Godly Student

Chapter 4004: Xuan Tianzong is not trustworthy?

Cheng Yu's words made the demons all angry and helpless.

Although they knew that Cheng Yu was arrogant, they could not refute it at all.

After all, Cheng Yu didn't say to kill them now, he invited them in front of so many people.

Even if he was threatening them, they could do nothing.

"Our ancestor, this Cheng Yu is really abominable. He is doing this to the detriment of you at all. Otherwise, let's go straight down. Anyway, he is now busy fighting those ancient monsters. Where can I pay attention to us?" Qi Tian said.

"If I and Xuehuazi don't go back to the world with him, I am afraid that all of us in the Demon Sect can't go down the mountain." Xueyanzi said helplessly.

Although angry at Cheng Yu's demands, he was even more angry with Yongning Zi.

This guy didn't want to let go of Tian Mo Zong, so he deliberately disclosed his news to Cheng Yu. Otherwise, where did Cheng Yu know him, how could he let them go mundane?

"Our ancestors, this is absolutely necessary. Cheng Yu's intentions are already obvious, that is, he is going to be detrimental to the two ancestors. If the two ancestors followed Cheng Yu back to the world, they may never return, What can we do in the future? "Qi Tian said anxiously.

"This is also no way out. If we don't go, it wouldn't even be possible for us to leave Xuan Tianzong alive.

Besides, even without us, there are so many ancestors in Tian Mo Zong, they will lead Tian Mo Zong down! Gou Xuanzi, I will give it to you in the future. "Xie Yanzi said looking at one of them.

"Uncle Shi!" Gou Xuanzi and others looked sad.

"You don't have to do this, maybe this Cheng Yu may not kill us. So we still have a chance to return to Tian Mo Zong, and before that, you have to protect Tian Mo Zong.

Although the Demon Sect is not as good as before and suffered such a large loss, at least the foundation is still there.

After you return to Demon Sect, you will have to rest and recuperate, completely hidden, and stop revealing your identity in the world of cultivation. "Xie Yanzi told the juniors of the ticker generation.

If the two of them left Tianzongzong, the zongzong would have to be handed over to the scribe generation.

Although the generations of the tickers are not as good as the two of them, he knows that the strength of the tickers is not much worse than them.

Even without them, as long as they are there, Tianzongzong can survive.

As long as the Demon Sect is still alive, even if they are really gone, they will be let go.

"Uncle Shi, we are waiting for you in Demon Sect!" The eyes of all Demon Sects were blurred.

They knew that this might be the best result for Tianzongzong. If the two ancestors didn't make such a choice, then Tianzongzhuang would probably never exist.

In order to save the Demon Sect, the two ancestors chose to sacrifice themselves. How can such a picture not make him sad!

"Rest assured, as long as everything is good, we will be at ease. Even if we really can't come back, you should be as if we were flying into the fairy world.

And we have to go through such a day sooner or later, it's just that the time is ahead. So do n’t keep thinking about it, but work hard to develop the Demon Sect.

For example, Mozong, or even the entire cultivation world, has come to this step. I believe you have seen it clearly.

This is a world that respects strength. Without strength, no matter who we are, we will become the fish of others. Therefore, you must work hard to make Tianzongzhuang brilliant again, and don't go to where it is now! "Xie Yanzi said solemnly to the crowd.

Although they have cultivated for so many years, where can they think that one day they will come to this step, and the Demon Sect will come to this step?

And all of this is because of strength.

They originally thought that their strength could not be improved for so many years, probably because their strength was approaching the peak.

So in their consciousness, they thought that even the most powerful force in the world would pass. They didn't need to fear anyone.

However, since Xuan Tianzong provoked the chaos in the cultivation world, they slowly realized that they still watched the sky after all.

Especially now that I see Cheng Yu ’s horrible strength, I know where they have reached the apex of their strength. In the eyes of others, they are simply worthless.

The reason why they only have such achievements is that their qualifications are not good, so they are so much worse than others.

However, they can no longer achieve higher achievements, so he only hopes that the remaining disciples of disciples can work hard to give them more power to protect themselves.

This is also their last expectation for Demon Sect.

"Once, we will work hard!" Everyone said swearingly.

Looking at the distressed expression of everyone in Tian Mo Zong, Yong Ningzi was particularly comfortable in his heart.

Nothing else, because they are completely stared at by Cheng Yu, even offended the dynasty.

Therefore, the days after Xuan Tianzong will not be better. If the people of Tian Mo Zong leave Xuan Tian Zong like this, maybe after a long time, Tian Mo Zong will become even stronger than Xuan Tianzong.

This was something he didn't want to see.

Because of this, even if Xuan Tianzong's future is bleak, he will pull on Tian Mozong.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu did not let him down. After he revealed the identity of the two Xue Yanzi, Cheng Yu really fixed his eyes on the two of them.

If there are no two powerful characters in Tianzongzong, then Tianzongzong is far from being able to compare with it.

In addition, Cheng Yu took away the two ancestors of Tian Mo Zong, and Tian Mo Zong will surely keep his hatred on Cheng Yu.

In this case, maybe one day in the future, Cheng Yu can't help but destroy this one who hates him.

But other forces can't control that much, and they have no mood but care about the death or death of the Demon Sect.

They experienced too much fear in Xuan Tianzong and thought that they would die in Xuan Tianzong. Now they have finally got the opportunity to survive, they are not willing to miss it.

Especially when I saw Cheng Yu stopped Tian Mo Zong, I was afraid that when Cheng Yu would stop their forces.

So take advantage of this opportunity to quickly rush down the mountain, in front of life and death, no one can really look away.

"Master Cheng, our brothers and brothers are willing to go back to the world with you, I just hope you don't embarrass the other people in Tianzong, let them go alive!" Explain to everyone in Tianzong, Xue Yanzi facing Cheng in the sky Yu shouted.

"Yes! As long as you accept our invitation, as for the others, they can go down the mountain now!" Cheng Yu said generously.

Why did he let out so many forces, because he knew very well.

There can never be only one force in this world, just like the holy city of the original.

Although the power of the world belongs to the holy city, but in fact?

People do not return home!

This is also the case now. It is impossible for a large cultivation world to exist only in one Cheng family or the Promise Palace.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to completely annex the entire world of cultivation. In this case, sooner or later, he will embark on the old road of the Holy City.

Because of this, he is now "releasing the tiger and returning to the mountains", so that they can revive the cultivation of the Xiuxian Avenue in the real world.

It is just that these "tigers" released by him have been cut off by his fangs. He allows the cultivation world to have more power, but will never allow a power to threaten the Cheng family, especially a hostile power. Not allowed to be stronger than the Cheng family.

Of course, with the current strength of the Cheng family, in fact, which forces can bring down the Cheng family?

Even if Cheng Yu releases the two ancestors of Tian Mo Zong, Tian Mo Zong cannot compare with the Cheng family.

But Cheng Yu has always disliked the existence of hidden dangers. Although Tian Mo Zong can't compare to the Cheng family, who can tell what's going on in the future?

Having imprisoned these two people, it can be said that Tianzongzong is equivalent to being pinched by the Cheng family.

Even if Tianzongzong really has a day of rise in the future, they will be subject to the Cheng family.

"Thank you Master Cheng!" Xue Yanzi finally relieved.

Although he may not have any chance of surviving himself, at least he has kept the Demon Sect.

As long as the Demon Sect is still there, they have not sacrificed in vain, and he also hopes that Cheng Yu really just invited them to the secular and Promise Palace to narrate the past.

However, this hope is very slim!

"Master Cheng, now all the other forces on Xuan Tianzong have been released by us. Shouldn't Cheng Master also fulfill your promise?" Yong Ningzi saw Cheng Yu did not embarrass the other people in Tian Mo Zong, although he was disappointed, but Don't dare to bother.

Now he just wants Cheng Yu to leave Xuan Tianzong quickly, so that they can relax early.

After all, no matter it is Cheng Yu or these wild ancient monsters, they stay in Xuan Tianzong for an extra moment, they all feel that Xuan Tianzong seems to be destroyed at any time, it is really terrifying.

"That being the case, then I will leave first. The two seniors of Tianzongzong, I will be waiting for you under the mountain, I hope you will not let me down!" Cheng Yu did not expect so much, things have happened so far, he is not May go to suppress these wild monsters again.

Even if you are very interested in these wild ancient monsters ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, you can only stay until the next time.

"Huoyu! Huofeng! Let's go!" Cheng Yu summoned two guys and ran down the mountain.

But what surprised Cheng Yu is that Xuan Tianzong did not recall these ancient monsters, but followed them down the mountain!

"Don't you take them back yet?" Cheng Yu angered.

"Sorry, Lord Cheng, I must see you far away from Xuan Tianzong, so these wild ancient monsters may chase you for a distance!" Yong Ningzi said loudly.

He wanted to take back these horrible big guys, but they didn't have this ability at all.

Perhaps the ancestors of Xuan Tianzong had only forcibly sealed them as the last killer of Xuan Tianzong, that is, Xuan Tianzong released them to the end when they were alive and dead, and did not think about catching them back.

Because the ancestors themselves may not have this ability!

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