Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3939: It is the time of 1 tea!

"If this is the case, it is really a shame. However, the people who really come to the ancestors of today are not us, but others. If your ancestors do not come out to meet, then the wind may be There will be annoying!" Dongfang and the words of goodwill reminded.

"This..." Hearing this, the wind was even more shocked, and looked at Cheng Yu.

Is this saying Cheng Yu?

"Wind home, this is not a joke with you, so I advise you to tell your ancestors, otherwise you can't afford the consequences!" Chen Yuyang also reminded.

"Of course, if all of your ancestors' ancestors are closed, then you may be able to let other ancestors come out to meet, otherwise you will anger the people who should not be angered. Up!" Dongfang and the words reminded again.

"Can a few seniors explain the words?" Seeing the wind and opening up without speaking, the elders stood up and said.

The wind is open and the heart is tight, and there are some expectations.

Because he is not sure whether these people are really Cheng Yu, if they say Cheng Yu, then Cheng Yu may be the Lord of the Holy City.

"You are not qualified to know about these things. How do you decide the wind master?" The East and the words are not very good for the face of the elders of the wind, watching the wind open.

"Predecessors, would like to ask, is the person who the predecessor said just now, is this gentleman?" The wind must open up to understand whether they have confirmed Cheng Yu’s identity.

If they came to Cheng Yu this time, or for the Holy City, then this thing is really only the ancestors can handle.

“Don't the wind master know this gentleman?” Dongfang Heyan was really surprised this time.

They are all the first to know the identity of Cheng Yu. Did the wind know the identity of Cheng Yu? Otherwise, there are so many young people here, how can he stare at Cheng Yu at a glance?

But if you think about it and think it is wrong, if they really know the identity of Cheng Yu, I am afraid that I have already called the ancestors.

"So, a few seniors really came for this gentleman?" The wind opened up and saw the expression of everyone, already has 80% of the grasp.

"Yes, since the wind lord sees it, then we don't have to say anything more. Are you going to find your ancestors?" asked Dongfang.

"Please sit down for a while, I will go out and ask my ancestors now!" Feng Kai has already believed, Chen Jia and the Eastern family are definitely not asking for help for the dynasty, but for Cheng Yu. Come.

Moreover, if Cheng Yu is really the owner of the Holy City, then the dynasty attacked Chen, fearing that it had already been solved by Cheng Yu, so they naturally did not need to ask for help.

What's more, they have already said this, obviously already knows the identity of Cheng Yu.

Otherwise, how can a young man like Cheng Yu be put in the eyes of the two ancestors who are the highest in the family?

In this case, the wind does not dare to have any fallacies. This matter is far more serious than Chen’s coming to the wind home for help.

At the Temple of Fengyun, a group of elders who left the wind home was inexplicable.

They really don't understand why the owner suddenly became so active, and he went to the ancestors honestly. But what ancestors did he go to now? Wouldn't it be the ancestor of the prosperous generation?

Isn't that the case?

Looking at the appearance of the ancestors of Chen and the family of the East, and then look at Cheng Yu, they are indifferent, they are facing each other, feeling the atmosphere in the entire hall is somewhat suppressed.

About half an hour, the tea in the hall has been changed a few times. The elders of the Feng family feel that they can't sit still, but see the people sitting opposite each other are stable, they can only resist the temper, and insist on calming. Waiting.

After another half-quarter of an hour, I finally saw the wind coming back and led my ancestors back.

However, seeing several ancestors who appeared in the main hall turned out to be the ancestors of the righteous generations, they were a little shocked by their hearts. The homeowners actually invited the ancestors of the righteous generations to come out. Isn’t this really revealing the stuff?

"Old ancestors!" But the first time everyone went to see the ceremony.

"Wind and encourage, don't come innocent!" Seeing the coming, the East and the faint smile.

"Oriental and words, I thought you were dead, I did not expect you to be alive, it seems that your life is very hard!" Feng Yi advocates sneer.

"Toss your happiness, I will not die until you are not dead!" The East and the words were not angry, but laughed.

"Hey! I am not here to bicker with you. I heard that you have important things to discuss with me. Let's go out first!" Feng Yi advocate said to several elders of the Feng family.

"Yes!" Although several elders felt sorry in their hearts, they could only leave honestly.

To be honest, they waited for so long, and really wanted to know what was going on inside.

It seems that the owner knows a little, but they can't ask now. I thought that my ancestors could come and listen together, but now there is no chance.

"You must go out first!" Cheng Yu said to the heart of the river.

"Yu Shidi, can't we listen to it?" Xinhai is naturally curious about this matter, and wants to see what these people are talking about.

"Not for the time being, I will tell you later!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"That's okay!" They were helpless and could only leave.

"Yi advocates, do you see that the Lord is still not swearing?" As soon as the other people left, there were a few insiders, and Dongfang said directly.

Everyone in the Feng family was shocked, especially when the wind was open. Although they were prepared, I heard the words of Cheng Yusheng’s identity in the East and the words, and my heart was shocked.

Sure enough, Cheng Yu is really the Lord, and Chen and the Eastern family have already known.

"You really are the Lord?" Yizheng looked at Cheng Yu, and some could not believe it.

"Let's relax! Wind advocates, in front of the Lord, you are a little disrespectful, what do you mean!" The East and the words suddenly cold face and shouted.

"Oriental and words, I don't ask you now, what are you doing so excitedly? If he is really the Lord, I will respect it, but how do I know if your Oriental family and Chen family are looking for someone to pretend to be the Lord? "Yi advocates retorted, not to carefully look at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu looks very young, and looks like he is in his twenties. The legendary Lord of the Holy City will be so young?

Although he may be the new Lord of the Holy City, but what can a young person, even the Lord, do?

It is not impossible to want the wind home to follow the holy city. At least they must be able to compete against the dynasty.

Otherwise, why should he support the Holy City, and then be enemies with such powerful forces as the dynasty?

"You want to know if I am the Lord or not!" Cheng Yu took the initiative to release his nine gods again.

There is nothing more convincing than the nine families.

After all, apart from the Lord of the Holy City, no one can possibly cultivate more than six gods.

"Nine Yuanshen?" The Feng family suddenly became shocked.

Although the wind has long heard that Cheng Yu has nine gods, it is just listening to the disciples, even if the disciple sees it with his own eyes, his heart feels very curious about it.

Today, he saw Cheng Yu's nine gods with his own eyes, and there is no more shocking thing in his heart.

"Why is it nine gods? According to my style, the Lord should be six gods!" asked Feng Yiheng.

"I don't want to answer this question. I only tell you, I have already indicated my identity. Now I will look at your position. The nine family members have been the sons of my holy city since the establishment. Now the holy city has returned. The nine major families should also be the time to return.

Now Chen family and the Eastern family have returned, and you can make a decision! Cheng Yu said while sitting directly in the upper seat of the hall, where it used to be a place where the wind was sitting.

He has no thoughts for every family to explain why he is nine gods.

The Lord represents the authority. He must let these people understand that the Lord is high, and they are not qualified to ask the Lord about the West.

"I don't know if Mr. can let us consider it first?" Feng Yi advocate said.

He did not call Cheng Yu the Lord. It is obvious that he still has doubts about Cheng Yuxin and even has great resistance.

Chen Jia and the Oriental family saw the wind and advocated saying that they were about to worry, but Cheng Yu was the first to speak.

"I can give you time to consider!" Cheng Yu nodded.

The winds of the people are loose, it seems that this young man is not so strong.

Now only Chen Jia and Dongfang Shijia rely on Cheng Yu, and there are still seven families left, and their Feng family and these two families have always had a dull relationship, even not very friendly, he is naturally not willing to follow the Chen family and the Oriental family. pace.

Of course, he would like to see the attitude of several other families~www.ltnovel.com~ If other families are not willing to return to Chengyu, then they will naturally not agree.

However, their heart was just loose, but the next moment was tight.

I only heard that Cheng Yu went on to say: "But there is only one tea time. When I am cold, if I don't get the hope, then I can only choose another way to let the wind home return!"

Cheng Yu said as he poured a cup of hot tea.

"This..." The winds of the people suddenly became difficult to look.

I thought that Cheng Yu was still a good talker, but I didn't think that it was not the case at all.

The time for a cup of tea will come to fruition. This is related to the life and death of Fengjia. Can you play like this?

In such a short period of time, they have to make such a big decision. They can’t help but feel anxious, because in their thoughts, this consideration is not a day or two, at least for a few days!

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