Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3343: 嘱托!

"Home, you are a bit exaggerated, maybe I can't see the strength of Cheng Yu, not even his opponent, but you have to say that his strength is even stronger, it is impossible.

Let's not say the nine major families, it is our Chen family, there are so many ancestors in Houshan, can't we still have a Cheng Yu? "The two elders did not believe Chen Tianxing's words at all."

In a few days, Chen Hongyuan will become the home of Chen Jiaxin, and Chen Hongyuan is very close to him since he was a child. Later, his position in the Chen family is naturally rising.

The relationship between Chen Hongyuan and Cheng Yu is close, and maybe there will be some conflicts.

However, now Chen Tianxing has also praised Cheng Yu too high.

If Cheng Yu is so powerful, isn’t it the strength of the ancestors who are in the process of robbery? is it possible?

Seeing Cheng Yu’s shot that day, he really shocked him, but he did not see it anymore. Cheng Yu’s strength could not be compared with Chen Hongning’s ancestors.

"Yes, if you simply say Cheng Yu's personal strength, it is impossible to talk to his ancestors." Chen Tianxing nodded and said.

"What does the Lord mean just now? Is his brother still stronger?" asked the two elders.

"No! His brothers and sisters are not very prominent, but Cheng Yu owns some mysterious power.

As far as I know, he has eight white bone warriors, and any of these white bone warriors can easily kill a ancestor-level robbery master! Chen Tianxing said.

"Is it easy to kill the white-eared warrior of the ancestor-level robbing master? How is this possible? Is the white-bone warrior a fairy?" the two elders said with surprise.

"That is naturally impossible. It seems that it is difficult for these white bone warriors to fight against the transitional robbery. However, what I want to tell you is that these white bone warriors are not the strongest killer of Cheng Yu. Hongyuan told me that Cheng Yu is still alive. There are tens of thousands of times more power!"

"What? This white bone warrior is still tens of thousands of times horrible? How is this possible?" The two elders were completely shocked.

How can he not understand that a white-bone warrior who can easily kill a master of the robbery period is tens of thousands of times more powerful.

If you don't see Chen Tianxing's expression so serious, he really wants to think that Chen Tianxing is joking.

"I don't know if this is true. Maybe Hongyuan's words are exaggerated. But what I said to you is not a joke. This Cheng Yu is really terrible.

One thing I want to tell you is that Cheng Yu abolished a group of ancestors in Houshan a few days ago. You must never pass it out. I only hope that when you assist Hongyuan in the future, you must be careful with Cheng Yu.

You can't let Hongyuan become Cheng Yu's jealousy, but you should never easily offend Cheng Yu, or else we may have a disaster! Chen Tianxing looked around and said to the second elders in a small voice.

"This... Are you worried that Cheng Yu is not kind to Chen?" The two elders woke up and said.

"Some things have to be prevented, because Hongyuan is too close to Cheng Yu. And Hongyuan seems to be obedient to Cheng Yu. I am worried that Chen Jiaru will be in the hands of Hongyuan. When Hongyuan will become Cheng Yu, Hey!" Chen Tianxing said with concern.

To be honest, after knowing that Cheng Yu’s strength is getting more and more horrible, his heart has been worried about this issue.

Especially on the day they asked Cheng Yu to save the ancestors, it was Chen Hongyuan's request for him is useless, and even dare not say a word to Cheng Yulian, which also made him aware of certain problems.

Although Chen Hongyuan said that Cheng Yu is a life and death brother with him, but what he thinks, Chen Hongyuan is more like Cheng Yu's follow-up.

In fact, in the heart of Chen Tianxing, Chen Hongxing has always been the first heir. Although Chen Hongyuan’s talent is amazing, there are too many unknowns.

Especially the emergence of Cheng Yu, he did not want Chen Hongyuan to inherit Chen Jia, he just hope that Chen Hongyuan and Cheng Yu protect a good relationship.

To be honest, the reason why they care about Cheng Yu is nothing more than the Cheng Yu hand.

If there is such a formation, they naturally cannot make Cheng Yu so close to Chen Hongyuan.

Only a lot of things happened later, and Cheng Yu’s strength was too strong, so everything changed.

Of course, the biggest change is because of the stupid things he did, which led to a series of chain reactions.

Especially Chen Hongxing's departure makes Chen Hongyuan the most suitable home owner.

In fact, he once also raised the threat of Chen’s existence with the ancestors. However, my ancestors did not care about this matter, and felt that as long as they got Cheng Yu’s line of law.

However, he always felt that his heart was not practical. Chen had developed for so many years. If he finally got to an outsider, how could his heart be willing?

However, the ancestors want this, he has no way, only hope that Chen Hongyuan can sit down in this position.

Perhaps the ancestors are really afraid of the unknown power of Cheng Yu. After all, Cheng Yu is abolishing the other ancestors in front of his ancestors.

Therefore, the ancestors did not want Chen to fight with Cheng Yu~www.ltnovel.com~ The final Chen family lost more, and had to choose to cooperate with Cheng Yu.

However, no matter what the ancestors thought in the end, now everything is a foregone conclusion, and Chen Hongyuan will definitely become the new owner of Chen.

And what he can do is also this, so that the second elders can help Chen Hongyuan, when he is critical, help him out. Don't be fooled by Cheng Yu at the time.

"In this case, why didn't the owner tell the ancestors about this?" The two elders wondered.

"The ancestors think that there is no problem in doing this. The most important thing is that they think that Cheng Yu’s method is too valuable, and the power he has mastered may be really scary. He does not want to completely fall out with Cheng Yu, so he can only choose This is the way.

Perhaps because of Cheng Yu’s relationship, Hong Yuan really can make Chen’s rise not necessarily. It depends on how the relationship between the two is.

But I am worried that Cheng Yu is not really so kind, but has another purpose. You should pay attention to some aspects in the future! Chen Tianxing said.

"Do not worry, the homeowner, Chen family will always be Chen family, it is impossible to become someone else's Cheng family." The two elders said seriously.

He also knows that Chen Tianxing is not joking with him, and he heard Chen Tianxing say so much important news, he also felt that this is indeed a problem.

In this world, if you are a stronger person, you will also be greedy for power.

I don't know if Cheng Yu's strength is really terrible, but this kind of thing must be taken seriously. Once I really find that Cheng Yu has such a sign, at least they have countermeasures.

If you don’t know anything, Cheng Yu suddenly shot Chen’s family, and they may not be able to do anything if they want to fight back!

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