Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3291: So far!

Looking at the people who have been abandoned, Chen Hongning is not good.

These people are all the talents that Chen has accumulated over the years, even if most of them are only scattered, but the immortal is the most important force to protect a family.

Because the period of the robbery is to fly to the fairyland, at that time, only those who are able to protect the Chen family are strong and strong, but they will not fly to the fairyland for the time being.

Nowadays, it has been abolished by more than 20 scattered immortals and five periods of catastrophe. Such losses are really too great for Chen.

Cheng Yu has already promised to arrange a battle for Chen. As a result, you have to go to the whole family. Now it’s good, the Chen family’s losses are so big, and even the array has no face to go.

"Old ancestors, I know that this time I was wrong, I am willing to accept all punishment." Chen Tianxing's mouth is blood, a look of remorse in front of Chen Hongning said.

"You almost brought disaster to Chen!" Chen Hongning said that he hated iron.

In his eyes, Chen Tianxing has always been a relatively stable and reliable person, but did not expect this time to make such a big thing for a formation.

He has already reminded Chen Tianxing that if there is no absolute certainty, don't fall out with Cheng Yu, or even let him maintain a good relationship with Cheng Yu.

He fell down and directly fell out with Cheng Yu. How can he have a face to learn from Cheng Yu?

To be honest, when Chen saw so many people being abandoned by Cheng Yu, his heart was also very angry. However, when he noticed the eight white-bone warriors, the kind of thick and powerful spirits wrapped, which he could not do at all.

He knows that even if he is, he is not the opponent of these eight bone warriors. If they are really conscious, maybe he can't even beat one.

He didn't know where Cheng Yu got such a magical thing, but he can be sure that this Cheng Yu once again shocked him.

Sure enough, as he thought, Cheng Yu is really not very simple.

Therefore, even if he is dissatisfied with Cheng Yu now, he does not want to make things happen again.

Maybe the other old guys in Houshan can get Cheng Yu to get it, but he can't imagine the consequences.

Judging from the current situation, even if Cheng Yu is really settled, their Chen family will suffer very heavy losses. It is definitely a thankless thing.

Besides, even if he seized Cheng Yu, he could not hand over the secrets of the formation. What is the significance of making such a big move?

It would be better to maintain a good relationship with Cheng Yu. As long as the relationship is close, then things will be much easier.

In particular, Chen Tianxing said that Chen Hongyuan is still a brother of Cheng Yu. Their relationship is very good. If they are now happy to marry Cheng Yu’s brother, then it is better.

Such a good situation, Chen Tianxing will actually make such irrational holdings, is it really stunned by the interests? It was still provoked by Cheng Yu’s words yesterday.

However, just after Chen Tianxing said the words of Cheng Yu yesterday, even he was a little angry. This kid really didn’t give Chen’s face at all.

But when you think about the strength of others, you really have this confidence.

Whether it is his formation, his own strength, or the protection power he has now, it is enough to make him so high-profile.

Chen Tianxing is also a person he once looked very good. He thought that with the talent of Chen Tianxing, he could already enter the robbery period.

However, I have not thought of it for so many years. He has not achieved the strength of the singer, and he really disappointed him.

Compared with Cheng Yu in front of him, this Chen Tianxing is really disappointing.

"All ancestors have fallen! I only hope that my ancestors should not let Cheng Xiao brothers not waste me to repair!" Chen Tianxing said with some concern.

Even the ancestors are standing on the side of Cheng Yu. If Cheng Yu really wants to abolish him, he really has no way to go.

It is not easy to achieve the present achievements. As long as people are fine, the others don't care.

After all, getting to this point is all his greed. Perhaps he is trying to make a good home, but it has caused a disaster for Chen.

"Cheng Xiaoyou, this is indeed the fault of our Chen family, but Tianshang is also the owner of our Chen family, and he is not for self-interest, it is for my family to do this, I also hope that Cheng Xiaoyou can see Raise your hand on the thin face of the old man!" Chen Hongning looked at Chen Tianxing, and his heart was also sighing.

If Cheng Yu insists on shooting for Chen Tianxing, then he must also be shot, even if he is not able to defend these white bone guards.

In this way, their relationship with Cheng Yu means a complete breakdown.

At the thought of this, there is anger in his heart, a good thing, even a happy event, and the result becomes like this.

"I have promised Hongyuan brother before I came, I will not shoot him, so this thing will stop here, but I don't want Chen to happen the same thing again, otherwise I will let you understand my true strength! After Cheng Yu faintly said, he immediately turned and left the back mountain.

He himself did not intend to abolish Chen Tianxing, or else there would be no way to face Chen Hongyuan.

However, he started to be so embarrassed today, that is, to remind them to let them know that he is not a person who is a pinch of Chen, so they are better able to put their own attitude.

It is their blessing to cooperate with Chen family rather than to seek cooperation with them. They must know their position. They are not the dominant players. He is!

Chen Hongning looked at Cheng Yu's back and clenched his fists. He was obviously dissatisfied with Cheng Yu's arrogant and even disdainful attitude.

But he can't attack ~www.ltnovel.com~ because he can't cope with those white bone warriors, and he doesn't know what Cheng Yu said is true or false. If this is really not the real strength of Cheng Yu, then if you really want to go to war, The consequences could be disastrous.

"This is all good things you do!" Waiting for Cheng Yu to leave the back mountain, Chen Hongning yelled at Chen Tianxing.

"I'm sorry, ancestors!" Chen Tianxing lowered his head and worried about it. I don't know how Chen Hongning would punish him.

"You are so disappointing to me, I have already reminded you, don't offend him, why don't you listen?" Chen Hongning arranged for the people to be taken away, and angered Chen Tianxing.

"My ancestors, I just think that Hongyuan’s relationship with him, plus Xinluo is his brother. I proposed two methods. He should have promised. But he did not expect him to be so tough, he would go wrong. This step!" Chen Tianxing said helplessly.

"Hey! You are so naive. Since he has promised to arrange a lineup for us, what else do you do? What is the benefit of Hongyuan coming back from the dead zone?" Chen Hongning asked.


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