Godly Student

Chapter 4010: Too cunning!

"Hum! Give me a high hat, if not for the holy city, I wouldn't care about you so much." Although Zhen Yun was dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do.

Who made him and Cheng Yu truly tied to a boat!

Roar Roar!

The four ancient monsters slowed down to see Cheng Yu, which was simply insulting their ancient monsters. They suddenly roared and ran towards Cheng Yu.

"Come here! Zhenzhen, this time you have to cheer, it is best to take all of them in one fell swoop!" Seeing these guys rushing over, Cheng Yu shouted at Zhenzhen.

"Know! Old rules, I deal with those who can only fly, you deal with the other three on the ground." I saw a golden light from Cheng Yu's body flew directly, flying towards the ancestor giant bird that flew over.

"No, didn't you mean to let me rest for a while? Let me deal with three more?" Cheng Yu's eyes widened, obviously this was not what he meant.

"Otherwise, how could I suppress them?" Calm said angrily.

"Can't you help me for a while, and then we can go together?" Cheng Yu said.

"That way I consume too much, if you want me to go to sleep again, you go to rest!"

"You won, you know I'm most worried about this! I'll let Huoyu and Fengfeng help me for a while!" Cheng Yu was speechless. How could he be willing to let the soul fall asleep again?

Fortunately, he has Huoyu and Huofeng. The two guys have rested for a few days and nights. They should be recovered now. It is a good time to come out and help.

He ran with these guys for a few days and nights, and he fought them for so long in Xuan Tianzong. If he wants to fight again, he really needs to rest for a while.


Putting out the fire feathers, it was still so excited.

Maybe it was because the battle that day made it too exciting, or it may be because it was not enjoyable that day.

Cheng Yu knows, this guy is totally a militant.

If it weren't for the strength of Cheng Yu in recent years, how could it have been hidden in the mountains and rivers by Cheng Yu?

But because of this, the fire feathers have been broken in recent years.


As soon as the fire plume came out, he opened his mouth and sprayed directly, and the dragonfly took on a fan shape, quickly diverging towards the wider front position.

The three wild ancient monsters have powerful natural fire feathers. Although the fire feathers are not as good as them, this dragonfly has become their nemesis, so that they can only stare, and they have to return with great anger.

"Huo Yu is so good!" Cheng Yu shouted happily.

Although these fire feathers have always been hidden in the mountain and river maps, the fire feather fighting skills did not last long without fighting and became rusty.

Not to mention that Huoyu and Cheng Yu have the same heart, it knows that Long Yan can restrain these guys, and it is specifically to help Cheng Yu delay time.

Then there is no better way to fight than using dragons.

However, Long Yan's consumption of mental power was too great, even Cheng Yu didn't dare to use it for too long, let alone Huoyu.

Therefore, Cheng Yu has been maintaining communication with it, so that it does not release Long Yan for a long time.

As long as these three ancient monsters are forced back, it will collect the dragon owl.

The fire phoenix is ​​guarding Huo Yu's side, anyway, as long as the three ancient monsters are not close, it does not need to shoot.

Roar Roar!

When the three ancient beasts saw the fire feathers close the dragon, they suddenly turned into three shadows and rushed towards the fire feathers and the fire phoenix.


In this case, the fire feather was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and once again sprayed out the dragon urn to drive the three wild monsters back.

At this time, I saw that the direction of the three ancient monsters suddenly changed, and they rushed towards the fairy tower.


However, Fire Phoenix is ​​not vegetarian. Although it has always been guarding Huo Yu, it does not mean that it really just came out to watch the show.

A rough flame like a long dragon rolled over between the three ancient monsters and the fairy tower.

If these three ancient monsters continue to rush to the fairy tower, they will be entangled by this fire dragon.

Although the fire dragon is not as powerful as Cheng Yu and the dragon feather of the fire feather, it also has its powerful power.

This is what they have personally experienced. When they saw such a large dragon in front of them, where did they dare to rush forward!

At this time, Huoyu and Fengfeng rushed to the front of the fairy tower to prevent these three ancient monsters from rushing through.

Without the interference of the three ancient monsters, the fairy tower only needs to deal with one ancestor giant bird, which is much less stressful for the soul.

However, this ancestor giant bird saw how the fairy devil suppressed the wild bird in Xuantianzong before.

Therefore, it is naturally very alert to the immortal tower, and does not want to follow the old path of that ancient giant bird.

In this way, it becomes even more difficult for the fairy magic tower to forcibly suppress the ancient monsters.

After a short rest, Cheng Yu saw that Zhenhun had never succeeded, and that heart was anxious.

But he hasn't fully recovered yet. He is constantly drinking Shenshui. Although Shenshui's recovery of spiritual power is not as fast as the recovery of spiritual power, it is better than nothing.

After all, the recovery of mental power is not as fast as the recovery of spiritual power.

So, during the battle, when the enemy rushed over, the town soul and fire plume took the initiative to retreat. When the town spirit and fire feather attacked them, the four ancient monsters had to return.

In this way, you both retreat and I retreat, I have been deadlocked.

Although Bu Chengyu was anxious in his eyes, fortunately, they did not have any trouble, but this battle was obviously more difficult than in Xuan Tianzong.

Don't look at the time when Xuan Tianzong was five wild ancient monsters, but there are only four wild ancient monsters left here.

However, these wild beasts also have their own wisdom. Once they have been one time, it is naturally difficult to be a second time.

So now there are one less ancient beast, but it becomes more difficult to suppress them.

And Cheng Yu also put up with it, as long as everyone didn't go wrong, and dragged down time, wasn't this exactly what it wanted?

"Soul, the ancestral giant bird is afraid that it is impossible to suppress it. I suggest that you unexpectedly change your strategy and choose one of the three wild ancient monsters on the ground. .

If necessary, I can also help you temporarily hold the ancestral giant bird. "

After another period of time, Cheng Yu's mental strength was once again restored, and he quickly preached to Zhenhun.

"The wild ancient giant ape is too powerful. With my own strength, there may be no way to forcibly suppress it. The wild ancient giant leopard is too fast, and it is not easy to trap it.

Although the ancient giant tiger is strong, it is not as good as the ancient giant ape. Although fast, it is not as good as the ancient giant leopard. So I can only suppress the wild giant tiger now, but how are you recovering now?

If you can help me suppress it, it will be much faster! Zhen Zhen obviously also felt that Cheng Yu's proposal was normal.

Now, no matter how they are or the ancient monsters, there is nothing they can do.

And if this stalemate continues, it is not good for him. Otherwise, it has to wait for it to suppress the ancient monsters, and it will try its best.

"It's impossible to recover so quickly, but it is much stronger than before. If I can, I will try to help you suppress it together.

But if we change the subject, the ancestral giant bird can stop my dragon owl. By then, the fire feather and the fire phoenix will be unable to resist the three ancient monsters.

Therefore, I have to block the ancestral giant bird for the time being! "Cheng Yu said.

"That's okay, as long as there are no other monsters to interfere with me, at most it will be a little longer, and the rest depends on you!" Zhenhun thought about it, knowing that what Cheng Yu said was indeed reasonable and reasonable.

"Now that you agree, I will notify Huoyu and Huofeng, and let them cooperate with you!" Cheng Yu nodded, and began to discuss with Huoyu and Huofeng.

After clearing the plan, Cheng Yu suddenly flew towards the fairy tower, and resisted the ancestor giant bird together with the fairy tower.

At this time, the ancestral giant bird blasted out flames toward one person and one magic weapon, and Cheng Yu directly returned to it with a dragon.

"Zhenhun, good opportunity!" Cheng Yu quickly said.

I saw the magic tower suddenly flew away from behind Cheng Yu!

At this time, Huoyu and Huofeng suddenly launched an attack on the Arakan Giant Tiger. The Arakan Giant tiger was suddenly surprised that the two guys went straight to them regardless of the attack of Arakan Giant Ape and Arakan Giant Leopard. .


Huoyu and Fenghuang flashed through the attack of the Arakan Giant Ape and Arakan Giant Leopard and headed towards the Arakan Giant Tiger again.

But the ancient giant tiger will not be stupid enough to resist the two birds and beasts at the same time, and hurried back.


However, just as it receded, a giant tower in the sky suddenly came down.

However, the immortal tower did not immediately suppress the ancient giant tiger, but trapped it under the immortal tower.

So far, no matter what it is, as long as it is a living creature trapped in the fairy tower, it is basically difficult to escape.

Unless its power far exceeds the fairy magic tower ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Obviously this wild ancient tiger does not have such ability.


A tiger roar rang through the sky, and the giant claws swept through the barrier under the immortal tower like a sharp blade, but they couldn't open the barrier.


At this time, the three ancient beasts knew that they had been fooled again, and suddenly roared, feeling that these human monks and beasts in front of them were really too cunning.

As ancient beasts, they have been repeatedly deceived by these people and beasts. The anger in their hearts is really difficult to vent.

In terms of time, these ancient beasts are much older than these people and beasts, and it can even be said that they are the ancestor levels of these people and beasts.

Now they are so embarrassed by these younger generations, it's really shameful, shame, great shame!

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