Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3370: Get out of the way!

"How is this possible? Chen Hongxing injured Chen's ancestors, but Chen Hongyuan has defeated Chen Hongxing? This is impossible!" Situ Xiongxiong could not believe it.

If Jiang Wuya says it is true, then is it that Chen Hongyuan’s current strength can be compared with Chen’s ancestors?

This is simply impossible. A few days ago, under Cui Yunfeng, he also saw Chen Hongyuan’s shot.

Although his strength is indeed very big, it is absolutely impossible to say that his strength is quite the same as that of Chen’s ancestors.

"Stuart master, I know this is hard to believe, but I am sure that this news is absolutely true! However, their strength is not really strong!" Jiang Wuya said.

"What does this mean? Is it true that the strength of Chen's ancestors is not high? This is not possible? The strength standards of the ancestors of each family are the same. Even if the strength is worse, it is not at least a master of the fairy." However, Chen Hongyuan's strength is not likely to be compared with the real scattered fairy!"

"I heard that the ancestor was a catastrophe!" Jiang Wuya added.

"If this is the case, then this is even more impossible. Jiang Master, you should stop selling it, and talk about what is going on here?" Situ Xiong said with some dissatisfaction.

This guy is always half talked and makes him angry.

"The identity of this Chen family ancestor is true, and the strength is also true. However, I know that Chen Hongyuan has such a strong strength because of taking Xiandan!" Jiang Wuya said.

"Is it used? If that's the case, it's possible! So, both brothers have taken the elixir?" Situ Xiong frowned.

I knew a little bit about this thing, especially when the last time in the Nine-Dabe ratio, Situ Yongwen was unconscious, and after using Xiandan, he caught up with the last battle with Chen Hongyuan.

Otherwise, they can't get the third place in the Situ family. He still understands the power of the elixir.

However, the medicinal medicine he took to Situ Yongwen was used for healing. If the elixir that Chen Hongyuan took was to enhance his strength, it would be possible to defeat a Chen family ancestor.

What surprised him was that the two brothers took out the elixir in the end.

Moreover, although this elixir is powerful, it has a fatal weakness, especially for monks who have not yet reached the robbery period.

Even if he is now strong, it is impossible to use Xiandan. It can only be helped by the ancestors of the robbery period.

However, what puzzles him is that if the Chen family and the two brothers use the elixir in this situation, is Chen’s ancestral ancestor willing to help? Is this not to make the two brothers kill each other?

Or does Chen’s family have to find a suitable homeowner, even if he sacrifices a successor?

Situ Xiong thought to go, I feel that there are still too many unreasonable.

If the Chen family and the two brothers use the elixir, then in terms of strength, it may be said to pass.

After all, the power of the elixir is incalculable. At least he is not very familiar with the elixir.

Not to mention that Xiandan is so precious, will Chen Jia allow them to use two elixir on such occasions?

"It should be like this. Of course, this is not the strangest thing. The strange thing is that when they used the elixir, they did not get the help of the ancestors of the robbery period, but they released the power of the elixir! "Jiang Wuya continued."

"What? You said that they absorbed the elixir themselves? How is this possible? They are just a Mahayana period. How can they absorb the elixir themselves?" Situ Xiongxiong was really shocked.

If they can absorb the elixir themselves, then there is no need to get the consent of the Chen family, they want to use it, as long as this elixir is their own.

The problem is that there is no way to use the elixir after the robbery period, even if it is a scent. The Chen family and the two brothers are only the Mahayana period. How can they absorb the elixir themselves?

"So they said that Chen Hongxing was in danger, because he was defeated by Xiandan and lost control. This made him hurt Chen's ancestors." Jiang Wuya said.

"Chen Hongxing is in danger?" Situ Xiong was shocked.

"Yes, they really said that!"

"If Chen Hongxing is only ignorant, even if he injured Chen's ancestors, he will not sin, why should he escape from Chen?" Situ Xiong wondered.

If Chen Hongxing is really ruined, then even if he hurts Chen’s ancestors, it must be unintentional. Even if Chen wants to punish him, he will not sentence him to death. No one needs to leave Chen Jiacai.

But now that he has fled the Chen family, isn’t he fleeing and sinning, which is equivalent to defaming Chen’s family?

In this way, even if it is not a crime of death, it is also a crime of death.

Is it because of this that Chen’s family feels that this is a shame for Chen’s family, so Chen’s family are not willing to mention Chen Hongxing?

"I heard that Chen Hongxing was terrible after the fire broke out. The whole person was not aware of it. When he saw someone, he killed. Even Chen had many people killed by him. So in this case, if he does not escape, It must also be a crime of death!" Jiang Wuya explained.

"It turned out to be like this!" Situ Xiongxiong nodded when he heard it.

If this is the case, then it is a bit complicated.

Although the ancestors of the family are highly respected, if he does not care, then Chen Hongxing will not have anything, at most, it is subject to some severe punishment.

However, if he kills many Chen disciples, the consequences will be a bit serious. This is not a place that can be easily forgiven.

"Yeah, so if Chen Hongxing can't escape, then it must be a dead end!" Jiang Wuya said.

"Since this is the case ~www.ltnovel.com~ then there is nothing so strange here, Chen Hongyuan is indeed the most suitable home owner, what is the meaning of the Jiang family just now?" Situ Xiong doubted.

Knowing this important news, he felt that Chen Hongyuan’s becoming a family owner of Chen Jiaxin was simply a reasonable thing. It seems that there is nothing strange about it. Then there is no need for him to let Situ Yongkang investigate anything.

"But I heard that Chen’s willingness to let Chen Hongyuan become the owner of Chen’s family is not only that simple!” Jiang Wuya continued.

"What do you mean?" Situ Xiong frowned.

"I don't know who Situ's family can know who Chen Xinran is going to marry tomorrow?" Jiang Wuya asked.

"Isn't that the person who is the Promise Palace? Is there any problem?"

"Yes, Chen really wants to marry Chen Xinran to a disciple of the Promise Palace. But did Situ’s family think about why Chen’s family is willing to marry a well-known and talented woman in Chen’s family? The Promise Palace? And this person is not a powerful person in the Promise Palace!" Jiang Wuya asked again.

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