Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3617: Good place!

The next day, Cheng Yu’s side was followed by two strangers, and wearing the costumes of the Tianshan School, he was very curious.

Why are the disciples of the Tianshan School appear here?

You must know that Cheng Jia is very strict, and it is very difficult for outsiders to enter Chengjia, especially the disciples of other sects.

However, these two people seem very strange, they are actually walking with the family, and talking and laughing.

Judging from the identity of these two, it is only a disciple of the Tianshan School. It is not like a big man of the Tianshan School. Why are they so close to each other?

"Brother, you are really prestige now!" said the sentence of enmity.

As the road comes, everyone they meet will respectfully bow to the Cheng family, and the high-pitched glory is really enviable.

"Your talent is good, maybe after the Tianshan faction is yours, you will be so prestige in the future!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"How is it possible, my sister and sister are not disciples of Chuan Lingfeng, how can I become the head? At most, it is an elder or a peak!" said the punishment.

"Even if it is an elder and a peak, it is not bad. These identities are all virtual. If you have enough strength, would you care about this kind of thing?" Cheng Yu smiled.

"That is also true, if I have the strength of my brother, who will care about these!" Nod and nodded.

"Cheng Yu, you said that we want to take us to a good place today, what is it?" Tian Xue asked.

"Do you see the tower in front?" Cheng Yu pointed to the huge towering tower in front.

"We noticed when we came to Chengjia yesterday. Brother, I have to say that your tower repair is really enough. If you can enter the top of the tower, you will feel enough." .

"What is special about the tower?" asked Tian Xue.

"That is the cultivation tower of my Cheng family. Anyone who cultivates there and cultivates will advance. Especially, you are going to reach the bottleneck or have reached the bottleneck stage. Going into cultivation once, when you come out, it is enough You have reached a new realm!" Cheng Yu said.

"Is there such a thing? Brother, are you too exaggerated? If there is such a magical thing in this tower, can Cheng Jiazhen not create a master in three or two days?" said the heavenly sentence.

Even Tian Xue had some doubts about Cheng Yu’s words. After all, they have never heard of such things.

As for the Tianshan faction, there is no such magical place. At most, it is to provide some special experience for the disciples.

Through experience, nature can let the strength get refined!

However, as Cheng Yu said, it is too exaggerating to break through as long as you go into practice.

"Is it true? You know when you go in and practice. However, this tower also has a shortcoming. It is that the same realm can only be cultivated once. This limits everyone's inability to practice in it every day.

Although it can quickly increase its strength, but one's strength is still to rely on their own efforts. It is impossible to always rely on foreign objects to improve.

Just like the two of you in these years, did you not achieve the fit period through your own efforts? Cheng Yu said.

"What the brothers said is that you just said that this tower can only be used once. If I am in the early stage of the fit, if it breaks through the middle of the fit, does it mean that I will be able to use it later? ?" Heaven sentenced.

"That's not it. You are in the early days of the fit. Even if you break through to the middle of the fit, it is also considered that you used it once in the early days of the fit.

If you still want to continue practicing, you can, but in Chengjia, we do not recommend this method of use.

You also know that the most difficult thing for a realm is the breakthrough of the realm. As you said yesterday, you have reached the bottleneck in the early days of the fit for two years, but there are no signs of a breakthrough.

This shows that although the seemingly new realm is only a step away from you, it may be farther away than the distance between the beginning of the fit and the bottleneck.

Maybe you have just reached the beginning of the fit and then it takes only a year or even less to practice the bottleneck. But now you have been at the bottleneck for two years, and this kind of thing is very common.

Therefore, when it is not reached or close to the bottleneck of the realm, it is very difficult to cultivate into the next realm. If there is no breakthrough, just let the two of you reach a new bottleneck, then what should I do?

How long do you think it will take you to break through to a new realm?

But if the realm of the two of you is now, it is not far from the new realm. At this time, you enter the cultivation tower, and the success rate of breaking through the realm is at least 99%. Cheng Yu explained.

"It turned out to be the case. It’s just that this tower practice has such a high breakthrough rate. Isn’t that hard to break through?” said the horror of the sentence.

"It can be said that this depends on your own luck and fortune. But I want to remind you that in this cultivation tower, the longer the cultivation time that can be persisted, the more refined it is.

In theory, if you can never wake up, your realm can even break through. Cheng Yu explained again.

"There is still such a thing? Is it true that the realm of the brothers is through this cultivation method, and has continuously broken through several realms?" The heavenly sentence said with surprise.

"Of course not. In fact, I have never seen anyone who can break through two realms in a row. Even I can't do it. This is why I want to remind you to break through at the bottleneck!

If it is too early, it is difficult for you to successfully break through, it is equivalent to wasting a breakthrough opportunity ~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, other cultivation is relatively simple, breakthrough is the most difficult! ”

"So, brothers, you are still too genius, and it is not through this shortcut to reach this level!" said the envy of the heavens.

Although Cheng Yu is only a big higher than him, he is very clear in his strength. The gap between him and Cheng Yu is a thousand miles away.

Because he had already heard how Cheng Yu killed Kunlun's master of the robbery period.

The master of the robbery period, it is not a master of masters who do not know how many times better than the masters of the Mahayana period. This world is afraid that there are not many such characters coming.

Therefore, if it is to fight personal strength, Cheng Yu's current strength is definitely standing at the top of the world.

"Is this still used? Have you already seen it in the dead forest? OK, you can take this and go to the highest place in the tower to practice. The effect there is also the best!

After you come out, I will hang out for you to celebrate! Cheng Yu took out two tokens and handed them to the two.

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