Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3352: Angry memories!

"It seems that you really have some strength!" Situ Yongkang looked at the Oriental Flying White with some surprise.

His right hand was a little numb, and the punching force of the other side was not small. It felt like ordinary people caught on the iron plate.

"Situ Shijia's people are really arrogant, I want to remind you, here is Chen, not your Situ family. You better not be too much, I am not interested in playing with you!" The East said with a white face.

This Situ Yongkang is really annoying. Although I really want to give this guy a good lesson, but this time is not appropriate, he does not want to confess to the Eastern family.

I don't want to talk nonsense with this guy again, and turn around and walk towards the mountain.

He came to find Cheng Yu and Chen Hongyuan, but it was not someone else fighting.

"Hey! Don't go out with me today, don't want to go!" But Situ Yongkang didn't plan to stop.

Originally, he still looked down on the East and white, and now he sees his strength is really good, and his fighting spirit is even stronger.

During this time, because Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai came back from the dead zone, it can be said that the two people are very famous in the major families.

He had long wanted to compare with these two people. Now it is just here that he has encountered the Oriental Flying White. This is indeed a rare opportunity. He does not want to miss it.

"Also ask Situ Gongzi to give mercy!" The Oriental Flying White has entered Cuiyunfeng, and at this time several guardian disciples are in the middle of the flying white and Situ Yongkang, several blocks in front of Situ Yongkang said.

"Get out of the way!" Situ Yongkang had a great prejudice against Chen, especially this Cuiyunfeng.

Chen Xinran didn't give him too much face. He lost so many good things, and he didn't even have a chance to see one side.

But what about the East? I only said that I was the owner of the Chen family, but now I am qualified to go up the mountain. It was because of his fire in his heart that he wanted to find the East to fly out.

Now that these Chenjiafengfeng disciples came out to block, he was even more angry in his heart, and he still managed so much.

Although he did not intend to kill these guardian disciples, but he is the late Mahayana, but these guardian disciples are only building the base period, naturally it is impossible to stop him.

I saw him rushing past a few guardian disciples to fly out, blood spurting, it was directly hit into a serious injury, this is the gap between the realm.

The base period was just just stepping into the fairy gate, but in the late Mahayana, it was already the pinnacle of the fairy tales. How big is the gap.

In Situ Yongkang's view, he was already lucky if he did not kill these people directly.

"You..." Dongfang Feibai did not think that this Situ Yongkang was so arrogant, and he even counted on him, and even injured Chen’s guardian disciples.

To be honest, because of Chen Hongyuan and Chen Xinran, he is still very fond of Chen’s family, and even treats all Chen’s family as friends.

When Situ Yongkang was injured by Chen’s guardian disciples, he became angry in a flash.

However, Situ Yongkang's original intention was to shoot the East, so the several guardian disciples were hit, but Situ Yongkang continued to rush to the East.

Compared with the previous situation, this time, the Oriental Flying White was obviously irritated by Situ Yongkang, so the power was stronger than before.

It’s just that Situ Yongkang doesn’t seem to realize this. He just wants to force the East to fly, even if it’s Chen’s, he’s not killing in Chen’s house, but just to learn.

So when the Oriental Flying White once again boxed, Situ Yongkang suddenly changed his face.

"Good strength!" Situ Yongkang is obviously at a disadvantage in this round.

Compared with the Oriental White, he was directly repelled and his legs slid on the ground. But the Oriental Flying White just retired two steps.

"This is a bit interesting!" However, Situ Yongkang did not stop here. Instead, it was stirred up by the East to provoke more of my war.

If the strength of the Oriental Flying White is too bad, he will not have any interest. But now the strength of the East Flying White is not as bad as his father said, and this strength is enough to compete with him seriously.

"Nervous disease!" The Oriental Flying White did not have the heart to fight with him. Instead, he handed over the Shenshui that had been sent to him by Cheng Yu in the dead zone to several Chenjiafengfeng disciples who had just been sent by Situ Yongkang.

"Thank you for the Oriental Son!" Several Fengfeng disciples are very grateful.

In fact, their status and identity in the Chen family are very humble, even if they die here, I am afraid that few people will come to control.

However, the Oriental Flying White also took medicine to heal them. Although they did not understand the status of the Oriental Flying White in the Eastern family, they did not know how precious this medicine was.

However, this time, the Oriental Flying White can follow the family of the Eastern family to the Chen family, which shows that his status in the Eastern family is not low.

After his syrup was taken, he obviously felt that his injury had quickly recovered. At least 90% of the remedy was already good.

Therefore, a few female guardian disciples are naturally grateful and even somewhat flattered.

In their eyes, the Oriental Flying White is definitely a big man, and they are just the small characters of the Chen family, so they are more grateful and respectful to the Oriental Flying White.

"I will remind you again, this is not your Stuart family, I don't want to make trouble with you here. You better not to provoke me, otherwise I will be rude to you even if you are a Situ family!" Stand up and say to Situ Yongkang.

Situ Yongkang was first dismissed by the act of flying in the East. He really regarded himself as the savior, and several guardian disciples in the foundation period.

If he didn't want to see Chen Xinran up the mountain, he couldn't have been so polite to them before.

Although he did not intend to injure these people, but want him to save them, it is simply impossible.

The move of the Oriental Flying White made him disdain, but he just installed the man, and made it!

However, the next scene of ~www.ltnovel.com~ was to make Situ Yongkang's expression confused. Then it seemed that some memories flashed out of my mind, and then his expression became extremely angry.

Even the words that the Oriental Flying White said to him did not hear a word, and the whole person was immersed in anger.

Oriental Feibai saw this guy's inexplicable complex emotions, and he didn't know what crazy this guy was doing. Could it be that this Situ Yongkang is really a neuropathy?

Regardless of this guy, turn around again and get ready to go up the mountain!

"Stand up!" But Situ Yongkang suddenly woke up, his face angered and screamed toward the East.

It’s just that the Oriental Flying White is not willing to take care of him and continue to go up the mountain.


Situ Yongkang flashed the whole person, but suddenly appeared in front of the oriental white.

"Say! Where did your thing come from?"


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