Godly Student

Chapter 4006: Is this just a fantasy?

"Deacon, but the two of Yongningzi did not seem to cooperate with Cheng Yu just now. In this case, there should be no reason for him to kill us?" Someone said worriedly.

"I hope so!" Mr. Song was a little dull.

"Deacon, I don't think there is anything to worry about. Just because of Xuan Tianzong's ability, even if they have the intention to kill us, they must have this strength." Someone said confidently.

Although their status in the dynasty is not very high, even in the dynasty, they can definitely be regarded as a master.

It's just that the dynasty didn't lack such masters, so naturally they are not so valuable.

However, they knew very well that with their strength, in any force other than the dynasty, they were absolutely few in number, and this was the power of the dynasty.

Therefore, even the strongest ancestors of Xuan Tianzong may not be stronger than them.

Although they suffered a heavy loss this time when they met Cheng Yu, it was too easy for these people to destroy Xuan Tianzong, so there was nothing to worry about.

"If Yongningzi wants to tear his face with us, then we are naturally not afraid. But now that we are trapped here and can't get out, we are afraid that these guys will secretly give us a shadowy move, which will make people indefensible." Mr. Song said.

"No, are there any dangerous institutions that can't be achieved here?" The man's heart tightened, and he constantly looked up in this secret room.

"It's hard to say. This place has hidden such an important secret as Xuan Tianzong, and may not have an institution." Mr. Song also looked around the room worriedly.

Anyone trapped in an unknown space can feel fear in his heart.

The same is true of Mr. Song, although in their eyes, perhaps Xuan Tianzong is not an amazing force.

But now that people are in the light and he is in the dark, it is inevitable that many variables will be created, which is disturbing.

"Deacon, since they can come in and go out, it means that there is definitely an organ out there." Someone suggested.

"Yes, everybody looks again, we must find an exit." Mr. Song also said firmly.

How could he be willing to be trapped in such a place by Xuan Tianzong himself?

Everyone didn't want to die. They had a strong life-saving desire. They touched almost every inch of the whole secret room.

Unfortunately, there is only despair left on everyone's face.

"Deacon, it seems we are really stuck here all the time." Someone said sadly.

"Is it going to perish me?" Mr. Song was ashamed to the extreme.

Anger and unwillingness are mixed in my heart. How many lives have I experienced in my life, but I did not expect that this time it was Xuan Tianzong.

Just then, six faces in the secret room suddenly lit up with strange patterns.

At the same time, everything changed in front of everyone. The darkened secret room suddenly became another sight.

"This ... this is Xuan Yufeng?" Everyone looked at the environment in front of them, clearly this is Xuan Yufeng.

"Are we out?" Everyone was excited.

"But we didn't do anything? Why did we come out?" Many people were both excited and couldn't believe the truth in front of them.

"Tell him! As long as we come out!"

"It doesn't seem right, did we just see that Xuan Yufeng has been beaten and thin? Now Xuan Yufeng is restored as it was. And you see, isn't this statue of the wild ancient dragon? What is it Here again? "Someone wondered.



"Be careful!" Just then, he screamed, and suddenly screamed.

The crowd was shocked, and saw countless arrows shooting from all directions towards Xuan Yufeng. However, they could see a fluorescent green light twine around each arrow, which was a poisoned arrow.

Those who did not respond were instantly pierced by these arrows, and those who were penetrated to the vital place died of poisoning on the spot.

Those who were pierced through the body, but did not hurt the vitals, despite the poison in the body, actually saved their lives in time.

However, the poisoned arrows still shot at everyone, and most of the seriously injured people were unable to escape the catastrophe and died!

Everyone tried to wield the weapons and magic weapons in their hands to resist these poisoned arrows.

"This is not Xuan Yufeng, this is just a fantasy!" Mr. Song resisted all the arrows and then shouted.

"It turned out to be a fantasy? No wonder such a strange scene would appear!" Everyone suddenly realized.

Although these arrows unexpectedly killed some people, when they all reacted, these arrows could not hurt them at all.

Bang Bang!

I saw countless arrows coming towards them like raindrops, but they were protected by a huge protective cover formed by their spiritual power.

"Everyone is careful. Although it is a fantasy, I think this fantasy may not be that simple!" Mr. Song's voice was low.

Although everything was under control, he did not feel safe now, but became more cautious.

"Deacon, shouldn't it? This Xuan Yufeng doesn't seem to be able to threaten us, right?" Some people saw that all the arrows were easily blocked out of the protective cover, and their hearts were loose, and they felt this illusion. It's not terrible.


But at this time, a huge dragon yin passed into their ears.

At this moment, everyone changed his face and turned to look at the huge statue of the ancient ancient dragon on Xuan Yufeng.


Everyone widened their eyes and saw that the huge statue exploded, and then rushed out of a dragon.

"This ... is this just a fantasy?" Everyone couldn't believe the truth in front of them.

It was precisely because before that they saw the ancient dragon on Xuanyu Peak rushing out of the statue ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and also attacked Cheng Yu.

But now, even though it is just a fantasy, is this too real?


I saw this dragon looking down at these people. The terrible momentum even made people wonder if this is really just a fantasy?

"Guru, deacon, this guy will not be as horrible as the ancient ancient dragon that Cheng Yu encountered before?" The man looked up, his body trembling, and he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful, feeling this scene a little scary.

Although I saw Cheng Yu fought a battle with the ancient ancient dragons, even later I saw Cheng Yu playing against five ancient ancient dragons at the same time.

But even if they knew that the ancient monsters were really terrifying, they could not experience the horrors themselves.

However, at this moment, they could not tell whether this ancient monster was a fantasy or real body. In short, they felt that this ancient monster was really terrifying.

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