Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3630: Not like imagination!

"Homeowner, Elder Xu came to Chengjia with a lot of people and said that there is an urgent matter to see!" A disciple said outside the living room.

“There are many people coming from Xu’s elders? How many people are there?” Cheng Yu frowned.

"About one or two hundred people!"

"Let Xu Elder take them to the main hall, I will pass in a while!" Cheng Yu said.

"The four heads, it seems that we have to talk about this matter again, I will first look at what happened outside!" Cheng Yu said to the four heads.

"It's better for us to go with the Cheng family. Maybe there is something we need to help, and we can do our best!" Xuan Zhendao said.

"Yes! Master Cheng, it is better to go and see it together!" Yu Lingzi also thought of something, and quickly said.

"Since the four heads are so enthusiastic, let's go together!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

For the abacus in these people's minds, how can Cheng Yu not understand. But if you want to go, then why should they stop them?

In fact, the four of them who came to Chengjia were already doomed that they could not change his mind.

So no matter what happens, Cheng Yu will stick to his own point of view.

Soon, five people appeared in the hall.

Sure enough, as the disciple said, Xu has brought more than two hundred people this time. Fortunately, this hall is not small, even if it is more than two hundred people, it does not seem crowded.

"Homeowners, they want to tell you something, so I specially brought them to come and see!" As soon as Cheng Yu appeared, he followed the four heads, Xu Changsong said to Cheng Yu.

"I will see the process owner!" The one or two hundred people quickly changed their waists and held their fists.

"Well, so many people are so anxious to find me, is there anything important?" Cheng Yu nodded and looked at so many people below.

"We..." The monks saw the heads of the four major sects, and they could not help but worry.

After all, they already know the intentions of these four heads to come to Cheng Jia, but they are going to do the same with the four heads.

They just want to see Cheng Yu, I didn't expect the four heads to be there. How can they dare to say this?

If there is an opening, they know that they are doing the opposite of them. Will they be wearing small shoes in the realm of cultivation?

"Do you have anything to say?" Cheng Yu said.

In fact, if you ask him, he has already guessed eight or nine points, nothing more than about the fact that they are in control of the world.

"We..." But these monks are obviously scared and afraid to say.

"You don't have to be nervous. Since the Cheng family has already spoken, what are you worried about? If you really have any difficulties, Cheng Jiazhu has always been righteous. I believe that Cheng Jiazhu will definitely find ways to help you solve the difficulties!" At this time, Xuan Zhendao suddenly said.

The reason why he just wanted to come over is to guess that these people are just like them, just to convince Cheng Yu to give up control of the world.

Therefore, he hoped that these people would also raise this matter. Just now Cheng Yu said that he not only protected the secular, but also brought benefits to the monks in the realm of cultivation.

Now the monks in the realm of comprehension have found Cheng Jialai himself. If they all oppose the Cheng family's control of the secular, then Cheng Yu is not very good at it?

In particular, these people are afraid to say that they are afraid of Cheng Yu, so he should encourage these people to say their words.

"Cheng Jiazhu, we came here this time, just want to confirm with the Cheng Jiazhu, will the task of the extra-ethnic mission be cancelled?" A monk saw this, and he did not stand up and say.

"Why are you asking this?" Cheng Yu said strangely.

For a long time, they have never announced any other news, how can there be a special one to ask this?

"When we were at the entrance and exit, I heard that someone wanted to let Cheng Jiazhu abandon the various entrances and exits of the secular, so we were thinking, if Cheng Jia really gave up the entrance and exit, then will this extra-ethnic task be released?" People continue to say.

In fact, they also left a mind, they did not say that they came to support the Cheng family to control the secular.

Because they don't know how Cheng Yu planned.

If Cheng Yu loses control of the secular, will he still maintain the release of the extra-ethnic mission?

If this is the case, they will certainly be more happy. However, if Cheng Yu does not control the secular, it will lead to the disappearance of extra-ethnic missions. Of course, they will stand on the side of Cheng Yu, hoping that he will still control the secular.

However, after hearing this, even the four heads were puzzled and looked at Cheng Yu.

Because this also represents Cheng Yu's attitude towards this matter, which is in line with the goal they came to.

"I don't know where you got the news. The first thing I want to say is that I can't give up the various entrances and exits, because it is to ensure the safety of all the monks, but also to ensure the interests of everyone.

Second, retreat 10,000 steps. If there is a situation in which I give up the entrance and exit, it is naturally impossible for the extra-ethnic mission to exist again.

Because these are for the welfare of those who are willing to abide by the rules of the world, if you are not willing to abide by the rules of the world, so many people are even my enemies.

Do you think that Cheng Yu will be so kind, let the enemy exchange some precious resources with me for cheap or even useless things?

I don't think I have to say anything more. Do you understand what I mean? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

What he meant was that everyone knows that he posted extra-ethnic tasks, and he was simply seeking benefits for them, but he did not earn anything.

If you want me to give up control of the world ~ www.ltnovel.com~ then you want to get benefits from my family, it is impossible.

However, the heads of the four major heads heard that Cheng Yu’s answer was obviously very dissatisfied.

Because he is answering these people, it is also equivalent to answering the questions they had before with Cheng Yu. He will not choose to compromise and give up control of the world.

"Cheng Jiazhu, we already understand what you mean. If this is the case, I hope that Cheng Jiazhu will not give up control of the secular, we are willing to accept the rules of the world, will never violate these rules, I only hope that Cheng Jiazhu can always The entrance and exit release the extra-ethnic mission!" the man said again.

Originally, the purpose of their coming to Chengjia this time was very clear. Cheng Yu had already said it very clearly. If you lose control of the world, the extra-ethnic mission can no longer exist.

Others will not be too concerned. As long as they can ensure that the extra-ethnic tasks can be carried out smoothly, they can exchange more precious resources from Cheng Yu. They naturally cannot accept the news of extra-ethnic tasks.

But when this is said, the faces of the four heads become very difficult to read. How is this different from the imagination?

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