Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3342: remind!

It’s not that Chen Jiacai has an ancestor. They have ancestors in the nine families.

But these ancestors simply did not ask these mundane things, or else what do the homeowners do?

These ancestors said that they could not fly in any day, and whoever has time to manage your broken things every day. However, this Chen Tianxing has pushed everything to the Chen family ancestors, which is clearly perfunctory.

"Stuart Master, I am really not perfunctory. What you have just said is really handled by our ancestors. If the Situ family does not believe it, it will be known in a few days. These things are personally presided over by our ancestors. Chen definitely did not deceive the meaning of the Situ owner!" Chen Tianxing said.

"This is true. After a few days, is your ancestor personally handling these things?" Situ Xiong heard the other person say this, but it was really a little unexpected.

If Chen Tianxing is really perfunctory today, he really will not give the right side.

But now Chen Tianxing said this, this is not like telling lies, after all, Chen Tianxing is not bored to take the ancestors out to block words.

What surprised him was that if Chen’s ancestors came out to deal with these things this time, what happened to Chen’s family?

"Please also ask Situ's family to wait patiently for a few days. As long as the people of the Eight Great Family arrive, we will tell everyone the news!" Chen Tianxing said with a smile.

"If this is the case, then I will not be embarrassed to Chen Jiazhu, then wait a few days!" Although Situ Xiong was curious, but also knows that Chen Tianxing is unable to tell him the truth of the matter anyway.

In addition to waiting, he has no other way.

Although he is not afraid of Chen, he is not likely to make trouble at Chen's house. The only one who is shameful is himself.

In addition, he still doesn't know what happened to Chen's family. If he left himself, not only wasted so much time, but he might also be cheaper.

"Thank you for the understanding of the owner of Situ, I will send people to the Situ family and the guests of the Situ family to arrange a good place to rest!" Chen Tianxing said with a smile.

When he heard that Situ Xiong had finally left, Chen Tianxing was relieved.

He is really afraid of Situ Xiong so entangled, but the ancestor's prestige is really easy to use.

However, he did not say that he was false. Xinluo and his happy marriage did not say that at least Chen Hongyuan succeeded him as the new owner. The ancestors of this matter really had to come out personally.

It is not only the people who appease the Eight Great Family, but also makes it easier for Chen to accept Chen Hongyuan.

Although Chen Hongxing’s prestige in Chen’s family was very high after Chen Hongxing’s incident, there was still a part that was not very convincing.

The ancestors also took this into consideration, so Chen Hongning’s ancestors specially asked Chen Hong’s ancestors to attend, because Chen Hongning’s ancestors had not recovered, and it was impossible to attend at this time.

"Homeowner, Situ family seems to care about marriage, if he knows that we have already given Cheng Yu's brother to us, when they are afraid that they will be troubled!" said the two elders.

"Do not worry, this is a matter of fact that the Situ family is not open to the public. Does he still want to tell the Ji family or the Nangong family? Is he going to draw us Chen family now?

This can only be a secret, Situ Xiong will not be so stupid, even if we know that we are happy to marry someone else, he can only be secretly angry! Chen Tianxing said.

"But I am worried that Situ will give us a scorpion in the future. After all, it will take a long time for us to want to rise, and the Situ family is one of the three major families of the Nine major families. It is not a good thing to offend them. "The two elders worried."

"Don't you really disapprove of the fact that I married the Stuart family happily? Now how do you say this again!" Chen Tianxing frowned and looked at the two elders.

This guy is really fickle. When he proposed to marry him to the Stuart family, he also quarreled with the elders. At that time, he tried to make him happy with his heart.

But now he said this to him, and he could not help but feel a little bit dissatisfied.

"Home, I don't mean this. I am just worried about the future of Chen. I have never agreed to marry the Situ family.

It’s just that our Chen family is weak now, and it’s better to be caught in several big families. I only hope that our Chen family can rise early under the leadership of Hongyuan, so you don't have to care about the faces of these families! The two elders shook their heads and said.

"This is the sadness of the weak. Compared with our Chen family, other families are not like this. Although everyone wants to be the three major families, it is really difficult to really want to make a family rise, or else Our Chen family will not be lost for so many years!" Chen Tianxing said very sighingly.

"I don't know if this Cheng Yu is reliable. Is he really willing to arrange two arrays for Chen Jia? If we have three or four arrays, then ~www.ltnovel.com~ may be short Rise in time!" asked the two elders.

"This is not known, but I know that Cheng Yu and Situ family have enmity!" Chen Tianxing laughed.

"Oh? Is there still this? I don't know how the owner learned about it?" The two elders said with some surprise.

"This is what he said. Now we are happy to marry his brother. I think that when the Situ family wants to really wear us shoes, or if we can't go with our Chen family, then Cheng Yu can't be a wall view!" Chen Tianxing said. .

"Homeowner, Cheng Yu is only one person even if it is even more powerful. I think that his brothers and sisters can not have his ability. I am worried. If Cheng Yu and Situ family really have hatred, let Situ family know us. If you marry the brothers who are happy to marry his enemies, but they have not married them to the Stuart family, will it be more unfriendly to us?" Obviously, what the two elders thought was completely different from what Chen Tianxing thought. .

"You can rest assured that Cheng Yu is stronger than what we saw that day. I once reminded me that Cheng Yu’s strength is even if the nine great families are united and can’t kill Cheng Yu. You can think of one. I think, how strong Cheng Yu is!” Chen Tianxing thought about it.

The relationship between the two elders and Chen Hongyuan is very good, and he will go to the mountains in a few days.

Therefore, he also hopes that the second elders will be able to assist Chen Hongyuan. Telling him about these things is not wrong, but will make him deal with the relationship between Chen Hongyuan and Cheng Yu.

If you don't make this clear, then when he sees that Chen Hongyuan is too close to Cheng Yu, there may be new contradictions and distrust.

Now, I will disclose some information to him first. I also hope that I will not offend Cheng Yu in the future. Don’t make him and his ancestors and Cheng Yu repair the relationship and get out of the fork!

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