Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3616: request!

Hearing the long-lost voice, both Tian Xue and Tian Ji were excited, as if they had returned to the picture in the dead forest that year.


The door opened, Cheng Yu sat at the desk and looked at the two smiling!

Seeing the two enter, Han Yuwu quickly closed the door.

"How? How many years have not seen, become too handsome for you to recognize?" Cheng Yu saw the two men standing there, laughing and said.

"Brother!" The voice of the penalty was a little hoarse, but I didn't know what to say.

"Are you alright?" Tian Xue said to the other side.

"You also saw it. Now that Cheng Jia is flourishing, tens of thousands of disciples are active in my family. How can I have a bad time?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"That's also true!" Tian Xue nodded and said.

"Brother, you are really amazing. I thought that when we were still in the forest of death, you were only a Golden Age, but the achievements are enough to admire today.

I have already said that one day you will definitely stand on the peak of the world, but did not think that this day is so fast! "The punishment of the heavens is excited to Cheng Yu."

"Listen to your words, this day is so fast that you are very disappointed!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"Senior brother, I don't mean this, I am happy for you!" The sentence was anxiously explained.

"Haha, OK, I don't know you yet? Make fun of you. You are not bad in these years. In the early days of a fit, a mid-fit." Cheng Yu looked at the two men laughing.

"Hey, it’s too far worse than the brothers!" The sentence was somewhat proud.

In fact, with their achievements over the years, it is indeed very good. At least in the Tianshan faction, they are already very powerful.

There are several in this world that can reach the fit period in these years, which is enough to show that the talents of the two are very good.

Of course, the reason for these people around Cheng Yu is the Mahayana period, which is completely benefited by Cheng Yu.

Otherwise, those people who have reached the Mahayana period so quickly!

This may be what Qing Yuanzi said to the heart of the river, Cheng Yu is an air transporter, so he will be stained with his air.

"Seeing you both, it seems to remind me of the various circumstances in the dead forest that year!" Cheng Yu said with great emotion.

"Yeah, but in my heart, the brothers are always the brother who protects me!" said the punishment.

"You guy, just give me a high hat when I come. Ok, I don't talk to you either, talk about the purpose of both of you today!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"This..." The two were a little embarrassed, but they didn't know how to speak.

"How? You dare to come to see me, what else can you say?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

"We..." Tianxue still didn't know how to open his mouth.

"Hey, my brother, my sister is embarrassed, it’s still for me. Actually, it’s like this. I heard a few days ago that the brothers took control of the world.

As a result, because of this, not only the heads of the other eight sects ran to our Tianshan faction, but even many other monks of other forces ran to our Tianshan faction! "There is no such thing as a sentence. I talked to Cheng Yu about the day. He thought Cheng Yu was the one who had Cheng Cheng, which made him feel relieved."

"So they hope that you Tianshan sent a face to solve this problem? Then I sent you over?" Cheng Yu laughed.

"No, it is after we know this, we have come to the world by ourselves." Heavenly sentence explained.

"It turned out to be the case. Then, are you coming today to convince me to give up control of the world?" Cheng Yu was not angry, but said with a gentle face.

"Senior brother, don't misunderstand, we are not convincing you to give up control of the world, I know that you must have your reason to do this!" The criminal sentence is afraid of Cheng Yu angry, hurriedly explained.

"Do you really think so?" Cheng Yu looked at Tianxue.

"We really don't intend to let you give up control of the secular. We are only hope today. If we Tianshan faction really comes out to talk to you about this matter, I hope that you will not hurt the Tianshan faction!" Tian Xue said with courage.

"I look like a wicked person?" Cheng Yu laughed.

"This" is so whispering, I don't know how to answer.

"Slightly!" Nodded in heaven!

"I have always been this image in your heart?" Cheng Yu said with a squint.

"Senior brother, are you not going to be angry?" said the sentence.

"What do you say?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

"Senior brother, I know that you are not a bad person, but if the major sects come to look for you, I will not be able to guarantee that you will be so gentle, so we will want to discuss with you!" said the punishment.

"That's not necessarily the case. I have always been a person who doesn't commit me. I don't commit crimes. If they dare to offend me, it's hard to say how to deal with this matter!" Cheng Yu said.

"Cheng Yu, then can you let go of the Tianshan faction?" Tian Xue asked.

"That depends on what attitude you have in the Tianshan School. If you Tianshan sent a heart to find trouble with me, then it is impossible to let them go!"

"" Tian Xue and Tian Ji two people are silent.

They didn't blame Cheng Yu, because Cheng Yu said the facts. If Tianshan sent himself to be rough, wouldn't it be that Cheng Yu would not fight back?

"Okay, I am very happy to be able to come to Chengjia, but you don't have to worry about it. Now they are not here yet? As long as your Tianshan faction is not doing too much, I will not care about them!" Seeing the appearance of the two, I said helplessly.

“Really?” the two surprised.

"You both are like this, what else can I say? But I still have the sentence, the premise is that your Tianshan faction should not be too much. If I am upset, I can't manage that much!" Cheng Yu said. .

"Well~www.ltnovel.com~ We understand, thank you brother!" Tiancai said with joy.

"Thank you Cheng Yu!" Tian Xue also grateful.

"Well, now that the business is over, since you have come, will you play some games in my family? I have a lot of good things!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"What good thing?" asked the heavenly sentence.

"What stage are you in the early stages of the integration? Is it a bottleneck?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Before the fit period, my cultivation speed was very fast. I had already reached the bottleneck two years ago, but there has been no way to break through in the past two years, and I don't know what is going on!" The sentence was somewhat depressed.

"In this case, then you are blessed. Tian Xue, what about you? What is the situation now?"

"I should still be worse. I want to break through to the middle of the fit. It is estimated that it will take a year or two at the earliest!" Tian Xue said.

"Very good, I will take you to a good place tomorrow!" Cheng Yu nodded and said!

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