Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3595: This is a routine!

Originally, everyone didn't want to buy this jade jade, and they really bought it. It was only because of the forces of Cheng Jia and was forced to accept it.

However, after hearing Cheng Yu said the benefits of these jade, they have not been too much rejection, and even look forward to the benefits that Peiyu will bring to them later.

A piece of Shangling Lingshi is actually quite expensive for a common monk, but the role of this jade seems to be much greater.

In particular, Cheng Jia wants to release extra-ethnic missions. If these tasks are completed, the rate of return is definitely not just a comparison of the top grades.

Therefore, although it took a piece of Shangpin Lingshi to make them feel a little distressed, but when they thought that this Peiyu could bring huge benefits, there was still a little excitement in the heart.

"The people who want to buy Peiyu are speeding up. Chengjia is currently preparing a total of 12,000 Peiyu, of which 10,000 pieces of Peiyu below the fit period, and 2,000 pieces of Peiyu above the fit period. Only three or four are prepared for each entrance. If you don't get this time, you can only leave the world first.

Of course, if you want to stay forever, that's fine. But once I have found out that you have no identity, you will be responsible for the consequences! Cheng Yu said loudly.

“Is it only three or four hundred jade in a doorway? Is this too little?”

"You can't manage that much, buy the next one and say it, or you will be driven out of the world!" Cheng Yu's words suddenly made the monks present more oppressive, and everyone even grabbed it.

No one wants to leave the world, especially after this jade looks so precious, even if he wants to get a piece anymore, who knows if he can buy it later?

"If the jade here is sold out, you can go to other entrances and exits. Of course, I also have a map of the entrance and exit. This is just a piece of top stone!" Cheng Yu saw that some people could not rush inside. Anxiously turned around outside, and said loudly again.

"Cheng Jiazhu, you are too dark, a map should also be a piece of Lingshi?" The people are very dissatisfied, this Cheng Yu is simply falling into the money jar, everything has to spend money to buy, but also So expensive.

Such a expensive map is even more expensive than those in the realm of treasure hunting. It can be seen how dark Cheng Yu is.

"No way, these maps are also drawn by my Chengjia disciples. If you don't have this map, you may not know a lot of entrances and exits.

Some entrances and exits are relatively biased, but the number of Peiyu currently allocated is the same, so there is no Peiyu here, but there are definitely those places.

Therefore, those who want to buy these jade jade will hurry and seize the opportunity. If they miss this opportunity, then there is no longer a chance.

Because we are currently implementing a quota system, 12,000 Peiyu represents that only 12,000 monks can stay in the world.

After we have issued this 2,000-year-old Peiyu, we will check some monks who do not have jade in the world. If some of your friends haven't got the news yet, you'd better tell each other. If you can't buy Peiyu, you will quickly leave the world, otherwise you may be blamed!

However, please rest assured that after the secular monks have been cleaned up, we will set aside another 100 places for each entrance.

That is to say, after any one who enters the world to enter the world reaches a hundred places, you will have the opportunity to enter only when someone comes out of the world!

So now you want to get Pei Yu there are two opportunities, one is to buy the map of the entrance and exit on our hands now, and quickly go to other entrances and exits to see if there is any remaining jade.

The second one is to wait until after each of our entrances and exits to distribute the quota. Cheng Yu explained the new rules to everyone.

In fact, these rules will be posted at these entrances and exits, but now everyone is surging, fearing that few people will check these rules.

For the time being, the 12,000 Peiyus that were distributed today, plus one hundred and one after each entrance and exit, are a total of 15,500 Peiyu.

This means that this secular can at the same time allow up to 15,500 monks to be active at the same time.

This number is definitely the range that Cheng can control. Even if more than 5,000 people are enemies, he has enough confidence to solve them.

But if there is more, then it is easy to lose control.

If there are enemies who want to open the array from the inside, then the worst case is that more than 10,000 people attack a formation at the same time.

In this case, the formation is likely to be broken. However, if this happens, Cheng Jia is confident that he will arrive at the entrance and exit when they break the formation.

This is also the result of Cheng Yu's calculation after many calculations, and can't be added any more.

After all, they have more people, but there are only 2,000 monks above the fit period. As for the monks below the fit period, to be honest, the destructive power of this array is extremely limited.

Therefore, as long as the number of people is less than 5,000, Cheng Yu is still very confident in the control of the world.

"Yu Shidi, you are so smart. Just say a few words, they are rushing to grab something to buy us. Although there are only one or more than 10,000 pieces of top grade Lingshi, this is not a small amount. At least for these Peiyu’s cost is back, and there are still earned!” Xinhai looked at everyone’s reluctance to buy Peiyu, but now Peiyu has been robbed, and even the entrance map has been robbed.

Because this map has a big role in the future, Cheng Yu said. The release of extra-ethnic tasks is carried out at these entrances and exits. If they can't find these entrances and exits, how can they get the tasks in time?

Therefore, even those who have already grabbed Peiyu have quickly bought a map of the entrance and exit!

Even Peiyu, who has a piece of Shangpin Lingshi, bought it. Will he still spend another piece of Shangshi Lingshi?

And those who did not grab Peiyu, seeing these people got Peiyu still have to grab the map with them, but they can't manage so much, and they can't bear the stone, they don't need Peiyu!

"If this kind of business is a loss, isn't that incompetent?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Yu Shidi, do you really want to release the extra-ethnic mission?" Xinhe hesitated for a long time, and finally could not help but ask.

Cheng Yu did not tell them about this before, so when Cheng Yu announced the news, they were also shocked.

"Yes, is it because Xinhe feels that something is wrong?"

"I just think that it is probably not enough for all the disciples in the family to release the task. If we take some tasks as extra-ethnic tasks, then will our Cheng disciples have no tasks to pick up?"

"Yeah, Yu Shidi, I also think that you seem to be very good to them. They are not our disciples, why bother to give them so many benefits, to be honest, in this worldly, everything is not what we Cheng said. Count.

The rules proposed by Cheng Jia, they accept and accept, do not accept and accept, it is so simple! We can't influence the interests of our own brothers for these people! "Xin Luo also said.

"Do not worry, extra-ethnic missions and intra-clan missions are two different natures, and will not affect the mission of our Cheng family. Do you think I will post the tasks belonging to our Cheng family disciples to the extra-ethnic task list? That is impossible!" Cheng Yu shook his head and smiled.

"What are the tasks of the extra-ethnic tasks that the younger brother said?" Xin Luo asked.

"It's very simple, of course, the tasks that Chengjia disciples can't do and don't want to do. For example, those risks are too high, or they are very time-consuming tasks that are of little value!" Cheng Yu explained. .

"High! It is really high! Yu Shidi, you really are not good people, this idea is what you think. But in this case, when those people see such a task, will it make trouble?" Cheng Yu gave a thumbs up.

"This is very simple. Sometimes the contribution is aggravated, or we can mix some of the better tasks for them. The good task is picked up, and the rest of them will not have to pick up other tasks if they don't pick up. .

I think for these contributions, they will be willing to take such a task! Cheng Yu said.

"That's also true! But their extra-ethnic contributions can't put too many good things for them. These are all unfamiliar wolves. If there is no benefit, they won't treat us as their own!" said Xin Luo. .

"That's natural, but they always need some excitement. If you put something that is too junk, it's hard to attract them."

In short, there must be good things, and bad things. As long as they have the sweetness, they will work harder to help us do things! Cheng Yu said.

Like when he had just returned to the world, let them send out the news, this kind of valuable, time-consuming task, can be sent to the task list outside the family.

The release of this extra-ethnic task, in fact, is equivalent to a lot of extra-curricular disciples~www.ltnovel.com~ This can indirectly help the Cheng family save a lot of things, so Cheng Yu does not think this is the Cheng Jia How much influence will disciples have.

Although Cheng Yu’s words were only spoken at this entrance and exit, after a few days, his words and the functions of Peiyu posted by Cheng’s family, as well as secular rules, were spread throughout the world.

For a time, the secular monks also set off a wave of buying Peiyu and maps.

In Cheng Yu's estimation, 12,000 Peiyu should actually be enough to distribute all the secular monks into a piece of jade.

However, in fact, after a few days, all the entrances and exits have already sent Peiyu, but there are still many monks who want to buy Peiyu.

I learned that Cheng Jia’s Pei Yu was sold out, and some monks even fought with the Cheng Jia disciples who entered the entrance.

But the result is clear, these people were directly driven out of the world, and even some of these monks were killed in these conflicts.

Seeing such a situation, those who did not purchase Peiyu, although not reconciled, still honestly left the world.

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