Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3371: Chen family is mean!

"Is there any other secrets in this?" Situ Xiong was shocked and could not help but ask.

In fact, when he knew that Chen Jia wanted to marry Chen Xinran to a Promise, he was also very puzzled.

First of all, what he did not understand was that Chen’s letter to Chen Xinran was sent to several major families. However, their Situ family did not have this interest at the time, so the Situ family did not go.

However, he knows that Ji Jiahe and Fengjia and Jiangjia have sent people.

Of course, these families are also understandable to Chen’s women. It is nothing more than the blood of the refiner of Chen’s family.

While Chen wants to use marriage to connect with several families, it can be understood, but Chen is also willing to let the people of the Promise Palace participate in Chen Xinran's recruiting, which is strange.

The Promise Palace may be in the outside world, it is indeed very powerful, and even a prestigious martial art.

But compared with the nine major families, it is nothing.

Chen’s feelings of wanting to form alliances with other families can be understood, but there is no meaning to say that it is allied with the Promise Palace.

A martial art that is weaker than oneself, can you help Chen? When they got it, they got into trouble outside and Chen Jia came to wipe their ass.

Therefore, in front of the Chen family, the Promise Palace should have no value, and it is necessary to marry the Chen family to the Promise Palace. If the Promise Palace really wants to marry Chen Jia, it should be the Promise Palace to send the woman to Chen Jialai.

Moreover, even so, Chen Jia may not accept it, after all, the gap between the two is too great.

Of course, what is even more incomprehensible is that the Chen family’s match-up test actually made the disciples of the Promise Palace win, which is even more ridiculous.

"Stuart Master, as far as I know, the family did not send people to come to Chen's family to try!" Jiang Wuya said.

"Yes, a woman of Chen family, we are not so concerned about the family!" Situ Xiong said faintly.

"Situ Shijia is not one of the three major families, and naturally will not see the Chen family, even if there is, it is also Chen family wants to go to Bajie Situ family!" Jiang Wuya said with a smile.

"This is natural, but now is not the time to say this, you still know what to do, let's listen!" Situ Xiong said.

He did not know what the inside story of Jiang Wuya knew, but this guy succeeded in causing his interest.

He really can't figure out about this matter. Is there really any secret in it?

Otherwise, how could Chen’s family really want to marry the daughter of Chen’s family to the Promise Palace, even if the people of the Promise Palace won the test!

"This is the case. At the beginning, I asked the screen to participate in the Chen family's recruitment test. Unfortunately, he failed. Of course, it is not only our Jiang family that has failed, but also several other families have lost, even Chen Jia. The people they sent out also lost to the people of the Promise Palace." Jiang Wuya said.

"This can only say that the strength of the people you sent is too low!" Situ Xiong was somewhat disdainful.

It is a shame that so many families have lost to an unknown Wuji Principal, but now he still wants to know the inside information of Jiang Wuya, and does not want him to be too embarrassed.

In fact, in his heart, he is very much looking down on these guys.

What despised him the most was that even Ji Jia lost, it was really bad. Fortunately, the Ji family seems to feel that there is no face, and he is not willing to presuppose this matter, otherwise he must fight the Ji Xian guy.

"Yes! It is how we can compare these families with the Situ family. However, it is not as simple as the Situ family thinks. I don’t know if the Situ family knows how the Chen family tried it. What is it?” Jiang Wuya saw some contempt in the heart of Situ’s family. Although he was somewhat upset, he could not say anything.

That time, they lost to a Promise Palace disciple, and they were really shameful, but if they only lost a few of them.

You know, the Ji family also participated, even they lost, in his opinion. Fortunately, the Situ family did not participate, and if they also sent people to participate, maybe the results would be worse than their families.

"I really don't know this. What do they compare?" Situ Xiong had no interest in this. When I heard that Chen had to compare it, I thought it was just a fight. Now I don’t mean to listen to Jiang’s meaning. such.

"Chen Jia let all the people who participated in the test enter the Chen family's hunting soul hunting ground, and those who participated in the test can bring two people into the Chen family hunting ground!" Jiang Wuya said.

"Let them enter the hunting spirit of Chen's hunting spirit field? This Chen family is a good abacus. If I guess it is correct, then the souls of their hunting are handed over to Chen's family!" Hearing this test content Situ Xiong could not help but sneer.

"Yes, Chen is indeed abhorrent. Chen’s comparison with the Nine in the time was two or three months. It was purposeful for them to hold such a match at that time, and the purpose was very obvious. They were early. I just want to let the people of each family help them to hunt their souls, so that his two sons can once again break through the realm and enter the post of Mahayana, so that their chances of winning in the Nine-Yart ratio will be a bit more.

I have already inquired about it. At the beginning, Chen Hongyuan’s two brothers were only in the middle of the Mahayana. However, after the comparison test, both of them were in the late Mahayana.

Therefore, they clearly use this recruiting test to let everyone hunt for their soul source, thus helping the Chen family and two brothers to break through the realm! "Jiang Wuya thinks about this every time~www.ltnovel.com~ He is particularly upset in his heart."

I feel that I have been put together by Chen. If he did not send someone to participate in this recruitment test, then Chen will not get so many soul sources, then Chen Hongyuan will not be able to break through to the later stage of Mahayana. In this case, then he Naturally, it is impossible to perform so well in the ratio of the Nine.

Fortunately, in the end, let Situ Yongwen defeat Chen Hongyuan, or Chen will be more proud, and all their families have been on the Chen family.

"Hey! I already knew that Chen’s time to make a match was not so simple. Now it seems that you are really being used by Chen!" said Situ Xiong.

"It’s still the vision of Situ’s family. If we all have the insights of the Situ’s family, we won’t let Chen’s face be revealed in the Nine-Yuan Da!” Jiang Wuya thinks now and feels very angry.

However, he did not think that Situ Xiong had already seen Chen’s intentions.

Moreover, it seems that Chen is not just using them alone. Otherwise, how could he continue to marry Chen Xinran to the people of the Promise? They can completely take off this marriage!

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