Godly Student

Chapter 4028: Decided!

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"This!" Deacon Xue hesitated.

Because at this moment, his heart is very tangled and complicated.

This may be an opportunity for him to return to Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, but he may also be killed because of this, so he is hesitating.

If he answered yes, then Cheng Yu would definitely take him to Baiyang's foreign dynasty. It would be hard to say whether it was life or death.

With good luck, he will be saved. With bad luck, he will die outside of Bai Yang.

If he can't answer, according to what Cheng Yu has promised them now, he will be imprisoned in Cheng's house, but his life is guaranteed.

For Deacon Xue today, this is indeed a dilemma.

"What? Any questions?" Cheng Yu asked, seeing the other party stuttering.

"This may be all right?" Deacon Xue said with some hesitation.

"Are you worried about yourself, or are you worried about me?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Of course this is because I am worried about the safety of Mr. Cheng. I just said so much to Mr. Cheng, and it must be that Mr. Cheng has a general understanding of Bai Yang's foreign affairs in his heart.

Although it is simple, it is enough to see the power of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. Moreover, Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is far more than that simple.

Therefore, it is too dangerous for Master Cheng to do so. Deacon Xue thought for a while, and felt that it was more appropriate to persuade Cheng Yu to retire.

As long as Cheng Yu doesn't want to annex Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, then naturally there is no need to pull him into Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, right?

Perhaps it is more reliable to save his life in the Cheng family.

"That being said, I really want to thank you for your care. However, don't you really want to return to Bai Yang's foreign dynasty? I will give you such a chance now.

In addition, apart from your deacon and deacon, what other status does Bai Yang have? What color are those identity tokens? Cheng Yu smiled lightly, and he didn't take his care of Deacon Xue at all.

He wouldn't believe that this guy would really care about him. He must have said his own concerns when he said that.

As for giving up the annexation of Bai Yang, it is even more impossible.

Now the dynasty is paying more and more attention to him, and he has repeatedly sent experts to deal with him.

If he just sits and waits to die like this is not the answer, he must find a way to fight back.

He didn't know it before, but now he knows that it originally belonged to Bai Yang's control.

An outer dynasty controls at least a hundred cities, and at most it controls hundreds or thousands of cities, so the area of ​​an outer dynasty is huge.

That is to say, even if there are two adjacent foreign dynasties, the ancestral gates of the two foreign dynasties are very far apart. This has been seen in the great battles of several foreign dynasties in the East China Sea.

Now that he knows the existence of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, if he quietly controlled Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, other foreign dynasties would not necessarily find it.

Even if they found out that they were so far apart, sending troops would not be easy.

Moreover, he had already arranged 10,000 bone warriors outside, and now this 10,000 bone warriors are believed to keep the dynasty busy!

So even if those foreign dynasties or dynasties knew that the Baiyang foreign dynasty had fallen, they might not have enough energy to deal with them.

Of course, Cheng Yu will not be so stupid, and now will never let the news be revealed. Even if he were going to annex Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, he would certainly hide his identity, and would never use his current identity to annex it.

As a result, Cheng's risk has been reduced once again.

"In addition to the ordinary white and the light green and dark green of the deacon, there are blue to protect the law, purple to the master, and red to the elders.

The protection methods are divided into large and small protection methods, the small protection method is light blue, and the large protection method is dark blue. The host is divided into main and vice, the main host is dark purple, and the main host is lavender.

As for the elders, they are a bit special.

The seven principal elders have no tokens, because they are the leaders of each sect. Although there are only seven principal elders, the status of the foreign king is dignified, so all matters of the affiliation of the foreign king are assigned to a governing elder.

The elders of the board of directors are also the most distinguished elders besides all the seven main elders, but they have identity tokens, and their identity tokens are blood red.

As for the identity tokens of other elders, they are all pale red.

However, due to the faction of the foreign king, the elder of the board of directors was given to him, but the power of this board of directors and elders is almost equal to that of the other seven chief elders.

Therefore, all the people in the Baiyang dynasty knew that this director elder was actually the eighth principal elder, but he did not have a formal identity. Deacon Xue explained.

"What's the name of this director elder?" Cheng Yu asked.


"Coldness!" Cheng Yu nodded slightly, he had to remember the name, maybe it was useful.

"Let's also say the names of the other seven principal elders?" Cheng Yu then asked.

Since we are going to sneak into Baiyang's foreign dynasty, although we may not meet these people, we must first understand the situation. In the event of an unexpected situation, at least we already know it.

"Elder Luo Yi, second elder Zhuang Min, three elders Gao Ruyuan, four elders Rocoya, five elders Wuli, six elders Wei Chenfei, seven elders are in danger!" Deacon Xue said honestly.

"These four elders and seven elders are women?" Cheng Yu frowned.


"Then what's your Baiyang Waichao's name?"

"I don't know the name of the foreign king. It should be outside Baiyang. No one dared to call the name of the foreign king!" Deacon Xue shook his head.

"Since your foreign king and these seven principal elders have their own affiliations, is it true that you Baiyun's foreign dynasty is divided by these eight people?" Cheng Yu wondered.

"The seven principal elders naturally assisted the foreign king to take charge of the entire Baiyang foreign dynasty, but of course the most distinguished foreign dynasty is of course the foreign king.

Although there are eight major sects in the foreign dynasty, and seven principals and elders in charge of the other seven sects, it must be said that these seven principals and elders naturally obey the foreign king.

Therefore, after the foreign king handed over the affairs of his genus to Elder Leng, it was equivalent to the leaders of the eight major genres having to listen to the foreign king alone.

It is just that if no major event occurs, the foreign king will hardly interfere in the affairs of the other seven sects. Deacon Xue explained.

"Yeah!" Cheng Yu nodded, which is reasonable.

Otherwise, with so many factions, wouldn't it be a long time for a large force to be in chaos?

"Does the Lord Cheng have anything else to ask?" Deacon Xue seemed relieved when he saw Cheng Yu's answer to himself.

"Since you know so much, why don't I ask you but don't say it!" Cheng Yu said with some dissatisfaction.

This guy is really too dishonest. Before asking him if there was any important news to say, he said no.

But when he asked, he asked so much important news.

"The Cheng family is angry, not because I don't want to say it, but you don't ask me and don't know what I should say." Deacon Xue was so tense that he never thought that Cheng Yu would even care about this with him.

But in fact he really didn't know what he should say, but when Cheng Yu asked, he got the point.

"Okay, I don't care about you so much. Now that you are going to annex Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, you definitely need your help, and then you will show the way!" Cheng Yu waved his hand.

If he really wanted to fight this guy, he would have killed him directly.

But he knew what was the Lord and what was the second.

"Master Cheng, do you really want to go to Baiyang?" Deacon Xue said helplessly.

He really couldn't understand why Cheng Yu was so persistent. If he changed another person and knew that Bai Yang would deal with him, he was afraid that he would have been scared to death, so he had to find another place for Zongmen.

But Cheng Yu has to go the other way, not only does not flee, but also takes the initiative to go to Baiyang's foreign dynasty. Isn't this to death?

Moreover, he has made clear the situation of Baiyang's foreign dynasty. In such a large and rigorous Baiyang foreign dynasty, if Cheng Yu went to Baiyang's foreign dynasty, he would simply seek his own way.

"Do you think I asked you so much just to hear the story?" Cheng Yu sneered.

"Then what did the master Cheng intend to let me do?" Deacon Xue nervous.

Now that we can't escape, we can only face it. I just hope Cheng Yu doesn't embarrass him too much, otherwise he really has no place to die.

You know, the dynasty hated the betrayer most.

If you let Foreign King Bai Yang know that he has become a traitor, you don't have to think about it, it will be miserable.

"Although you have told me a lot about the situation of Baiyang's foreign dynasty, but really entered Baiyang's foreign dynasty, what will happen inside it is difficult to say clearly.

Moreover, what you have told me may not be the truth. In case you lie to me, wouldn't I run into it?

Furthermore, we don't know anything about the place inside Baiyang's outer dynasty ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ So you must go in with us, so that we will know which places can't go and which cannot.

How can we stay safe without you? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Then you are not afraid that I will expose you after I enter Baiyang's foreign dynasty?" Deacon Xue asked.

"Of course I'm afraid, so all of you will stay with me. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I have a way to prevent you from doing that!" Cheng Yu's mouth bent slightly.

"What way?" Deacon Xue suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Rest assured that you will understand by then, you will have a good rest here these days! When I am ready for the manpower, we will go to the Baiyang foreign dynasty!" Cheng Yu said without asking Deacon Xue again Chance, with Hu Sihai left.

"Deacon, do you really want to take Cheng Yu to Baiyang's foreign dynasty?" When Cheng Yu left, the others gathered around and asked worriedly.

Cheng Yu has just said that they will always be left here, naturally unwilling.

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