also in the robbery period.

However, the bones of a robbery period, they have never heard of it, and there is more than one, there are as many as eight standing here.

"Is this the card of Cheng Yu?" Chen Tianxing could not help but think.

Chen Hongyuan's reminder, he knows that Cheng Yu must have a card, but he thought of a variety of results, but never thought it was this result!

"Give them all to me!" However, Cheng Yu's words quickly broke their shock.

When Cheng Yu’s voice fell, these white-bone warriors in the robbery period had already started directly, and rushed toward those who fell to the ground.

"Chen Xiaoyou! Under the mercy!" But at this time, a figure floated from a distance.

Puff puff!

However, Cheng Yu glanced faintly, and there was no intention to stop these fairy bone soldiers.

It’s just a knife. These people, whether they are three robbers or those who are scattered, are all destroyed by these white bone warriors.


A scream screamed and everyone fell to the ground.

When the figure landed, everyone was abolished.

However, just after the man landed, the white bone warriors once again surrounded the man. As long as Cheng Yu makes an order, this person will die in the hands of the Bone Warrior.

"Sorry, you are late!" Cheng Yu looked at the person and said faintly.

The person who appeared in front of Cheng Yu this time was an acquaintance. The last time he saw Chen Hongning was also the ancestor of Chen.

When Cheng Yu was in the process of arranging the formation, the old man had been asking to study at the scene.

For this old man, Cheng Yu still had some good feelings at the beginning, at least this person is still relatively honest. But now, he doesn't like the Chen family.

Although Cheng Yu apologized, but his face did not seem to see his apology.

"Old ancestors!" The only person who has not had an accident is Chen Tianxing who is not qualified to play.

Seeing Chen Hongning appear, he feels that he wants to cry at this moment. He was really scared by Cheng Yu's powerful means. He did not expect that there was such a terrible existence in Cheng Yu's hands.

He didn't understand much about the level of the robbery period. However, he still knows the power of the Faerie. He sees that all the bone-and-bone warriors are wrapped in the power of the Faerie, and they are still a thick layer.

Just like Chen Hongyun, they are just a fist wrapped in a layer of faint gold. This is the real power of the fairy spirit. Chen Hongyun seems to be the real force of the fairy spirit.

The strength of the spirit of the spirit represents the strength of a master of the robbery period.

With so many powers of the Faerie, their strengths don't have to be much stronger than Chen Hongyun.

This shows how horrible these battles of Cheng Yu's white bone warriors are. Now that Chen Hongning is surrounded by these horrible white bone warriors, Chen Tianxing feels that his body is involuntarily shaking.

Cheng Yu, if Chen Hongning is also abolished, then he really does not know how to deal with the ancestors of Houshan.

"Cheng Xiaoyou, do you want to waste the old man?" Looking at the Chen family who were abolished in this place, Chen Hongning also sighed in his heart.

But looking at the white-bone warriors who surrounded themselves, his heart was already shocked and could not be shocked.

These are just a white bone, but the power of the fairy spirit wrapped in them is more than the power of all the gods in his body. This is incredible.

He didn't know where Cheng Yu had found these Bone Warriors, but they just abolished them and it was really lucky.

With their strength, I believe that I can be easily killed, let alone they, at least they have a life now.

Seeing it, Cheng Yu did not intend to completely tear the face with Chen, or he could completely kill all of them.

Cheng Yu has always been wrong with people. This time, Chen Hongning obviously did not participate. As for whether he has been hiding behind the scenes, he does not know.

However, he did not intend to completely stagnate with Chen, and with the goodwill of Chen Hongning, he did not intend to abolish Chen Hongning together.

It was just a matter of thought, and these sacred warriors were all withdrawn, but these celestial warriors protected Cheng Yu in the middle.

"Cheng Xiaoyou, if I remember correctly, Cheng Xiaoyou is still in a cooperative relationship with our Chen family. Why is it so sudden to Chen's family today?" Chen Hongning curiously looked at the white bone warriors who were very loyal to Cheng Yu.

These guys seem to be conscious, not completely dead, and they look out. These bones obviously regard Cheng Yu as their master.

"Haha, this question must be more clear than me. ~www.ltnovel.com~ I think it is better for Chen Jiazhu to explain it to you!" Cheng Yu looked at Chen Tianxing and laughed.

"I..." Chen Tianxing was scared and didn't know what to do.

This time it was indeed my own fault, otherwise it would not be so big. During the five periods of robbery, more than 20 scattered celestial beings were all abolished. Just think about it and don’t know how to redeem it. .

"Say!" Seeing Cheng Yu like this, he knew that the eight achievements were in Chen Tianxing's body.

However, he was also shocked by Cheng Yu's strength. Of course, the strength he said was these white-bone warriors. Because Cheng Yu did not leave the customs when he shot, he naturally did not know.

It’s just that he is still a step late. When he perceives what’s happening here, it’s already late. After all, he still can’t save these people.

"Old ancestors, things are like this..." So, Chen Tianxing said the things between yesterday and today and Chen Hongyun.


However, when Chen Tianxing finished all the things, Chen Hongning’s face was very ugly, and a slap in the face of Chen Tianxing’s face.

"You just led Chen's like this? Xinluo and happy things have already been set in front of several major families, but you have to threaten Cheng Xiaoyou. And I have not told you? Cheng Xiaoyou is our Chen Your home, you let Hongyun deal with Cheng Xiaoyou, what do you think of what I said?" Chen Hongning said with great anger.

At this time, he finally understood why Cheng Yu would be so embarrassed. Although he did not kill these people, they all abolished them.

Look at their situation, they will not have any future in this life.

But he knows that this is no stranger to Cheng Yu. Even if he does not kill, he is polite.

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