Godly Student

Chapter 4005: Murder!

Cheng Yu naturally did not know Yongning Zi's inner thoughts, but just felt that this guy was quite cunning, and he was still not assured of him.

No longer paying so much attention, Cheng Yu really wanted to leave this place.

Having fought the wild beast for so long, although he didn't run out of his spiritual power, it also caused his mental power to be greatly damaged.

If Xuan Tianzong no longer releases more ancient monsters, he may be able to support them. But if Xuan Tianzong continues to release more wild monsters, his mental power will definitely be exhausted here.

If the mental power is really exhausted, he is in a very dangerous situation.

"Everyone under the mountain left Xuantianzong with me quickly!" Cheng Yu flew down the mountain and shouted loudly.

And many influential people looked up and suddenly looked scared.

This is too horrible. One of the four ancient beasts flew in the sky and chased Cheng Yu, while the other three ran on the ground and chased Cheng Yu.

The sky is okay, after all, it will not affect them, but the three ancient monsters on the ground are different.

Human monks are just ants-like beings before them.

Although the target of these three ancient monsters is only Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu has completely attracted their anger.

But even so, the three beasts rushed into the crowd like this, and it was naturally a mournful one, and the casualties were difficult to estimate.

"Run away! Ah!"

Everyone was mad and generally wandering around.

Seeing this situation on Xuan Tianzong, Xinhe, who had been some distance away from Xuan Tianzong, also widened his eyes.

"No! Brother Yushi actually led those wild beasts down?" The whole person in Xinhai began to tremble.

"Master has just said, everyone leaves Xuantianzong, we have to leave quickly! Otherwise we will be caught up by these wild ancient monsters, then we will be very dangerous." Situ Dehai said anxiously.

"Quick! We leave quickly, even Brother Yu can't resist, and we are even less of an opponent for these big guys."

Everyone saw the opportunity and quickly fled Xuan Tianzong.

Cheng Yu's words were undoubtedly a warning to them. Even Cheng Yu gave up suppressing these wild ancient beasts, it means that no one can resist these wild ancient beasts anymore.

"It's a pity!" Yongning Zi shook his head and sighed on Xuan Yufeng.

Watching the four wild beasts raging down the mountain aggressively, although they caused a lot of damage to those forces that escaped Xuan Tianzong, but this did not bring him much pleasure.

Because compared to these forces, in fact, they are the biggest loss.

Not only have these forces been lost, but six ancient monsters have also been lost.

Now watching the four wild beasts chasing Cheng Yu away, he had no way to summon them back.

"Brother, this may already be the best result. Although we lost six wild beasts this time, at least we kept Xuan Tianzong, and didn't we still have six wild beasts?

I believe that with these six ancient monsters, Xuan Tianzong will not be in danger for a long time. "Yonghezi said.

"Well! That being said, if we can call these four wild ancient monsters back, then we have ten wild ancient monsters, so that Xuantianzong may be really safe.

If you think about it, Cheng Yu alone resisted five wild ancient monsters at the same time. I'm not sure if he will come back next time, can he resist our six wild ancient monsters?

Moreover, even if he can't resist the six wild ancient monsters, we only need to release another wild ancient monster. Once Cheng Yu flees and comes back, we can't help him anymore. "Yong Ningzi said worriedly.

"What can we do? And we have offended the dynasty now. I don't know if we will go back now. Will Mr. Song care about us?" As Yongningzi mentioned, Yonghezi was also worried.

At this moment, he even regretted it.

But if they do n’t, how can they drive Cheng Yu away?

"It's impossible, we can't stand with the dynasty anymore. And, I'm worried that the dynasty will also knock our wild beasts. So we can't even let Mr. Song leave Xuantianzong." Yong Ningzi shook his head. Said.

Although he did not blame Cheng Yu just now, he knew that the moment they chose to trap Mr. Song in the back room, they had completely broken with the dynasty.

"Brother wants to kill them? How can this be done?" Yonghezi was startled.

This is not a trivial matter, but it was the people of the dynasty who killed them. Isn't Xuantianzong completely an enemy with the dynasty?

They Xuantianzong could not even fight a Cheng Yu, how could they have fought the dynasty?

"This is also no way. If they are returned to the dynasty, they are likely to bring the dynasty masters to Xuan Tianzong to conquer our ancient monsters." Yongningzi said.

"You don't need to kill them, right? If you kill them, we will be completely opposed to the dynasty!" Although Yonghezi did not like Mr. Song, they were still afraid if they wanted to kill them.

No way, the power of the dynasty is too scary.

And I believe that no force in the world wants to avenge the dynasty. This is simply death.

"Do you think we still have the opportunity to cooperate with the dynasty? Does the dynasty know that our Xuantianzong will have no ancient monsters?" Yongningzi said.

"But we just let out so many forces. Even if we kill Mr. Song, they will know that we have an ancient monster in Xuantianzong?"

"Since we will know whether they will kill them or not, then why don't we kill them and throw this disaster on Cheng Yu? In this way, isn't anyone in Xuantianzong guilty?" Yongningzi said.

"Throw the misfortune to Cheng Yu? How can this be lost? So many people just saw Cheng Yu left Xuan Tianzong like this and did not kill Mr. Song them?" Yonghezi wondered.

"What does it matter? They don't know who Mr. Song is? But Cheng Yu killed so many dynasties masters when he was down the mountain, but everyone saw it. Maybe Mr. Song died in it?" Yong Ningzi laughed.

"Yeah! As long as we say Mr. Song they have already died at the foot of the mountain, isn't Cheng Yu inseparable?" Yong Hezi said excitedly.

"This is not enough, so Mr. Song can't stay any longer! And, if we release them at this time, they may also be against us, because they know that our wild monsters are not affected. It's our control. This is our most important secret. "

"Yes, I almost forgot this, he knew our secrets. Don't say anything else, just because of this, they should all die!" Yonghezi nodded, thinking that the brother was right.

He had not thought before that it was okay for those forces to spread the news of the ancient monsters, anyway, they did not know that these ancient monsters were not under the control of their Xuantianzong.

But Mr. Song and they are different, but they know Xuan Tianzong's top secret.

If you let Mr. Song and others return to the dynasty alive, these ancient beasts may even be easily suppressed by the dynasty.

Think of it this way, their hearts are even more murderous, and these people in the dynasty must not stay.

"Brother, it happens that they are trapped in the mysterious secret room. If we open the mysterious killing array, they will surely die, and this news will never be known to anyone!" Yonghezi killer reappeared.

"I think so too. With the power of mysterious killing, it should be enough to kill these people!" Yong Ningzi laughed.

In fact, when he killed Mr. Song and others in his heart, he already thought of this method.

The Xuan Secret Room is the most important secret room of Xuan Tianzong, because it contains the most important secret of Xuan Tianzong. So when the old ancestors were designing this secret room, they arranged a terrible killing array.

At least he doesn't know how horrible it is, but according to the secret message from his ancestors, although he doesn't know if he can kill Cheng Yu, they should have no problem killing Mr. Song.

Because he now really understands what it means to be outside the sky, there are people outside. Compared with Cheng Yu, Mr. Song is really nothing to them, just a little bit worse than him.

Therefore, with the strength of Mr. Song, as long as they start the mysterious killing, these people will definitely die.

At this time, the mysterious secret room!

"Great, Cheng Yu really left like this, then we are safe!" One of the dynasties master said with great excitement.

"Don't be happy too soon, we are trapped here by two guys Yongningzi, we may not be safe!" Mr. Song said.

"Deacon ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Now Cheng Yu has left, don't they let us go?"

"It's hard to say that these two guys are not good either. They may not be able to do the demolition of the bridge across the river." Mr. Song said with a grimace.

Although Cheng Yu's departure made him relieved, he really wanted to feel safe unless he was allowed to leave this secret room.

"If they dare to kill us, won't the foreign king let them go to Xuantianzong?" Someone said in horror.

They never thought that these two guys from Xuan Tianzong would be so fierce that they thought of killing them.

Although this was only the speculation of Deacon Song, but the thought of Xuan Tianzong may really have such an idea, they naturally became extremely worried.

"If they are determined to cooperate with Cheng Yu, then they may do so even if they know they will offend the dynasty and even get revenge from a foreign king.

And you also saw Cheng Yu's strength. Perhaps in their eyes, Cheng Yu's strength is enough to fight against the dynasty! Mr. Song said calmly.

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