Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3631: Come on! see a visitor out!

"Can you accept the long-term presence of our parents?" This is really a surprise to Cheng Yu.

But think carefully, it all seems to be expected.

After all, the task of extra-ethnic tasks is one of the means by which he controls the secular. No one in this world is for the benefit.

Since it is profitable, who does not want to benefit?

The extra-ethnic task is implemented against this plan. Think about it. He has so many resources. He has let the elders announce some convertible resources some time ago.

After all, it is to draw these people, so he naturally has to take some medicine. Like the good things that break through Dan Xiu as Dan, it is extremely rare in the realm of comprehension, but here they can exchange for contributions.

I believe that as long as it is not a fool, Cheng Yu can accept Cheng Yu's control over the world.

These people are obviously the wise people. The questions they have just asked have always been around the task of the extra-ethnic, and the importance of this extra-ethnic task to them is obvious.

In this case, he will tell them more surely that as long as Cheng Jia controls the secular, they can gain benefits from Cheng Jia for a long time.

But if they want to oppose Cheng Yu and want to let the Cheng family give up control of the world, then I am embarrassed, and they will not think about the tasks outside the family.

"Of course, as long as the Cheng family does not cancel the extra-ethnic mission!" said the man.

"This is nature. Since you are willing to abide by the rules, you should naturally enjoy certain benefits. This extra-ethnic mission is the welfare for those of you!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Cheng Jiazhu, we have your words, we are relieved!" the man said with a smile.

Nothing is more fun than getting Cheng Yu’s affirmative reply.

Because of the exchange of resources announced by Cheng Jia, there are many more that he wants. If this extra-ethnic mission is cancelled, then everyone’s losses will be too great.

"Home! Home! Not good! Not good! Now there are many people gathered at the gate, want to ask to see the owner!" However, at this time, a disciple rushed to the hall and shouted loudly.

"Who are they?" Cheng Yu frowned.

What day is this today, how come so many people come to Chengjia?

"It seems that there are people from all walks of life. They just say that their companions have come to Cheng Jia, and they have to go up the mountain to ask you to see you!" said the disciple.

"Is yours?" Cheng Yu said that more than a hundred people in the hall said.

"Cheng Jiazhu, when we went up the mountain, we did assign some people to various entrances and exits, and other places to spread the news that Cheng Jia had to give up the task outside the family. I think these people should all come for this matter. !" the man said.

"So, their purpose is the same as those of you, who are able to accept the rules of the world?" Cheng Yu suddenly lost his heart. If these people came for this matter, he should not only not worry, but should be happy. .

"It should be like this, otherwise they can't come to Cheng!"

"Haha, you are very good, this thing is very good! Four heads, you can see the situation now.

The eyes of the masses are sharp, and my current practice in the world is good or bad for them. They have the right to speak. I don't think I need to say anything more. Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Cheng Jiazhu, they have not yet determined that the people under the mountain are the people they found, maybe some opponents?" Xuan Zhendao said.

His heart was very uncomfortable. I thought these people had the same purpose as them, but they did not expect it to help Cheng Yu.

I knew it was like this, he didn't encourage the guy to talk!

"Yeah, and these Taoist friends just said that they did not accept Cheng family to control the secular. Just because Cheng Jia tied the extra-ethnic mission to the control of the secular."

If these two things are not related, I think they will never accept the Cheng family to control the secular! Yu Lingzi also said.

"Ha ha ha ha!" But when I heard the words of two people, Cheng Yu laughed loudly, and laughter echoed in the hall.

"What is the intention of Cheng Jiazhu?" Several of the heads were a bit uncomfortable.

"Does Yuling’s head say this without feeling ridiculous?" Cheng Yu sneered.

“What is ridiculous?” Yu Lingzi asked.

"If I say that everyone in the world can go to your party to get resources, you are not allowed to block it. Do you think this is ridiculous?" Cheng Yu said.

"What does this mean?" Yu Lingzi's face has become extremely ugly.

"I mean, everything has advantages and disadvantages. You only want to get benefits from me, but you don't want to give anything. Then you want to say that all the benefits of the world are yours?"

While you want to be free from any restrictions in the world, you want to let me continue to send resources out. Since the four heads are so unselfish, that's fine.

I can give up any control over the secular, and even let you control the secular, but the tasks of this extra-ethnic mission will be handed over to you, and the tasks that will be redeemed by the tasks they completed in the future will be sent out by your four major sects. I don't know anything.

As long as you are willing, I think they will not have opinions! Cheng Yu said to everyone present.

"You...we don't have the interest to control the world!" The faces of the four were even more ugly.

Why do they control the world? Even if you control the secular, there are only so many resources. Even if they do not control the secular, they can get the worldly resources. Why do they want to do this?

Besides, when they entered the secular, they also watched the exchange list released by the process family. There are many resources on them that are lacking.

They are not as rich and wealthy as Cheng Jia. Where are so many resources available for expatriate disciples to enjoy, isn’t that a stupid hat?

"That won't be there. You always feel that I have a lot of benefits in controlling the world. www.ltnovel.com~ Since you want these benefits, I will give them to you now, but you are not willing, then what do you want?"

Or do you want us to put resources all over the mountain every day, do you come over and get a little? Cheng Yu’s tone is not so polite.

These people are always in a state of appearance, and they are all like the whole world, but when they really let them do it, they are not willing or not. What do you say?

"Cheng Jiazhu, you have to figure out that we are not here to ask you for the resources of Chengjia. We just hope that you can be fair, free to enter the world is everyone's rights, you can not force anyone to lose this right! Said Yu Lingzi.

"Since you say this, then I will put my words here today, and I will set the world. If you are not satisfied, you can call the various sects of the real world to attack or attack my family.

As long as my Cheng Yu is destroyed, what do you think about in this world? The premise is that you must have this ability, but also have the ability to bear the consequences!

Come on! see a visitor out! "Cheng Yu no longer has any polite words, said coldly!

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