Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3594: Striving for fear!

Cheng Yu’s words suddenly made all the people who were going to collect Peiyu almost planted a big head.

"Cheng Jiazhu, you mean that we have to pay for this jade jade?" The people looked back and looked at Cheng Yu.

At this time, everyone's face is even worse. Even if they are receiving Peiyu, they will have to agree if there is no way. After all, they know that they can't fight.

At least in the world, there is no way to limit Cheng Yu and Cheng Jia, so I can only accept it.

But now they still need to spend their own money to buy Peiyu, is this Chengjia not strong buy and sell?

If you don't buy it, you will be driven out of the world by Cheng Jia. If you buy it, you have to pay for it yourself. It is also subject to Cheng Jia’s restraint. It’s too pit!

"That is of course, do you want me to lose money in Chengjia? We don't want to make money, but always take the cost back!" Cheng Yu said.

"The Cheng Jiazhu also said, I don't know how much the Chengjia master will pay for this jade jade?" When everyone listened to Cheng Yu, he only paid for the cost, and his heart suddenly felt relieved.

It is just an ordinary Pei Yu, it is not worth the money at all. Since Cheng Yu only charges the cost, there is nothing unacceptable.

"It's very cheap, get a piece of Peiyu only a top grade Lingshi!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"A piece of Shangpin Lingshi? Cheng Jiazhu, don't you say that you only charge the cost? You Pei Yu is also an ordinary jade in my opinion, but you have to collect a top grade Lingshi, is this too much?"

"Yeah! Cheng Jiazhu this is clearly stealing money!" The crowd is still too underestimated Cheng Yu, this guy turned out to be a piece of ordinary jade to receive a top grade Lingshi, this is not what is grabbing money!

"Yes, this Peiyu is really just a simple jade, but it is not a simple jade!" Cheng Yu said in his hand a piece of Pei Yu.

"I don't know what the words of Cheng Jiazhu mean? It is just an ordinary jade. Why is this jade jade not a simple jade?" everyone wondered.

"It's very simple. Although this jade is very common, this jade has added a lot of additional functions. These are all costs." Cheng Yu said.

"What additional features?" asked the crowd.

"For example, if you take this piece of jade, you will record your identity information. At the same time, you will input your own spiritual power, and it will show your cultivation as a realm." Explain.

"But we don't seem to need these features. If that's the case, then you can add a few features at will, but then charge us a higher fee. Isn't that pit us?" Someone questioned.

"These information doesn't have anything to do with you, because anyone has only one piece of jade that records his identity. If you are in the world, what happened to you, or if you find that the jade you own is not your own jade, then You may be in trouble.

In addition, the color of the jade that is owned by the jade and the jade that is owned by the above-mentioned period is not the same. If my Cheng family finds that the jade that you own does not match your own realm, you will also be punished by Cheng Jia.

However, in the follow-up, we will also release the extra-ethnic missions. Only those who have Peiyu can receive the extra-ethnic tasks of my Chengjia, and this Peiyu will record the mission contribution you have received!

In short, in the world, if you don't have this piece of jade, you will not be able to move. But with this piece of jade, you are in the world as long as you do not do things that undermine the rules, basically no one will affect your freedom! Cheng Yu explained again.

"Cheng Jiazhu, what is the extra-ethnic mission you just said? What does the mission contribution mean?" Someone asked curiously.

"I think everyone knows about the rules of my family. We have a mission contribution system. As long as we have enough contributions, my Chengjia disciples can exchange any resources at Chengjia.

It’s just that this welfare belongs to my Chengjia disciples, but now I intend to extend this mission contribution system beyond my home.

In the future, we will set up a task list at this entrance and exit. Anyone who holds Peiyu can pick up the tasks posted by my Chengjia at various entrances and exits.

After completing the corresponding tasks, you will get the contribution value of the corresponding task, and these contribution values ​​will be recorded in your identity.

Of course, with these contributions, you can go to my Chengjiashan Gate to exchange the resources you need. At that time, I will set up an extra-curricular disciplinary resource exchange office there.

So, now everyone understands the meaning of this piece of jade? Cheng Yu explained to everyone.

"Cheng Jiazhu, are you really telling us? Can we really use those contributions to exchange any resources we want like Cheng Jia disciples?" Someone said excitedly.

For the contribution system of Cheng Jia, in fact, many younger disciples have long been envious.

Listen to those Cheng Jia disciples said that in Cheng Jia, as long as they have achieved enough contribution, even the fairy can be exchanged with contributions.

Of course, the contribution needed to change the fairy is certainly amazing, but at least it gives many people more hope.

Because of the immortality of this kind of thing, even if it is in the realm of cultivation, even if you are rich again, you can't get it. Although it is not said that 100% of people do not use the fairy to trade, but the chance to see the fairy in the market is almost zero.

However, Cheng Jia can exchange for as long as he has enough contribution, which is enough to shock Cheng Jia's abundant resources.

It's not that everyone has to change the fairy, but since Cheng Jialian has the same changes, the other resources they want are not difficult, and they can get it if they have contributed.

So before, they especially envied Cheng Jia disciples, but Cheng Jia no longer recruited disciples, at least not genius, it is difficult to enter Cheng Jia.

But now Cheng family is actually planning to release extra-ethnic tasks, so that they also have the welfare of Chengjia disciples, how can they not be excited.

If Cheng Jia really did this, then they wouldn’t have had any regrets if they didn’t join Cheng.

Just hearing Cheng Yu’s words, those Cheng’s disciples were a little nervous. If the homeowner really wants to do this, then do they have no advantage?

"It is certainly impossible to exchange any resources. After all, you are not my disciple. If you can allow you to exchange resources for the mission, it would be unfair to my Chengjia disciple." Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

With Cheng Yu’s reply, those people were disappointed in their hearts, but they were understandable. After all, they have no relationship with Cheng, and it is impossible for people to share all the good things with them.

But for Cheng Yu’s statement, the disciples of Cheng’s family are very happy, and they still have an advantage.

"Although I can't let you get all the resources, but the resources you can exchange for it are not too bad. Of course, if you really want to get all the resources, then there is no way, as long as you can become my disciple That's it!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"But isn't Cheng Jia no longer recruiting ordinary disciples?" asked the crowd.

"Ordinary disciples do not accept it, but they are not completely incapable. In addition to setting up a task list at each entrance and exit, I will also set up an extra-ethnic contribution list.

Any disciple who is in the top 50 of the contribution list every year can be qualified to become a disciple of my Cheng family. Of course, this is only a qualification. As long as you are willing and at the same time pass our supervision, you can become my family. Official disciple.

By the time you have the extra-ethnic contribution that you have in the past, you will be able to switch to a contribution within the family. Naturally, you can exchange any resources you want!

In addition, if the top 50 people voluntarily give up becoming Cheng disciples, then the top ranked people will be automatically added. Cheng Yu said.

“Top 50 in the contribution list?” Everyone has a happy heart. Although it may not be easy to get the top 50 in the contribution list, at least Cheng Yu has given them the opportunity.

"I have already said this. In short, this jade is definitely very important to you. If you really feel very expensive, I am not urging you to buy this piece of jade, but in this case, we may Leaving the world!" Cheng Yu said.

"Cheng Jiazhu, I am willing to buy a piece of jade!"

"I am willing too!"

"I don't want to miss such a good thing, isn't it a top grade stone? I have to buy one!"

What Cheng Yu told them before was the responsibility brought by Pei Yu, so everyone was not able to accept it. But what Cheng Yu said now is the welfare brought by Pei Yu. They suddenly changed their previous mentality.

Even if not everyone wants to be a disciple of Cheng, but can get these contributions, you can also exchange a lot of resources, that is also a good thing.

"I want to remind you again ~www.ltnovel.com~ The fit period is a dividing line. People below the distraction period have white jade, and the possession period is above the jade.

If someone breaks through the distraction period to the fit period, be sure to change the jade in time. Otherwise, it is found that the monk above the fit period holds the white jade, which is a serious punishment, and may even lose his life. You remember it yourself! "Seeing that everyone is rushing to buy Peiyu for a while, Cheng Yu is naturally happy."

After all, every piece of Peiyu is a top-grade stone. So many people can buy it, not a small amount. Cheng Jiaguang can make a fortune by selling these jade.

However, he still did not forget to remind everyone.

After all, the reason why he wants to divide into two kinds of jade is to prevent someone from hiding the world.

Of course, the current Pei Yu has already had a recognition method. As long as the spiritual power is injected into his jade, it will show the realm, so the chance of hiding the realm is greatly reduced.

It’s just that Cheng Yu is not sure whether the array in Peiyu can identify all the means 100%. In case, just in case, it is natural to remind everyone to avoid the time when they feel that they are killing people.

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