Godly Student

Chapter 4011: Killer!

These wild beasts hated humans. I think they were sealed by human monks.

Of course, if there were no human monk seals, they would be like other wild monsters, and would not exist in this world.

However, they will never thank these humans for this.

After all, this world is no longer the world that belongs to them, just like now, so many of their companions are bullied by such a human being like this.

How shameful they are to accept!

Although it is known that this human monk is very powerful and threatens them, but they are not afraid, but become more fierce.


Although Huoyu and Phoenix are flying beasts, they have huge advantages in front of the Arakan Giant Ape and Arakan Giant Leopard, but after all, their strength is much weaker than the two Arakan giants.

As long as you avoid the dragon feathers of the fire feathers and the flames of the fire dragon, the two wild giants no longer fear two flying beasts.

Perhaps the trapping of the Arakan Giant Tiger has completely enraged the two Arakan Giants. I saw that the two Arakan Giants avoided the attack of Fire Feather and Fire Phoenix, and then the Arakan Giant leopard ran to the Arakan Giant Ape.


The ancient leopard leopard was very fast, and jumped on the long arm of the ancient leopard in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, when I saw that the ancient giant ape suddenly threw its long arm, it directly dumped the ancient giant leopard.

And the direction of throwing out is exactly the direction of Fire Phoenix.

The fire phoenix had just put away the flame of the dragon, and before it had reacted, a huge shadow rushed towards itself.


I saw the wild ancient leopard taking this opportunity, and a paw threw it towards the phoenix, just hitting the phoenix's wings.


The phoenix screamed and flew out!

"Not good!" Cheng Yu was shocked when he heard Huofeng's scream.

Fire Phoenix is ​​his own helpful helper. If something goes wrong, the loss will be great.

However, what made Cheng Yu even more anxious was that the wild ancient leopard did not stop there. I saw that his body hadn't landed yet, and his whole body rushed towards the phoenix that was seriously injured on the ground.

If the fire Phoenix is ​​really hit by the ancient giant leopard, this time may be really dangerous.


At this time, Huoyu suddenly flew down, appeared in front of Huofeng, and sprayed towards the ancient giant leopard.

As a result, the ancient giant leopard transformed and flashed out to one side.

However, what made Cheng Yu's heart tight again was that at this time there was no guardian of the fairy magic tower, and he was dragged by the ancestor giant bird at this moment, so he could not care about the fairy magic tower at all.

Therefore, at this moment, the fairy demon tower has completely lost its protective umbrella!

I saw the wild ancient ape who had been waiting for a long time suddenly jumped up, raised his huge hands and smashed towards the fairy tower.


With a loud noise, the wild ancient ape struck the tower of the immortal tower stiffly.


Cheng Yu seemed to hear a broken voice and knew that something had happened.


The barbaric giant tiger originally trapped under the immortal tower roared, and the sound was harsh, as if to shatter everything in the world.

"Retreat!" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu quickly hurried the fairy tower back, and then flew towards the Phoenix in an instant.


The fire feather and fire phoenix were taken away with the mountain and river map, and then one fled away.

The whole process is clean and neat without any hesitation.

Because Cheng Yu already knew that the blow from the ancient great ape had already hurt the town soul. Without the soul, it is impossible to suppress these four ancient monsters by relying on them alone.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Cheng Yu ran with the fairy tower and two flying beasts.

What's more, the fire phoenix was also injured at this time, he is not the kind of person who does not even care about his partner in order to achieve his purpose.

Although Fire Phoenix is ​​only an beast, it is not his magic pet. However, Huofeng also followed him for so many years. If he needed help, Huofeng also helped him, so he saved his life.

Now that Fire Phoenix is ​​also injured to help him suppress the ancient monsters, how could he leave the fire Phoenix, and perhaps let the fire Phoenix fight to death and fight with the ancient monsters?

However, although Cheng Yu was determined to flee, these wild beasts managed to disrupt Cheng Yu's lineup, leaving him no way to restrain everyone, how could he let them escape so easily?

So the four ancient monsters chased after everything.

In particular, the wild giant tiger was just trapped by the fairy tower. Although he was struggling in it, he never escaped.

Now even with insufficient energy, the anger inside it has already covered everything. In any case, Cheng Yu must be seized, and this human cannot be escaped.


Four huge figures flashed quickly, overwhelming the large trees, but this did not affect their pursuit of Cheng Yu.

"These guys are really persevering. They are chasing so tightly. I'm afraid I have to catch up with them before they can wait for the world." Cheng Yu looked back and saw four wild monsters chasing so tightly, Anxious.

Chasing down in this way, he couldn't get rid of these guys at all.

You know, they used to be so far apart for a few days and nights, and they didn't get rid of them, let alone so close.

"Do you want to release the **** tree?" Cheng Yu thought.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is impossible to solve these shadows behind the tree except the **** tree.

"This place is barren and smoky. Presumably there will be no other people. If God Tree is used here, no one will know!" Cheng Yu quickly checked around with the ability of a wooden empty mirror and felt that this place should be It is safer.

He didn't have much energy to recover. In order to cover the soul, he had to fight early.

No matter how calm the soul and the phoenix were, they simply couldn't face it anymore.

And these guys are chasing after him, and he can't control so much. Since this place is safe, it doesn't matter if the **** tree is used.


Regardless of 37, 21, Cheng Yu suddenly released the **** tree.

The faint green light shone on the Quartet, turning the entire area into faint green.

However, what made Cheng Yu puzzled was that when this **** tree appeared, he hadn't waited for it to move. The four ancient monsters looked at the **** tree first, and then they struck the **** tree directly. Before.

"What's going on?" Cheng Yu was puzzled.

"The Divine Tree used to be the holy thing of the entire holy city, and it also represents the divine supreme power and prestige of the Holy God. In that era, the world ’s souls will come to the pilgrimage to worship the Divine Tree, hoping to use the power of the Divine Tree to obtain sacredness. the power of.

These four ancient beasts are ancient beasts, and at that time there was a holy city.

Maybe these four wild beasts once visited the **** tree of the year, so it is not surprising to see the **** tree again and kneel down to worship. "Zhenhun explained.

"That's it, Zhenhun, are you okay?" Cheng Yu nodded, but was more worried about Zhenhun's injury.

Although they usually tease each other, when Cheng Yu really saw Zhenhun being injured, she was particularly worried.

Although Zhenzhen is only an instrumental spirit, in his heart, Zhenzhen is a living person.

Moreover, when he had no friends, Zhenhun always stayed with him and helped him too much in the process.

At the time, Zhenzhen was in deep sleep to save him. He was horrified by the ancient giant ape just now. Of course he was worried that Zhenyun would not be able to hold it.

"I'm fine, but I may need to rest for a while!" Zhenhun said.

"Aren't you going to fall asleep again?" Cheng Yu was surprised.

"That's not necessary, just a normal rest!"

"That's good, you're scared to death, thought you were going to sleep again!"

"Are you worried about me, or do you think I can't help you after I've fallen asleep?" Zhenhun said without understanding.

"Of course I am worried about you. Is Cheng Yu such a snobbish person?" Cheng Yu said angrily.

"Who knows? Then, when I wake up, don't you just dominate me as a slave?" Zhen Zhen said disdainfully.

"No? Zhenzhen, I have always regarded you as a good brother and treated like a loved one, but you think of me so much?" Cheng Yu dissatisfied.

"Don't put gold on your face, I don't believe it anyway!" Zhenhun was indifferent at all.

"Zhenhun, you're so disappointed. Although I do ask you for help often, isn't it because I treat you as a loved one?

If I change someone else, I won't ask him at all! You say that I treat you as a slave. You are not hurting my heart anymore, you are just cutting my heart! Cheng Yu covered her heart, as if her heart was really bleeding.

"Come on! According to you, you can ask me for help if you are fine. I have to thank you?" Zhenhun despised.

"Thanks, don't need it, aren't we also mutually beneficial? If I have an accident, who can rebuild the holy city? Right?

In fact, we are all for the Holy City, plus our relationship with the Holy City, what are we not relatives?

Originally you were the instrumental soul of the Old Lord ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ Now it is my instrumental soul, this is the fate! "Cheng Yu said.

"Okay, I won't chew with you here, I'm going to rest, if you can't die, don't call me anymore. And even if you call me, I won't come out!" Zhenhun As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yu felt that the whole mind was quiet.

"Hey! Zhenhun! You just disappeared? Are you really all right? Don't lie to me!" Cheng Yu said loudly to Zhenhun.


But there was no more voice in the brain.

This made Cheng Yu even more worried. He didn't know whether Zhenhun was lying to him deliberately or was it just a normal rest. He couldn't show him anyway.

Looking at the fairy tower, he found that there was no damage to the fairy tower!

"If you're okay, remember to yell at me!" I don't know if Zhenhun can hear it, but Cheng Yu still shouted at the suppression!

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