Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3938: Is he actually here?

"Several seniors are angry, I will go back and inform our family!" The disciple was frightened by the words of the East and the words.

If these ancestors really started to anger and hit the wind home, then his sin would be great.

Now, no matter what, he can still report to the owner. As for reporting on how the family decides, it is his business.

In case these people are really on the wind, it is not his business.

"Go back soon, limit your time for tea. If a tea has not yet waited for your homeowner to come down, then the wind home will be at your own risk."

"Yes! Yes, I will report to the owner now!" Where the disciple dared to stay half-way, and flew away toward the mountain in a blink of an eye.

"See it! To deal with this style, it is hard to come. Otherwise they really think that they have to come to see him and have to ask him to come out!"

"Then you said that this time the wind will come to people?" Chen Ruifeng laughed.

"He dare not come, see what consequences he has!" Dongfang and Yan looked at Cheng Yu and said with a smile.

He really hopes that the wind home will not come to talents, and they will have good looks at the time. Offended the Lord, it is definitely asking for trouble.

"That is true! The consequences will only be worse than they think!" Chen Ruiyang also looked at Cheng Yu, said with a smile.

They are naturally not very happy about the fact that the Lord is also the mainstay of the wind. After all, they will benefit from the Lord in the future, and once again threaten their position in the nine families.

But if they are guilty of the Lord's sin, then there is something to play, and the Lord will punish them, and maybe they will directly destroy the wind home.

Fengjia Fengyun Temple!

"Chen and the family of the East family should go now?" said the wind.

I didn't get the exact news at the moment, and his hung heart didn't dare to let go.

In any case, the ancestors of Chen and the family of the East are still quite high. Even if they stand in front of him, they must respect the predecessors and dare not offend easily.

After all, this level of people, not everyone can easily offend, causing the anger of the other party, maybe a slap in the face was shot dead.

"If there is no accident, it should be gone!" The elder smiled.

He felt that he had saved an annoyance for the Feng family. This is a credit.

"Home! Home!" However, at this time, the disciple finally came back.

"How? Is the ancestor of Chen and the family of the East gone?" asked the wind.

"No, the owner, they want the family to personally go down the mountain!" the disciple said breathlessly.

"What?" The crowd was shocked, and at the same time, there was an anger in the heart.

They are too big in this row, and they want the family to meet them personally. Even if they are the ancestors of Chen and the family of the East, they are not the ancestors of their family!

"I am not letting you tell them, is the ancestor already closed? Why do they want me to go down the mountain?" The wind opened and angered.

"I said so, but they said that since the ancestors retreat, why don't you go down to meet them? And they came to visit specifically, so it is too rude to shut them out!" Explain quickly.

He felt that he was too embarrassed. He was just a legend. He was just a spokesperson, whether it was on the mountain or down the mountain.

But now that something went wrong, he pushed the responsibility to him.

"Since they all know that their ancestors are retreating, what are they doing up the mountain?" The wind is really speechless.

If they want to seek support, even if he is the head of the wind home, he does not dare to be the master.

If they deal with the general forces, they can do anything if they help each other, but this involves the dynasty. Even if he can be the master, he does not have the courage to be the master.

Once you have offended the dynasty, isn't that a big deal?

"This... I don't understand this. Anyway, they just want the family to personally greet them up the mountain, and...and..." The disciple said half of it and suddenly hesitated.

"And what?"

"And they said, if the owner of a tea does not personally go down the mountain, then we will be at your own risk." The disciple said cautiously.

"What! Deceive too much! Homeowners, they are too much, they are forcing us!" said the elder.

"Of course I know that they are too much, but do you have any good ideas? Now he gave us a cup of tea time, you said that I want to go down the mountain to meet them?" The wind said with dissatisfaction.

Chen Jia and the Eastern family are indeed excessive. If the coming is their homeowner or elder, will he sell them?

But this time people are not ordinary people, but the ancestors of others, afraid of a face, do you dare not sell?

Besides, people have already clarified their words. If they do not meet, they will be conceited. It can be seen that this time people are coming to the real, not casually.

Although I don't know what they will do, it is not a wise move to offend the ancestors of the two families.

"Homeowner, or do you still let the ancestors come forward?" The two elders suggested.

"No! We just told people that their ancestors have closed their doors. Now that the ancestors personally came forward, wouldn't they be exposed? At that time they are afraid that they will be even more angry!" The wind retorted.

"The owner said that since the ancestor has been 'closed,' then the ancestors could not be allowed to come out anyway. Besides, if the ancestors really came out, then they asked the ancestors to let the wind home support Chen. Do?" The elders also retorted.

"But this is not the way. Now they have already made the last ultimatum. If it is dragged on again, the time for a cup of tea can be reached, or we will go down the mountain and see them again!" said the two elders.

"Well! You can't drag it anymore. If they come true, then it will be troublesome. If the ancestors are made out, then we will have no way to explain it!" The wind opened up and thought about it, and finally I decided to go down the mountain first.

Regardless of their purpose, they must first meet and cannot give them any reason or excuse!

This time, the elders did not object any more, because he did not have a better way. Chen and the ancestors of the Eastern family also sinned.

So, the group rushed down the hill!

Many Fengjia disciples are very confused. The head of the family is carrying the elders. This is where the wind is hot and very anxious.

When I was barely sipping tea, the wind rushed to the mountain gate!

"The wind home's main wind opened up and led several elders of the Feng family to see a few predecessors!" The wind opened up and saw everyone, and quickly said to the polite.

"The wind master is really busy, if our old man has made some means, I am afraid that we can't even see the face of the wind!" The East said faintly.

"Where the predecessors said, it was a bit of a mistake. But once I heard that the seniors had to meet the younger generation, the younger generation did not dare to have any hesitation, and they rushed down the mountain with anxious enthusiasm!" .

Don't look at this group of people are a group of old men, but he is very clear, these people, no matter which one shakes, can make a huge storm in the realm of the real world, which one is he can not afford to sin.

"In this case, I don't know if we are qualified to sit down at the wind home?" Dongfang said.

"This... naturally there is no problem, the seniors please!" The wind opened this book and did not want them to go up the mountain, but since the other party has opened his mouth, and seeing him just hesitating, the other party has changed his face, he Where can you say a word?

"This is..." But at this time, he suddenly found a person who was shocked by him - Cheng Yu.

His heart suddenly seems to be blasted, how is Cheng Yu here?

Just because Cheng Yu had been standing behind the ancestors of the two great families, they could not see their faces at all. They only thought that they were following the juniors of the two families.

But now he actually found out that this person is Cheng Yu. Is there anything more shocking than this?

He has always doubted the identity of Cheng Yu, and he does not know whether he is the Lord of the Holy City.

Now he has come to the Feng family with the ancestors of Chen and the family of the East. What does this mean?

"Still on the mountain and say it!" said the East.

"Yes!" The wind opened his head and nodded, but the heart was even more puzzled.

At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ his heart became very anxious, more and more difficult to calm down, has been speculating Cheng Yu came to the wind home.

The whole road was not said in one sentence, and the elders of the Feng family felt very strange to the suddenly silent homeowner, and the expression of the owner seemed strange.

Under the leadership of the wind, everyone returned to the Fengyun Temple again.

"Please sit down!" The wind opened and opened, but the eyes drifted from Cheng Yu intentionally or unintentionally.

Cheng Yu also found out that this wind-opening seems to look strange to his eyes.

The wind opened up and recognized Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu also recognized the wind, but they did not deal with each other positively, so the two are not acquaintances.

However, Cheng Yu knows where, in fact, the wind has long been doubting the identity of Cheng Yu Shengcheng.

"Several predecessors, I will not turn around, I don't know what your intentions are today?" asked the wind.

"It's also simple. We just want to see a few ancestors who have seen the Feng family." Chen Ruiyang also bluntly said.

"It turned out to be the case, but unfortunately, the ancestors of several Yizi generations have already closed their doors, fearing that there is no way to meet with a few predecessors for the time being." Feng Kai said carefully.

Regardless of why they came from, he hoped that these people would leave the wind home early, especially Cheng Yu, and his appearance made him somewhat restless.

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