Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3351: provocative!

“Is there any problem?” Situ Yongkang said disdainfully.

"Nothing, just ask." Dongfang Feibai also said faintly.

After his analysis, he can basically judge that when the Jiuzu Dabi, Situ Yongkang is still only a big Mahayana or a big Mahayana.

Especially in the middle of the Mahayana is the most likely, after all, only for such a long time, even from the early Mahayana to the late Mahayana, it is difficult to do it in a few months.

Even if Situ Yongkang was in the middle of the Mahayana in the Big Nine, it was also in the middle of the Mahayana. That is to say, the strength of this Situ Yongkang was similar to that of the Nine.

Although everyone is also in the late Mahayana, but he has been made in heaven, so much power has poured into his body, and his strength is no longer comparable to the ordinary Mahayana.

Plus he has got so many resources in the dead zone, his strength will only be stronger than when he is in the dead zone.

However, Situ Yongkang only had a few months in the late Mahayana. How could this compare with himself?

The other side still looks disdainful, and he does not necessarily put the place in his eyes.

"Since you can come back from the dead zone, I think the strength is very good. I really want to ask for advice. Do you know if the heroes of the Eastern family have this guts?" Situ Yongkang looked at the oriental flying white.

"No interest!" The Oriental Flying White is simply not affected by the provocation of the other party.

Now they are in the Chen family, not outside, they ran to other people’s sites to fight, is this the past?

Besides, the Situ family is one of the three major families.

He has the confidence to win this guy, can the strength of the Stuart family, really want to play this guy out, then you have it?

He doesn't want to ask for fun, and he doesn't want to get into trouble.

I lost and lost. If you win yourself, you will offend the Stuart family.

Now that he is the master of the Eastern family, how can he make such an impulsive thing?

"I thought that the heroes of the Eastern family were so great? It turned out to be a coward!" Situ Yongkang was disappointed, but he was not arrogant, and said with irony.

"As you say, your radical approach is useless to me. And I want to remind you that this is not your Situ family, doing it in someone else's place, this is a disrespect for others!" The East said with disdain.

He found that after Cheng Yu had been in the dead zone for three months, his brain seemed to be much better than before, and he was no longer so impulsive, and even his analytical skills were much stronger.

Now he only hopes that he can go up the mountain early and see his old friends.

"Being timid is timid, why bother to find these excuses?" Situ Yongkang said.

"I am not interested in talking nonsense with you, I should go up the mountain!" At this time, the Oriental Flying White saw a figure floating down on the mountain quickly. It was just a passer-by of the mountain.

"How is the fairy? Does your lady allow me to go up the mountain?" asked the Oriental Flying White.

"The son, our lady promised to let you go up the mountain, they are waiting for you at the Cuiyun Palace, the first palace that I saw after going up the mountain." The passer-by disciple said very politely.

In this Cuiyunfeng, there are not many people who can go up the mountain, and the oriental flying white can go up the mountain, which is enough to show that his relationship with the lady is really good. She naturally does not dare to offend any.

"What about me?" Situ Yongkang did not think that the East Flying White could really go up the mountain, and suddenly he was anxious, and asked quickly.

"Sorry, Situ Gongzi, our family lady still has no opinion with you, or please come back!" The passer-by disciples also said very politely.

Although their young lady did not agree to let Situ Yongkang go up the mountain, but they are also good at receiving people's benefits, even if they are not successful, this attitude can not be too bad, or else they are too snobbish.

Besides, the words of the Stuart family, for these little people, are the ones that they dare not look up to. Where do they dare to offend others?

"Then why can he go up the mountain? Is it because this guy said that your family owner asked him to come?" Situ Yongkang said very reluctantly.

When the boy came, he said that he was the owner of the Chen family, and he was not prepared for any gifts.

However, he still took so many good things to these people. Now that people can get up the mountain without anything, but he can't get on the mountain. How can this be accepted?

I knew this early, and he should also say that he was the owner of the Chen family to let him come. Where is the use of his good things?

"I also asked Situ to be angry, and our lady said that the Oriental son is her good friend, naturally he can be allowed to go up the mountain." The passer-by disciple explained.

"Do you understand now? On other people's sites, don't be too arrogant, even if you are a Situ family, you may not be able to make it. I will go up first, and you will slowly find a way!" Seeing Situ Yongkang angry and angry Looks like, the Oriental Flying White only feels that he has finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid has been motivated by himself, but he knows that he can’t be shot here.

And as a Shangqing, he can no longer just like people to shoot as he used to, and if he does not, he will cause trouble to his family, not to mention the other side is the Situ family.

"Hey! I can't go up, why do you go up, unless you have the strength to beat me!" However, what the Oriental Feibai did not think is that his words are even more irritating Situ Yongkang.

I saw that the Oriental Flying White was preparing to go up the mountain, but Situ Yongkang suddenly grabbed him in the past.

"You..." Dongfang Feibai did not think that this guy is really courageous than the sky, saying that it is hands-on, here is Chen's site.

However, the other party has already started, can he really let Situ Yongkang seize it?

Nowadays, the Oriental Flying White is not the same as the Jiuzu Dabi in a few months ago. In the few months following Cheng Yu’s death, in addition to the skyrocketing strength, the combat experience has also increased a lot.

After all, I have experienced so many lives and deaths in the dead zone, and I may even lose my life at any time~www.ltnovel.com~ I have been used to this sudden accident, I saw him punching at the same time, just hit In the hands of Situ Yongkang.


Both of them retired at the same time, and they were a little surprised.

Dongfang Feibai thought that this guy would be very weak. After all, he was promoted to the novice in the late Mahayana, and his strength would not be strong.

The Situ family also had some shocks from the strength of the East, and his father had told him before that the Orientals had participated in the Nine-Big comparison before flying.

However, at that time, the Oriental Flying White was only in the middle of the Mahayana. The performance was very general and there was no place for any color.

I saw here that the Oriental Flying White is a late Mahayana, but he just thinks that this guy is like him. It doesn't take long before he advances, but he should not be better than him!

But I did not think that his power does not seem to be weaker than himself!


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