Godly Student

Chapter 4027: The idea is scary!

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"How to use this token to enter the Baiyang foreign dynasty?" Cheng Yu then asked.

"There are two entrances and exits in the Baiyang Facade, which are located in the southeast and northwest directions of Shilin. In both places, there is a mark corresponding to this pass.

As long as the pass token is put on, the mountain gate outside Baiyang will appear. "Deacon Xue said.

"How many people are there in the Baiyang dynasty?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It depends on how the master Cheng understands. Baiyang's foreign dynasty controlled a total of 264 cities. For the entire dynasty, such power was not too great, but it was not too small.

As far as the Baiyang Waizong gate is concerned, it is about 800,000. However, this is not all the forces in Baiyang's outer dynasties. In the border cities with other foreign dynasties, it is the place where major foreign dynasties deploy heavy troops.

Bai Yang had at least one million troops in these border cities. More importantly, the one million heavy soldiers in Border Town are stronger than the 800,000 troops in Zongmen.

Because these people may go to war at any time, and many people in Zongmen basically do not go to war, they just serve and guard Zongmen.

Of course, this does not mean that Zongmen will be weaker than Border Town. Because the real masters of the entire outward dynasty are basically still in the Zongmen. Mr. Xue did not conceal this time, but said it in great detail.

Cheng Yu frowned, apparently did not expect that a small Bai Yang dynasty also had such a huge force.

At that time, he caused several major foreign wars on the shores of the East China Sea. Although that war lasted three years, how many people participated in these wars was unknown to Cheng Yu.

Now I heard that just a small Baiyang foreign dynasty has this strength. No wonder several foreign dynasties lasted three years.

I have to say that in Cheng Yu's mind, he really underestimated the power of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

However, this did not affect his determination to swallow Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

On the contrary, the more powerful the dynasty was beyond his imagination, the more he could inspire the fighting spirit in his heart.

"Then you know how many troops are deployed in these border towns?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I can't know. I was just a deacon in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, and it was nothing at all. Moreover, the matter in the border town was handled by Baiyang, which is not what I can participate in!" He shook his head.

"How much more powerful than you are in Baiyang?" Cheng Yu asked.

The border city is a heavy city, which is why every foreign dynasty will station heavy soldiers. Naturally, it is unlikely that everyone will know the situation of the border city.

So Deacon Xue said that he didn't know these situations, and Cheng Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"It's also difficult for me to tell you clearly. You also know that not everyone will show their strength.

But as long as I am in Baiyang, the strength above me is not less than 50,000! In addition, there is a very mysterious team beside the foreign king Bai Yang, this team is called shadow kill. "Mr. Xue said.

Although he was brought up to Bai Yang to cultivate and grow up, this does not mean that he will fight against everyone. And those masters are unlikely to know everyone's strength.

"Oh? Then you know how many people there is in this team called Shadow Kill, and how strong is each of them?" Cheng Yu was actually interested by the other party.

"Strong, this is the only news I know about them. These people are too mysterious, like the shadow of Bai Yang, who protects him every day.

As everyone who was killed in the shadows was covered, I never even saw their true face. Deacon Xue explained.

"Then how do you think they compare to me?"

"The strength of Cheng Jiazhu is unfathomable. In terms of personal strength, none of these people will be his opponent.

But the number of shadow killers has the upper hand, so if the Cheng family owner really meets these people, it is really hard to say how strong and weak! Deacon Xue thought for a while and said.

"Wang Baiyang should be the strongest person in your Baiyang dynasty, right?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Before he had never seen the movie killer, he really did not estimate the strength of the opponent. Perhaps the surname Xue just wants to scare himself.

But it is also very likely to be true.

No matter what, these have already caught his attention.

At least he knew that there was such a mysterious team protecting Baiyang's foreign dynasty outside the Baiyang dynasty.

In fact, without too much explanation of the surname Xue, being able to be selected as a member of the shadow killing has already shown that these people are quite powerful.

Perhaps for the entire Baiyang dynasty, these people are the most powerful of all the people except Baiyang.

Otherwise, why should they protect their princes!

"I've never actually seen a foreign king take a shot, but judging from the looming momentum he showed, his strength is also extremely profound.

As for whether it is stronger or weaker than Cheng's owner, maybe only Cheng's own owner has tried it before. Deacon Xue shook his head again.

It is not that he does not want to say that in order to survive, he is willing to tell Cheng Yu what he knows.

But what Cheng Yu wanted to know was actually a very important thing for Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, but he was just a deacon.

It can be said that among the hundreds of thousands of people in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, there are simply as many cattle as deacons.

Therefore, the core information of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty that he can understand is quite limited.

However, he felt that the news was enough for Cheng Yu.

At least Cheng Yu now has a general understanding of Baiyang's foreign dynasty. If he really wants to annex Baiyang's foreign dynasty, this is enough for him to compare his strength.

But he did not believe that Cheng Yu would actually annex Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

Not to mention that the disciples of the Cheng family are not as good as Bai Yang's foreign dynasties. At least in terms of numbers, the Cheng family has completely lost.

"In that case, do you have any more important news for me?" Cheng Yu nodded and asked.

"I have told you the important news!" Deacon Xue said.

"If only people above the deacon's status have such a pass token, then they have a record of each person's identity or something else?" Cheng Yu saw that Deacon Xue said almost, so he started asking questions Already.

"No, because people in the Baiyang dynasty were all raised from looking for talented children from their jurisdiction, so for us, there is no concept of our own family, and we do n’t even know where our family is .

Therefore, the outer dynasty of Baiyang is our home. In this respect, the outer dynasty will not restrict us too much.

Moreover, because of the passage of tokens, if there is no permission from the foreign court, they will not leave the foreign court at will.

Those who can leave the foreign dynasty are either those with status or those with tasks. These people are naturally more trusted people in the foreign dynasty, so there will be no restrictions on everyone.

However, although not everyone has a pass token, everyone also has an identity token. With this token, you can prove your identity as a dynasty. Deacon Xue explained as he took out his identity token.

"That is to say, they also have a token like this?" Cheng Yu took the token, which is different from the previous pass token.

On the pass token, one side is engraved with a sun, and the other side is written with the word "pass".

Although this token is also engraved with a sun on one side, it is engraved with an eagle pattern on the other.

"Yes! Show your identity token to Master Cheng!" Deacon Xue said to the others.

"Yes!" Those people hurriedly took out their identity tokens.

Cheng Yu randomly picked up a few tokens and found that their tokens were the same except for the color of Deacon Xue.

"The identity tokens of ordinary people in the foreign dynasty are all white, and the deacon is a light green like me. Brother Brother Song is my deacon, so his identity token is dark green!" Deacon Xue Seeming to see Cheng Yu's doubts, he took the initiative to explain.

"Is there anything particular about the pattern behind this?"

"The pattern represents our affiliation in the Baiyang foreign dynasty. The Baiyang foreign dynasty is divided into a total of eight sects. The eagle represents us as a person directly belonging to the Baiyang foreign king. They are bear, tiger, snake, bamboo, plum, thunder, and fire, which also represent the seven elders of the Baiyang dynasty.

Each of us has his or her own identity. As long as others see the pattern on our token, they will know who we belong to.

And by looking at the color of the token, we know our identity in this group! Deacon Xue explained again.

"Then if I enter Baiyang's foreign dynasty with such an identity token, will it be seen through?" Cheng Yu nodded, and this guy really wasn't honest enough.

If he didn't bring it up by himself ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ this guy would not explain to him.

If so, hurriedly rushed to Baiyang outside, wouldn't it be exposed all at once?

"Under normal circumstances, it should not be seen. But if caught, he may ask some questions at that time. If he cannot answer these questions, it will be difficult to say!" Dean Xue said with a heart shock.

This Cheng Yu is really bold, he even wanted to break into Baiyang's foreign dynasty. Is he really planning to annex Baiyang's foreign dynasty?

"What if you took us?" Cheng Yu continued to ask.

"Me?" Deacon Xue was suddenly stunned, which really scared him.

Compared to Cheng Yu's attempt to break into Baiyang's foreign dynasty, Cheng Yu's idea is simply too scary.

Cheng Yu clearly wants to pull him into the water!

"Yes, if you take us in, will it be seen through?" Cheng Yu asked, staring at each other's eyes.

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